Let's stop this silent 殺し屋: High 血 圧力 is one of the 主要な 原因(となる)s of cardiovascular 病気, yet millions of us don't know we have it

It's one of England's biggest 殺し屋s, yet millions of us are walking around not knowing that we have a ticking timebomb inside us.

Cardiovascular 病気 (CVD) is 責任がある nearly a 4半期/4分の1 of all deaths in this country every year, yet it's 大部分は preventable. That's because the biggest 原因(となる) of CVD is high 血 圧力, which can be controlled by both 医薬 and lifestyle changes.

The problem is that high 血 圧力 has no symptoms, so around 4 million people in England have no idea theirs is too high. That's why it's 決定的な to have yours checked ? it's the only way to know.

Checks are 利用できる for 解放する/自由な at your GP 外科 and ? if you're over 40 ? at many pharmacies. Workplaces often 申し込む/申し出 実験(する)s and you can buy a 血 圧力 監視する for use at home.


Cardiovascular 病気 is a general 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 for 条件s 影響する/感情ing the heart or 血 大型船s. It's usually associated with a build up of fatty deposits inside the arteries and an 増加するd 危険 of 血 clots. It can also be associated with 損失 to arteries in 組織/臓器s such as the brain, heart, 腎臓s and e yes.

It's most ありふれた in men, older people and those from 民族の 少数,小数派 backgrounds. And while it can be 原因(となる)d by obesity, dietary factors, smoking and high cholesterol, the most serious 危険 factor is high 血 圧力 (hypertension).

In fact, almost half of all deaths from CVD and around 40 per cent of all associated illnesses in this country are 予定 to high 血 圧力.


While anyone can have high 血 圧力, you're more likely to if you're overweight, eat too much salt and not enough fruit and veg, or you don't get enough 演習. Smokers, drinkers, the over-65s and those of 黒人/ボイコット African or Caribbean 降下/家系 are also more likely to be at 危険.

If you sleep 不正に or have a 親族 with high 血 圧力, that also 増加するs your chances, so it's 価値(がある) getting 実験(する)d at least every five years if you're over 40.


A cuff is usually placed around your arm (いつかs your wrist) and inflated until two numbers appear on the machine.

The 最高の,を越す number (called systolic 圧力) is the 軍隊 at which your heart pumps 血 around your 団体/死体 while the 底(に届く) number (diastolic 圧力) is the 抵抗 to the 血 flow in the 血 大型船s.

Ideal 血 圧力 is considered to be between 90/60 and 120/80 (or below 150/90 if you're 老年の over 80). 一方/合間, high 血 圧力 is considered to be 140/90 (150/90 or over if you're 老年の over 80).

However, if you are 手段ing your 血 圧力 at home, it's わずかに different: ideal is below 135/85 for adults 老年の under 80; below 145/85 for adults 老年の 80 and above.

Between 120/80 and 140/90 means that you are at 危険 of developing the 条件 if you don't take preventative 対策.

Next week, we'll be looking at all the different, 平易な ways you can help 減ずる your 血 圧力.


Bettina Wallace, 69, tells people how important it is to go to the GP for their annual health check

Bettina Wallace, 69, tells people how important it is to go to the GP for their 年次の health check

Bettina Wallace, 69, is a retired civil servant who lives in Nottingham. She is married with three grown-up children and five grandchildren.

She says: 'Coming home from work one day with a 同僚, the train was packed ? it was standing room only. Throughout the 旅行 I kept 説, 'I don't feel 井戸/弁護士席', then everything went 黒人/ボイコット and I 崩壊(する)d.

'When I (機の)カム 一連の会議、交渉/完成する, people were talking about calling an 救急車, but I 辞退するd.

'However, I did 調書をとる/予約する an 任命 to see a GP. When I saw him, he 実験(する)d my 血 圧力 and said, 'You've got high 血 圧力.' I said, 'No, I can't have ? I'm fit and healthy.' I was only in my fifties.

'But I did have high 血 圧力, and discovered that there was a link between it and coronary heart 病気, 一打/打撃 and 糖尿病. It is also 流布している in the Afro-Caribbean community.

'Now that I'm on 医薬, my 血 圧力 is stable and doesn't bother me. So I say to people: go to the doctor for your 年次の health check.'


The next time you need a repeat prescription, why not use the NHS App instead of calling your 外科?

? The NHS App is a simple and 安全な・保証する way to 接近 a whole 範囲 of NHS services 同様に as find reliable (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) on hundreds of different 条件s and 治療s.

? With the NHS App you can 見解(をとる) your health (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) and order repeat prescriptions and have them sent to your pharmacy.

? It can be used by anyone 老年の 13 and over, and can also be used to 接近 services for someone you care for.

Get your 血 圧力 実験(する)d. Find out more at nhs.uk

■ This article is part of a paid-for 共同 with HM 政府

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