Cellist Yo-Yo Ma 申し込む/申し出s 'Songs of 慰安 and Hope' in 二人組 album

By Alicia Powell

NEW YORK, Dec 9 (Reuters) - Cellist Yo-Yo Ma and ピアニスト Kathryn Stott have teamed up for the third time in "Songs of 慰安 and Hope," 献身的な to all the people who are going through 堅い times around the world.

The album, coming out on Friday, starts by 認めるing the 黒人/ボイコット Lives 事柄 movement with "Ol' Man River."

Other 跡をつけるs 含む "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," "Moscow Nights," "Waltzing Matilda," and the South African lullaby, "Thula Baba."

"All of these songs have 明確な/細部 meaning for people in different places," Ma said, 公式文書,認めるing that the coronavirus pandemic had been a 全世界の experience.

"We're hoping that this is... a way of reaching into people's hearts and memories and ... to 肉親,親類d of go 深い inside and then take us 支援する out again."

In November, Yo-Yo Ma and Stott 成し遂げるd in Taiwan under strict pandemic 制限s he 述べるd as surreal.

"I go straight from the room to the car to backstage to onstage and then go straight 支援する. Yeah, don't see anybody, don't talk to anybody. It's really weird," he said.

"And then you go into a hall, it's like 5,000 seats and people, everybody's in masks and they're sitting together. It's 肉親,親類d of really special."

(報告(する)/憶測ing by Reuters Television; Editing by Richard Chang and Rosalba O'Brien)

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