As war 激怒(する)s, Yemeni girls find strength in kickboxing

SANAA, Sept 10 (Reuters) - At the centre of Yemen's 資本/首都 Sanaa, a city 乱打するd by years of war and months of pandemic, a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 of young girls in red, white and 黒人/ボイコット white uniforms pummel punching 捕らえる、獲得するs and practice self defence.

In the corner a mother looks on in pride as a 女性(の) 指導者 shows her daughter how to 妨害する an 加害者 with a gun.

The girls are all students at Academia gym, a 事業/計画(する) 始める,決める up by 支持する/優勝者 Yemeni kickboxer Seham Amer.

"In Yemeni society, people 恐れる for girls," she said. "Many come to train to learn self-defence, others train for fitness."

Amer 始める,決める up the gym to 権力を与える women and girls in the city in 2015, a year after the Iran-提携させるd Houthi group took over Sanaa and most of north Yemen after 追い出すing the Saudi-支援するd 政府 of 大統領 Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

The Houthis are now engaged in a running 戦う/戦い with a Saudi-led 連合 - a war that has killed more than 100,000 people across Yemen and 減ずるd large parts of the 資本/首都 to がれき.

But the classes have kept going through the fighting, and through the 制限s 課すd to 含む/封じ込める the spread of the coronavirus.

Parts of the programme have even 拡大するd, said Amer, who has won gold and silver メダルs in international kickboxing 競争s, and prizes and 証明書s in other 戦争の arts.

"Before we had a problem with little girls who stop their training by 12 to 14 years as they could not continue with male trainers," she said. "I feel that I have changed that now, older women come to train with me in my gym."

Around 50 women and girls have 調印するd up for kickboxing, karate, kung fu and other programmes.

"The first thing that happened when I started training was that I lost 負わせる, then my self-信用/信任 had a 上げる and my personality got stronger," one of the students, Dhikra, said.

(報告(する)/憶測ing by Abdulrahaman al-Ansi; 令状ing by Aziz El Yaakoubi; Editing by Andrew Heavens)

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