影響力のある aunt of N.Korea's Kim Jong Un makes first public 外見 in six years

By Josh Smith

SEOUL, Jan 26 (Reuters) - The 影響力のある aunt of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un made her first public 外見 in six years, 明言する/公表する マスコミ 報告(する)/憶測d on Sunday, years after her husband was 遂行する/発効させるd in a 粛清する.

Kim Kyong Hui is the sister of former North Korean 独裁者 Kim Jong Il, and took a 主要な 役割 during the first years of 現在の leader Kim Jong Un's 支配する.

She had 大部分は disappeared from public 見解(をとる) since 2013, after Kim Jong Un ordered the 死刑執行 of her husband, Jang Song Thaek, seen as the second most powerful man in the North at the time.

On Sunday, 明言する/公表する マスコミ showed Kim Kyong Hui sitting 近づく Kim Jong Un at a 業績/成果 celebrating the Lunar New Year in Pyongyang.

"Many North Korea 選挙立会人s had assumed that Kim Kyong Hui had gone into 追放する or even killed in the wake of her husband´s death, so to see her pop up by the leader´s 味方する some six years later is certainly a surprise," said Oliver Hotham, managing editor of NK News, a ソウル-based organisation that 監視するs North Korea.

Kim Kyong Hui and her husband were once a 力/強力にする couple that formed a 肉親,親類d of regency in the political world of the North behind its young and 水銀の leader, who 後継するd his father in December 2011.

Kim Kyong Hui's reappearance in a position of prominence 示唆するs she has 保持するd, or at least 回復するd an 影響力のある position behind the scenes, Hotham said, 公式文書,認めるing that 明言する/公表する マスコミ 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d her after North Korea's 名目上の No. 2, Choe Ryong Hae.

"That she´s sitting 権利 next to the leader and is 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d second after Choe Ryong Hae 示唆するs she might have been 認めるd a 重要な new position, 潜在的に advising Kim Jong Un on 経済的な or political 問題/発行するs," he said.

"It´s also a 思い出の品 of how weird and 残虐な North Korea is, after all she´s sitting next to the man who ordered her husband´s 死刑執行."

Kim Jong Un is 直面するing a year of 極度の慎重さを要する international and 国内の poli tics, as denuclearisation 会談 with the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs remain 立ち往生させるd and international 許可/制裁s 制限する North Korea's economy. (報告(する)/憶測ing by Josh Smith; Editing by Michael Perry)

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