Read the shocking message a recruiter sent me after a 職業 interview: 'Written by a child'

A man 明らかにする/漏らすd the 'immature' and 'unprofessional' 返答 he received from a recruiter after a 職業 interview where he noticed several glaring red 旗s.

The American 適用するd for a position at a small public relations 会社/堅い in Los Angeles but quickly realised the company was not for him.

He sent an email thanking the interviewer (who would've been his boss) for her time but said he'd be moving on with other work 適切な時期s - only for her to 答える/応じる with a scathing email ridiculing his 技術s and personality.?

'Hey LOL - I 申し込む/申し出d it to someone else this afternoon after you left,' the recruiter said. 'I ended the interview with you 早期に as you were not qualified and did not want to lead you on. So sorry!

'So you know, what I did is interview 議定書 to talk through a 職業 with someone and ask them to go 支援する and see if that is what they want to do.'

A man revealed the 'immature' and 'unprofessional' response he received from a recruiter

A man 明らかにする/漏らすd the 'immature' and 'unprofessional' 返答 he received from a recruiter

The woman went on: 'While interviewing others, it was obvious you were not 権利. I was just 存在 nice. Wish you the best of luck finding your 権利 fit in careers!'

The 初めの email was professional and to the point.

'It was lovely 会合 you this afternoon!' the applicant's email said. 'I 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がる you taking the time to talk with me. For the sake of not wasting your time, I'm just going to follow up now and let you know I don't think I'll be 追求するing the position.

'I wish you the best of luck in a finding a new 候補者, and hope you have a 広大な/多数の/重要な 週末!'

He 明らかにする/漏らすd on Reddit that the bizarre email wasn't the first red 旗.

'She was so crazy, the entire interview she was 絶えず checking her phone and 一般に 存在 incredibly unprofessional and rude に向かって me,' he said.

'I knew almost すぐに it was not a good fit but she 教えるd me 'go home and think about the 職業 and let me know if you're 利益/興味d or not' which I wasn't.

'But I thought it's nice to be nice, so even if I don't want the 職業 I'll send this follow up email, LIKE SHE SUGGESTED I DO - imagine my surprise when I received this reply.'

Many pointed out that the email sounded like an immature person who'd been 拒絶するd.

'It gave me 'you can't break up with me, I'm breaking up with you first!' vibes,' one said.

'Why is she 扱う/治療するing you like you 拒絶するd her after a first date?' another asked.

'This is insanely unprofessional and someone that 反応するs like this shouldn't be in a higher end position with any company,' a man wrote.

'This is definitely someone who struggles with 恐れる of 拒絶. That 雇うing 経営者/支配人 couldn't 扱う 存在 拒絶するd and had to pretend that they 拒絶するd the 候補者 first ーするために 保護する their 壊れやすい ego,' a woman pointed out.

One 株d a 類似の experience with a recruiter.?

'I had a phone interview a few weeks ago. The トン of the interview was pretty 肯定的な up until they asked me if I was interviewing どこかよそで, I was honest and said I had a few interviews coming up and I'm waiting to hear 支援する from some.

'Their トン suddenly switches and they go, 'Okay 井戸/弁護士席 I have a lot of interviews with 可能性のある 候補者s too this week, so you'll hear 支援する from us next week' and then it was 突然の ended.'