BP and 爆撃する keep a watchful 注目する,もくろむ on events in Iraq as 暴力/激しさ continues to 増大する in the 地域

It might feel a tad heartless to 観察する the 悲劇の 暴力/激しさ in Iraq 広げるing and wonder about the 関わりあい/含蓄s for 公正,普通株主権s. But ignoring the 影響s won’t make them go away.

The 上向き 圧力 on oil prices since terror group ISIS began its horrific 不快な/攻撃 has been echoed by even bigger movements in the 株 price of 会社/堅いs with an Iraqi presence.

The two British supermajors with a foot in Iraq are BP and 爆撃する, the former operating the 広大な Rumaila field and the latter developing sister prospect Majnoon.

Prices: The upward pressure on oil prices since terror group ISIS began its horrific offensive has been echoed by even bigger movements in the share price of firms with an Iraqi presence

Prices: The 上向き 圧力 on oil prices since terror group ISIS began its horrific 不快な/攻撃 has been echoed by even bigger movements in the 株 price of 会社/堅いs with an Iraqi presence

Both say their 操作/手術s, in the to-date 平和的な oil-rich south of the country, have been 影響を受けない.

Indeed, both 会社/堅いs have seen their 株 prices climb わずかに since June 10, when the northern city of Mosul was taken over by 交戦的なs, partly on the 支援する of the resulting rise in the cost of Brent 天然のまま.

If Baghdad were to be 侵略(する)/超過(する), that would be a different 事柄, but oil 産業 types are 静かに 希望に満ちた that it won’t come to that.


Jonathan 支持を得ようと努めるd, 戦略の 分析 長,指導者 at 支配(する)/統制する 危険s says: ‘For those 操作者s in southern Iraq and Kurdistan, at the moment those two areas are firewalled against the ISIS 前進する.’

支持を得ようと努めるd’s 査定/評価 on Kurdistan is 利益/興味ing. The 半分-自治権のある 地域 of northern Iraq has its own Peshmerga militiamen, seen as a tougher prospect than the Iraqi army.

The 地域 has also been 平和的な since the 湾 war, 避けるing the terror attacks that have 激しく揺するd major cities in the 残り/休憩(する) of Iraq.

So why is Tony Hayward’s Genel Energy 負かす/撃墜する nearly 6 per cent since Mosul was taken, while 相当するもの Afren is off by the same 量? The answer lies in the proximity of Kurdish oilfields to ISIS activity.

Mosul is about an hour and a half 運動 from the Kurdish 資本/首都 Erbil and ISIS has already shown its appetite to attack oil 施設s.


But 個人として, many in the Kurdish oil game think they may 結局最後にはーなる as 受益者s of the wider Iraqi woe.

Erbil and Baghdad have long been at loggerheads over the 分割 of oil 歳入. As 17 per cent of the Ir aqi 全住民, Kurdistan is supposed to get 17 per cent of Iraqi oil 歳入s and in turn give up 83 per cent of its own to the 資本/首都. That 協定 is on the 激しく揺するs at 現在の but Kurdistan’s 手渡す is 強化するing.

Its pipeline to energy-hungry Turkey is up and running, while a タンカー of Kurdish oil was recently sold, 経由で a 仲買人, to イスラエル.

Three other ships are in the Mediterranean waiting for 買い手s. And yesterday, Iraq’s 最高裁判所 支配するd that Baghdad did not have the 力/強力にする to 妨げる Kurdistan from 調印 輸出(する) 取引,協定s, a major victory for Erbil.

All in all, Kurdistan 推定する/予想するs to 増加する 輸出(する)s from 125,000 バーレル/樽s a day to 400,000 by the end of the year and 1million バーレル/樽s by the end of 2015. That would do away with 経済的な 依存 on Baghdad.

In the 合間, Turkey is 推定する/予想するd to 会合,会う any 不足(高) in the Kurdish 株 of Iraq’s 予算, given the importance of the 地域 as 衝撃を和らげるもの against ISIS.

‘Whatever happens, it’s hard to see how Kurdistan doesn’t 結局最後にはーなる stronger,’ said a 上級の 人物/姿/数字 at one London-名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d player.

That’s good news for Genel, Afren and fellow Kurdistan player 湾 Keystone 石油. All have lucrative 資産s in what Hayward called the ‘last frontier’ of oil 探検, 同様に as strong 関係s with the Kurdish 当局.


At the last of that trio though, something 完全に different is going on. GKP’s 株 were up 10 per cent yesterday, after the 戦う/戦い between 投資家s and 管理/経営 finally (機の)カム to a 結論.

Four directors, パラシュート(で降下する)d in by disgruntled 投資家 M&G, have 後継するd in 追い出すing the 会社/堅い’s brash but charismatic boss Todd Kozel, weeks after the 財政/金融 director packed his 捕らえる、獲得するs.

That has left 仲買人s 推測するing that now is the time for an opportunistic 引き継ぎ/買収 企て,努力,提案 by one of the world’s supermajors.

The likes of Exxon have long been rumoured to be kicking the tyres of GKP and Genel. It would be a 勇敢に立ち向かう time to go ahead, given the 騒動, so GKP may yet find its new boss before the wheels are 始める,決める in 動議.

Chairman Simon Murray was bullish about the 新規採用 過程 in a letter to 投資家s yesterday.
Kozel enjoys 誇るing about the size of GKP’s Shaikan oilfield and he is の近くに to Kurdistan’s oil 大臣 Dr Ashti Hawrami, a 価値のある 関係 to have.

He was also seen as the 権利 man to lead an 探検 company. But what GKP needs now is someone to take the company squarely into the 生産/産物 段階.

If it finds that person, it could be in a position to put governance 関心s b ehind it and get on with the 商売/仕事 of pumping oil.

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