Watergate 人物/姿/数字 tells how Nixon consoled Coretta Scott King after MLK 暗殺 and 遭遇(する)d a ‘抱擁する’ 安全 lapse at funeral when the 勧める who seated Jackie Kennedy turned out to be a man who had just left mental 会・原則

  • Nixon flew to Atlanta after MLK's death to 会合,会う 個人として with Coretta Scott King
  • He had a 'personal 関係' with the Kings, who he met in 1957
  • Former Nixon 補佐官 Dwight Chapin 解任するs the events in his 来たるべき 調書をとる/予約する
  • Nixon also visited King's father, Rev. Dr. ツバメ Luther King, Sr.
  • 補佐官 spotted 勧める at funeral who had 'walked out' of mental hospital
  • The 未来 大統領,/社長 decided he needed to bolt from funeral 行列
  • 補佐官s 設立する a car and basketball 広大な/多数の/重要な Wilt Chamberlain hitched a ride?

Richard Nixon's 1968 trip to Atlanta に引き続いて the 暗殺 of Dr. ツバメ Luther King Jr. 含むd a 私的な visit with the grieving Coretta Scott King, a '抱擁する' 安全 違反 at the funeral service ? and an improvised 出口 after the 大統領,/社長 decided it was time to bolt, によれば a new memoir.

The former 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 and his team spent 'a 重要な 量 of time trying to decide' what he should do after King's death shook the nation, former special assistant Dwight Chapin 解任するs in his new memoir, 'The 大統領's Man.'?

補佐官 Pat Buchanan 焦点(を合わせる)d on the 衝撃 it might have in southern 明言する/公表するs まっただ中に the GOP 予備選挙, where segregationist George Wallace was running and the former 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 was the 前線-走者, によれば a 調書をとる/予約する excerpt 得るd by DailyMail.com, in sketches that 現れるd as the nation 示すd MLK Day on Monday.

The April 1968 visit and funeral (機の)カム 早期に in the GOP 最初の/主要な 過程.??

Nixon had a 'personal 関係' with the King couple, having met them at a?1957 independence 祝賀 in Ghana when Nixon was 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長, 解任するs Chapin, 81, who was 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of lying to a 連邦の 大陪審 during the Watergate 調査(する). He 結局 served nine months in 連邦の 刑務所,拘置所. At the time of King's death he was a personal 補佐官 to Nixon.

President Richard Nixon met privately with Coretta Scott King after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

大統領 Richard Nixon met 個人として with Coretta Scott King after the 暗殺 of Dr. ツバメ Luther King, Jr.

Nixon flew to the King home to 迎える/歓迎する Coretta Scott King, who was 'lying on the bed, fully dressed, propped up by a pillow. There was a 議長,司会を務める next to the bed. Nixon went inside, sat 負かす/撃墜する, and took her 手渡す. “Hello, Coretta,” he said, “I am so sorry . . .”' 令状s Chapin.

Nixon also paid a visit to the home of Rev. Dr. ツバメ Luther King, Sr. 'Other guests seemed surprised to see Nixon arrive. Few people were aware of their 関係. Nixon and Dr. King put their 武器 around each other and embraced,' によれば Chapin.?

'Dwight, get us out of here': Nixon found himself in a long procession headed toward the cemetery after King's funeral. He had told the family he would not b
e attending that event, and peeled out of the line, along with basketball great Wilt Chamberlain

'Dwight, get us out of here': Nixon 設立する himself in a long 行列 長,率いるd toward the 共同墓地 after King's funeral. He had told the family he would not be …に出席するing that event, and peeled out of the line, along with basketball 広大な/多数の/重要な Wilt Chamberlain

Nixon had known the Kings for a decade at the time of MLK's assassination

Nixon had known the Kings for a 10年間 at the time of MLK's 暗殺

Vice President Richard Nixon meets Martin Luther King in 1957

副大統領 Richard Nixon 会合,会うs ツバメ Luther King in 1957

Former Vice President Richard Nixon is surrounded by mourners as he is escorted to Ebenezer Baptist Church for the funeral of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. King asked to be taken out of a burial procession following the funeral, according to former aide Dwight Chapin

Former 副大統領 Richard Nixon is surrounded by 会葬者s as he is 護衛するd to Ebenezer Baptist Church for the funeral of Dr. ツバメ Luther King, Jr. King asked to be taken out of a burial 行列 に引き続いて the funeral, によれば former 補佐官 Dwight Chapin

Nixon flew 支援する a second time for King's funeral, both times catching a ride on the 計画(する) of confidant (頭が)ひょいと動く Abplanalp.

Nixon got a warm welcome when he arrived at the funeral.?

'We walked a half 封鎖する from the car to the 前線 door of the church, where more than a thousand people were gathered. They surrounded us and very 静かに started clapping. It grew into an 予期しない but welcoming soft-clapping ovation, a different feeling from what we had been 推定する/予想するing. I 設立する it incredibly moving,' 令状s Chapin.

Chapin 令状s that he spotted an 'unusual-looking' 勧める at the funeral service whom he would later learn had a 関心ing background.??

The 勧める 護衛するd Nixon to his third-列/漕ぐ/騒動 pew, '直接/まっすぐに in 前線 of Teddy Kennedy,' and also 護衛するd First Lady Jackie Kennedy.???

Chapin spotted the same man at a Nixon rope line in Atlanta weeks later.

Dwight Chapin with Richard Nixon in the Oval Office. Chapin has written a memoir ab
out his time with Nixon. He was convicted of lying to a grand jury probing Watergate

Dwight Chapin with Richard Nixon in the Oval Office. Chapin has written a memoir about his time with Nixon. He was 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of lying to a 大陪審 調査(する)ing Watergate

Chapin's book comes out in February

Chapin's 調書をとる/予約する comes out in February

'I すぐに brought him to the attention of 法案 Duncan, our lead Secret Service スパイ/執行官. It was discovered, I was later told, that the fellow had recently walked out of a mental hospital. This was a 抱擁する lapse in 安全 at the King funeral,' he 令状s.

For all the 好意/親善 Nixon got visiting with the King family and …に出席するing the funeral, the 未来 大統領,/社長 設立する himself in a four-mile 行列 長,率いるing toward t he 共同墓地 that he decided he had to 出口.

Images of the funeral show Nixon jammed in with hundreds of people.?

'We had 以前 told the King family that Nixon would not be …に出席するing the burial,' 解任するs Chapin. 'I was walking along the 味方する of the 行列. Nixon waved me over and whispered, “Dwight, get us out of here.”'

'He knew we were 予定 at the airport and if we didn’t extricate ourselves, we would be walking all the way to the 共同墓地,' he 令状s.

This sent 補佐官s scurrying to arrange a ride. It also caught the attention of basketball 星/主役にする Wilt Chamberlain, who had chatted with Nixon at the service.

'Wilt Chamberlain saw what we were doing. He had heard Nixon say to others nearby, “We need to get to the airport. I need to be in New York,'" 令状s Chapin.

'Can I ride with you?' Chamberlain 問い合わせd. Nixon told him he could.

'We 骨折って進むd through the (人が)群がる that was five or six 列/漕ぐ/騒動s 深い, with people packed at the turn 観察するing the 行列. With Wilt walking with him there was no way that Nixon’s 出発 wasn’t noticed.'

They 位置を示すd the '古代の 黒人/ボイコット Cadillac' that an 補佐官 had 雇うd, with Nixon and the 7-foot-one Chamberlain squeezing into the 支援する seat.?

'You can imagine the look on the driver’s 直面する as he ちらりと見ることd in his rearview mirror and saw Richard Nixon and Wilt Chamberlain in the backseat. He appeared to be dumbfounded, but he got us to the airport,' 令状s Chapin.

The AP ran an image of Nixon getting out of the car in 前線 of King's Ebenezer Baptist Church, and 拒む,否認する on 'felt good about returning for the actual funeral. Maybe he realized it was the 権利 place for a 未来 大統領,/社長 to be.'


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