パネル盤 捜し出すs more answers from Twitter as India 準備するs for 選挙s

By Nigam Prusty and Sankalp Phartiyal

NEW DELHI/MUMBAI, Feb 25 (Reuters) - An Indian 議会の パネル盤 gave Twitter Inc 10 days to とじ込み/提出する written answers to its questions after 会合 on Monday with a 上級の company officer, part of India's scrutiny of social マスコミ content as it 準備するs for 選挙s this year.

Speaking after the 委員会 on (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) 科学(工学)技術 met with Colin Crowell, Twitter's 全世界の 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 of public 政策, パネル盤 chairman Anurag Thakur said Crowell and his team had been unable to reply to some questions.

He did not (a)手の込んだ/(v)詳述する but said, "We have given them 10 days time to reply in 令状ing."

Twitter has also been asked to engage more with India's 選挙 (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 to 確実にする the 選挙, which is 予定 by May, is held in a 解放する/自由な and fair manner, said Thakur, a 国会議員 from 総理大臣 Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party. He did not give more 詳細(に述べる)s.

によれば a source, who 拒絶する/低下するd to be 指名するd, Twitter was asked to 従う 速く with any requests from the 選挙 (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 関係のある to 問題/発行するs such as hate speech or defamatory content on its 壇・綱領・公約.

The company was asked to 任命する an officer to 解決する such requests, and Twitter 保証するd the パネル盤 it would do so, said the source, who has direct knowledge of the パネル盤's discussions.

The company was also told to 規模 up its 機械装置 to 是正する grievances, the person said.

Twitter 拒絶する/低下するd to comment.

India, one of the world's biggest internet markets, 提案するd 支配するs in late December that would 強要する 壇・綱領・公約s such as Facebook, its WhatsApp messenger service and Twitter to 除去する within 24 hours unlawful content, such as anything that 影響する/感情s the "主権,独立 and 正直さ of India."

The 提案s are under consideration by the 科学(工学)技術 省 and have not yet been 会社/堅いd up into a 法律.

Twitter and other social マスコミ 会社/堅いs have 精密検査するd 政策s to 上げる transparency ahead of the genera l 選挙 and rein in misinformation.

The 議会の パネル盤 is 予定 hear from 代表者/国会議員s of social マスコミ 巨大(な) Facebook Inc, its messaging services WhatsApp and photo-株ing app Instagram on March 6.

Joel Kaplan, Facebook Inc's 全世界の 長,率いる of public 政策, will 代表する the company and its 部隊s, Facebook said in a 声明.

Facebook India 長,率いる Ajit Mohan and the 地元の public 政策 長,率いる will also …に出席する the 会合, it 追加するd. (報告(する)/憶測ing by Nigam Prusty and Sankalp Phartiyal 付加 報告(する)/憶測ing by Aditya Karla Editing by Darren Schuettler and フランs Kerry)

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