製品s that 利益(をあげる) from Pride divide LGBT+ community

By Rachel Savage

LONDON, June 7 (Thomson Reuters 創立/基礎) - 行進者s celebrating LGBT Pride can buy rainbow Mickey Mouse ears, wear festive jock ひもで縛るs and sluice with celebratory mouthwash as companies pile into the party with new 製品s, raising 恐れるs they are 偉業/利用するing 性の preference for 利益(をあげる).

It is a far cry from 1970, year of the first Gay Pride march, when few companies 手配中の,お尋ね者 to associate with an offbeat New York event 行う/開催する/段階d to 示す the 周年記念日 of the Stonewall 暴動s by LGBT+ people 直面するing police brutality.

Fifty years after Stonewall, and companies big and small want a bite of the LGBT+ market, with about 4.5% パーセント of Western 消費者s 説 they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans, many of them young and with a ready 使い捨てできる income.

"I'm 肉親,親類d of torn about it," said Oliver Rieche, a London-based lawyer who co-議長,司会を務めるs Prism, the LGBT+ 網状組織 of 法律 会社/堅い Reed Smith. "Because on the one 手渡す it's good, it gets the word out about Pride, about LGBT stuff.

"But I feel some of the 法人組織の/企業の world has started to ハイジャック(する)... the Pride movement," he said. "I want to see 活動/戦闘 afterwards."

LGBT Pride is celebrated in more than 60 countries every year, mostly in June, with companies creating a host of special 製品s to 示す events stretching from アイスランド to イスラエル.

Swedish furniture retailer IKEA 解放(する)d a rainbow 見解/翻訳/版 of its popular canvas 運送/保菌者 捕らえる、獲得する and Calvin Klein has 56-続けざまに猛撃する ($71) jock ひもで縛るs and boxers in five Pride-主題d colours.

Listerine mouthwash and Absolut vodka are on sale in rainbow 瓶/封じ込めるs and Disney has created rainbow Mickey Mouse ears.

While some 行動主義者s welcome the rising 法人組織の/企業の 利益/興味, others worry it is pink-washing - using gay-friendly means to a profitable end - and say the 悪賢い marketing is just that.

"存在 an 同盟(する) is first about showing up, and then 存在 active," said Jeff Ingold, 長,率いる of マスコミ 約束/交戦 at LGBT+ 権利s group S tonewall UK. "So it's important that organisations' support goes deeper than visibility and shows a real かかわり合い to the LGBT community."


Stonewall and its U.S. 相当するもの Human 権利s (選挙などの)運動をする want companies that 非難する the rainbow logo on their 製品s to commit to greater LGBT+ 権利s in the workplace if they are to cash in on the perceived マリファナ of gold.

Both 解放(する) 最高位のs of how 会社/堅いs 手段 up when it comes to support for gay, bi and trans staff and for LGBT+ 原因(となる)s. And everyone agrees there are plenty of 'pink' 利益(をあげる)s to be had.

More than three-4半期/4分の1s of LGBT+ Americans think "companies that support LGBTQ equality will get more of my 商売/仕事", によれば a 2018 調査する by Community Marketing & Insights.

Almost 30% of U.S. 消費者s shown an advert featuring LGBT+ content felt more 肯定的な about the brand, while only a fifth felt more 消極的な and 42% were 中立の, によれば a 2018 熟考する/考慮する by market 研究 会社/堅い FocusVision.

This 明らかな 傾向 has not passed companies by.

To 同時に起こる/一致する with sponsoring Pride in London, Budweiser's British arm 解放(する)d beer cups in the colours of nine different Pride 旗s, 含むing asexual, intersex and 非,不,無-binary.

The brewer, which also 寄付するd money to nine LGBT+ charities, attracted 批評 online from people 説 it should stay out of "politics". Others said 宣伝の cups would do nothing to 演説(する)/住所 anti-LGBT+ 差別.

High-street 蓄える/店 示すs and Spencer tweaked its popular BLT (bacon, lettuce and tomato) 挟む to create a special lettuce (L), guacamole (G), bacon (B) and tomato (T) 挟む for the month, the second year running it has 示すd Pride with a 軽食.

The move was welcomed by LGBT+ charity the Albert Kennedy 信用 (AKT) for helping bring 除外するd people - such as the young homeless Britons it helps - into mainstream life.

"明白な allyship... can make a real difference to young LGBTQ+ people, like the ones we support, who often expe rience 拒絶 from families for 簡単に 存在 who they are," said Carrie Reiners, director of fundraising at AKT, which received a 10,000-続けざまに猛撃する ($12,700) 寄付 from the retailer.

But many LGBT+ people took to social マスコミ to complain about their 身元s 存在 equated to 挟む 成分s.

Some questioned why M&S, which made 523.2 million 続けざまに猛撃するs in 税込みの 利益(をあげる) before one off items in the year to March 2019, could not have 寄付するd more.

"Compared to M&S' 利益(をあげる) 利ざやs, that's not even a 一連の会議、交渉/完成するing error," said Ashleigh Talbot, a 選挙運動者 on trans 問題/発行するs based in the northern English city of Manchester.

"If you really want to stand up and support LGBT 青年 homelessness, you need to do it all the time and not just in June," Talbot told the Thomson Reuters 創立/基礎

An M&S spokeswoman said 内部の LGBT+ 網状組織s "had 早期に sight of the 挟む" and were supportive, 追加するing that total "community 寄付s" topped 13.6 million 続けざまに猛撃するs last year.


Walking the LGBT+ tightrope is a highwire 行為/法令/行動する for many 全世界の brands who want to balance the needs of markets whose 消費者s 需要・要求する open 法人組織の/企業の 団結 with those where 存在 gay, bi or trans is 議論の的になる or criminalised.

Fashion 巨大(な) H&M is treading one such 罰金 line.

Its 'Love For All' Pride 着せる/賦与するing collection is not 存在 sold in おもに-イスラム教徒 Malaysia, where gay sex is 罰せられるべき by up to 20 years in 刑務所,拘置所.

Nor is it 利用できる in 20 of H&M's 72 markets, 含むing its websites in Kuwait, the 部隊d Arab 首長国s and Saudi Arabia, all of which 禁止(する) same-sex relations.

"H&M is 井戸/弁護士席 rooted in its values and everybody's equal 権利s and 適切な時期s," a spokeswoman said in an email.

"But the 決定/判定勝ち(する) to 在庫/株 a 明確な/細部 collection in any market is based on 商業の ground, where we see that we have a 需要・要求する for the 製品s."

Ten パーセント of the sales price of the 着せる/賦与するing - which 含むs a t-shirt w ith the スローガン "Everybody is 解放する/自由な to love" and sequinned 刈る 最高の,を越すs - is 存在 寄付するd to a 国際連合 (選挙などの)運動をする for LGBT+ 権利s.

"Do we wish the collection was 利用できる in all 72 countries? Yes, of course," said a spokeswoman for the 'UN 解放する/自由な & Equal (選挙などの)運動をする'.

"But the fact it is 存在 申し込む/申し出d in almost three-4半期/4分の1s of their 全世界の market is a 重要な 業績/成就."

商売/仕事, after all, is 商売/仕事 - whatever the 見通し of those at the 最高の,を越す and however hard a company tries to please.

"The gay man part of me wants them to 支持する fully and with 十分な 軍隊 in every market around the world," said Ian Johnson, the 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of OutNow, a consultancy that 作品 with 商売/仕事s on LGBT+ 問題/発行するs.

"The realist or pragmatist within me 認めるs the support that we can see from 同盟(する)s in those places where they feel able to 押し進める." ($1 = 0.7877 続けざまに猛撃するs) (報告(する)/憶測ing by Rachel Savage @rachelmsavage; Editing by Lyndsay Griffiths. Please credit the Thomson Reuters 創立/基礎, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers 人道的な news, women's and LGBT+ 権利s, human trafficking, 所有物/資産/財産 権利s, and 気候 change. Visit http://news.信用.org)

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