Italian 上院 支援するs train link with フラン, 広げるing 連合 不和

By Giuseppe Fonte

ROME, Aug 7 (Reuters) - The Italian 上院 on Wednesday 拒絶するd a 動議 by one of the 判決,裁定 連合 parties, the 5-星/主役にする Movement, to 封鎖する an alpine rail link with フラン, 覆うing the way for the long-contested 事業/計画(する) to continue.

The planned line, meant to connect the Italian city of Turin with Lyon in フラン, 含むs a 58-km (36-mile) tunnel through the アルプス山脈. It is ひどく …に反対するd by 5-星/主役にする but supported by its 連合 partner, the 右翼 League, and by most other parties in 議会.

The upper house of 議会 拒絶するd the 5-星/主役にする's 動議 by 181 投票(する)s to 110.

The 5-星/主役にする Movement is the largest party in 議会 but it was outvoted by the 連合させるd 軍隊s of the League and 野党s from the left and 権利.

A その後の 動議 by the 対立 Democratic Party, in favour of the TAV, was passed by 180 投票(する)s to 109.

総理大臣 Giuseppe Conte said last month that new 財政上の 申し込む/申し出s from the European Union and フラン had made the 組織/基盤/下部構造, known as the TAV, いっそう少なく 高くつく/犠牲の大きい for Italy, and it would now cost more to 封鎖する it than to 完全にする it.

Italy then wrote to the European Union 誓約(する)ing to go ahead with it, によれば the European 議会 大統領,/社長 David Sassoli.

The TAV, which has been 繰り返して held up by 抗議するs and bottlenecks since it was first planned some 30 years ago, is の中で a raft of 問題/発行するs that have divided the League and 5-星/主役にする in 最近の months, as the two parties have squabbled incessantly.

5-星/主役にする says tunnelling through the アルプス山脈 傷つけるs the 環境 and the 事業/計画(する) is a waste of money that would be better spent on 昇格ing Italy's 存在するing 輸送(する) 網状組織.

The League says it will create 職業s and 促進する growth, and 転換ing freight from road to rail is environmentally friendly.

League leader Matteo Salvini said on Tuesday that 緊張s with 5-星/主役にする meant the 政府 could soon 崩壊(する), and the parlia mentary 審議 ahead of the 上院 投票(する) exposed the growing 湾 between the two parties.

While 5-星/主役にする has (刑事)被告 the League of disloyalty by forming a 封鎖する with the 対立, the 右翼の人 party said 5-星/主役にする would be to 非難する for any 決裂 in the 連合.

"Those who 投票(する) no today take the political 責任/義務 for the choices which will follow in the coming days and months," said the League's 上院 leader Massimiliano Romeo, in a thinly 隠すd 脅し to bring 負かす/撃墜する the 政府.

Salvini and 5-星/主役にする Leader Luigi Di Maio both left the 上院 after the 投票(する) without speaking to reporters. (令状ing by Gavin Jones; Editing by Stephen Powell)

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