Johnny Depp's 名誉き損 事例/患者: The 証拠 so far

LONDON, July 20 (Reuters) - Johnny Depp is 告訴するing the publisher of Britain's Sun newspaper and its (n)役員/(a)執行力のある editor Dan Wootton for 名誉き損 over an article that 述べるd the movie 星/主役にする as a "wife beater".

Depp has given five days of 証言. This week, London's High 法廷,裁判所 will hear from Amber Heard, Depp's ex-wife, who has (刑事)被告 him of 乱用 - an 告訴,告発 he 否定するs.

Here are some of the 詳細(に述べる)s the 法廷,裁判所 heard and background to the 事例/患者:


Depp, 57, and Heard, 34, met on the 始める,決める of the 2011 film "The Rum Diary" and married in February 2015. Heard とじ込み/提出するd for 離婚 after 15 months, and days later 得るd a 抑制するing order against him.

Their 離婚 was finalised in 2017 and the 抑制するing order was 解任するd.


The Sun's lawyers told the 法廷,裁判所 they would show the 主張 in the article was true and that Depp had beaten Heard during violent 激怒(する)s brought on by alcohol or 麻薬s, いつかs when he had 誤って (刑事)被告 her of infidelity.

The 合法的な team says he 強襲,強姦d Heard on at least 14 occasions between 2013-16, 含むing on a 私的な jet and on Depp's 私的な island in the Bahamas.


Depp 拒絶するs all the 主張s that he attacked his wife and says Heard was lying, making up a choreographed hoax as part of an "保険 政策" dossier, and that she had attacked him.

"For the avoidance of any 疑問, I have never 乱用d Ms Heard, or, indeed, any other woman, in my life," Depp said in a written 証言,証人/目撃する 声明.

His 合法的な team argues the article 原因(となる)d serious 害(を与える) to his 評判.


* Sasha Wass, lawyer for the Sun's publisher News Group Newspapers, said the first 強襲,強姦 took place at Heard's home in March 2013.

Wass told the 法廷,裁判所 Depp had become angry and slapped Heard three times when she mocked one of his tattoos which he had changed from "Winona forever" - a 言及/関連 to his former girl friend Winona Ryder - to "Wino forever".

"That's not the 事例/患者, that's untrue. It didn't happen," Depp said. "I don't 解任する any argument about any of my tattoos."

* Wass said Depp 支配するd his ex-wife to a violent three-day ordeal in March 2015 while in Australia filming for the "著作権侵害者s of the Caribbean" series.

Depp 否定するd attacking Heard and said she had thrown a vodka 瓶/封じ込める at him during an argument, 厳しいing the tip of his finger. He said he then 苦しむd "some 種類 of a nervous 決裂/故障".

Depp told the 法廷,裁判所 he daubed graffiti around the house with his own 血 and paint, using his 損失d finger.

* The Sun's lawyer said Depp 強襲,強姦d Heard after she became upset that he had turned up late for her 30th birthday party in April 2016.

Depp said he was late because he had been at a 会合 with his 商売/仕事 経営者/支配人s where he learned he had lost $650 million and 借りがあるd another $100 million in 税金.

He 否定するd 強襲,強姦ing Heard and (刑事)被告 her of attacking him while he was reading in bed.

The day after, a cleaner 設立する faeces in the couple's bed.

"I was 納得させるd it was 行方不明になる Heard herself or one of her cohort 伴う/関わるd in leaving human faeces on the bed," Depp told the 法廷,裁判所. "I thought it was a strangely, oddly fitting end to the 関係."


Cross-診察するd by Wass, Depp agreed he had taken "every 麻薬 known to man" by the age of 14 and said he had a difficult childhood and struggled to come to 条件 with his fame and success.

He had "a terrible 中毒 to nicotine" and was 扶養家族 on Roxicodone, an opioid painkiller until 2014 when he sought to end his 中毒 while in the Bahamas.

He said he used 麻薬s to self-medicate rather than for recreational 目的s and spent $30,000 a month on ワイン.


Depp, softly spoken in the 証言,証人/目撃する box, said he modelled himself as a "Southern Gentleman" who would never strike a woman.

Wass said Depp would turn into an 補欠/交替の/交替する persona which Heard 述べるd as "the monster".

Depp said "the monster" Heard referred to was when he yelled 支援する at her in arguments. "It would become a 叫び声をあげるing match and that was the monster," he said. "It's not Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde."


Depp's former long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 partner Vanessa Paradis and his ex-girlfriend actress Winona Ryder gave 証言,証人/目撃する 声明s 説 he was never violent に向かって them.

"The idea that he is an incredibly violent person is the farthest thing from the Johnny I knew and loved," Ryder's 声明 said. (報告(する)/憶測ing by Michael Holden; editing by Guy Faulconbridge and Andrew Heavens)

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