Stanford 調査/捜査するs 'brazen' anti-Semitic '脅し' after Hitler image and swastikas are left on ユダヤ人の student's door - the third time Nazi symbol has been 設立する on campus in two weeks

Stanford University 公式の/役人s have 開始するd an 調査 after 多重の swastikas and an image of Adolf Hitler were 設立する pinned to a ユダヤ人の student's 寄宿舎 room door.

The images were affixed to a whiteboard on the student's door in its?Florence Moore Hall 住居, in what the university called 'a 特に brazen 脅し to an individual student'. Stanford said they have not yet 決定するd who is 責任がある the 出来事/事件.

In a letter to the school's community published on Saturday, Stanford said: 'the 出来事/事件 could be a 罪,犯罪 given that a 居住(者) of the room identifies as ユダヤ人の and the 場所 of the swastikas may have been selected to 脅迫してさせる the occupant.'

The university said 'Stanford wholeheartedly 拒絶するs anti-Semitism, 人種差別主義, 憎悪, and associated symbols' and 出来事/事件s such as these 'will not be 許容するd'.

The anti-Semitic 出来事/事件 is one of several in 最近の weeks at the Ivy League college, and 提携させるs with an?全体にわたる rise in hate 罪,犯罪s and anti-Semitic attacks across the country.

The university sa
id 'Stanford wholeheartedly rejects anti-Semitism, racism, hatred, and associated symbols'

The university said 'Stanford wholeheartedly 拒絶するs anti-Semitism, 人種差別主義, 憎悪, and associated symbols'

In a letter to the school's community published on Saturday, Stanford said: 'the incident could be a crime given that a resident of the room identifies as Jewish and the location of the swastikas may have been selected to intimidate the occupant.'

In a letter to the school's community published on Saturday, Stanford said: 'the 出来事/事件 could be a 罪,犯罪 given that a 居住(者) of the room identifies as ユダヤ人の and the 場所 of the swastikas may have been selected to 脅迫してさせる the occupant.'

に引き続いて the mos t 最近の 出来事/事件, the university wrote: 'We wish to be (疑いを)晴らす: Stanford wholeheartedly 拒絶するs anti-Semitism, 人種差別主義, 憎悪, and associated symbols, which are reprehensible and will not be 許容するd.'

The university says they have reached out to students 巻き込むd by the 出来事/事件 and the college's ユダヤ人の student community.

'We are 決定するd to identify and 持つ/拘留する accountable the 悪党/犯人,' the university said. They have 勧めるd students with any knowledge of the 出来事/事件 to 接触する the Department of Public Safety.

The school also 地位,任命するd a notice on its 保護するd 身元 害(を与える) 場所/位置 where 出来事/事件s can be 報告(する)/憶測d.

'Purposely 脅迫してさせるing and 脅すing people based on 保護するd 身元s is antithetical to Stanford's values.?

'Anti-Semitism and other 行為/法令/行動するs of hate and intolerance are 容認できない on this campus.'

This follows a 類似の 出来事/事件 at Stanford earlier this month. On March 3, the school said a swastika and the letters 'KKK' were 設立する carved into a 無能にするd bathroom.

Just a week earlier, on February 28, a separate bathroom was 設立する vandalized with swastikas, the N-word, and letters 'KKK'.

Both 出来事/事件s are considered hate 罪,犯罪s in California, the university said. A 悪党/犯人 has not been accounted for in either 出来事/事件.

The university says they have reached out to students implicated by the incident and the college's Jewish student community

The university says they have reached out to students 巻き込むd by the 出来事/事件 and the college's ユダヤ人の student community

Stanford University has also apologized for limiting the admission of Jewish students in the 1950s after a task force commissioned by the school last year found records that show university officials excluded Jewish students

Stanford University has also わびるd for 限界ing the admission of ユダヤ人の students in the 1950s after a 仕事 軍隊 (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d by the school last year 設立する 記録,記録的な/記録するs that show university 公式の/役人s 除外するd ユダヤ人の students

But these 出来事/事件s come after the university was 軍隊d to わびる itself just months ago after it was 設立する to have 限られた/立憲的な the admission of ユダヤ人の students in the 1950s.?

A 仕事 軍隊 (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d by the school 設立する 記録,記録的な/記録するs that show university 公式の/役人s 除外するd ユダヤ人の students for years and later the school 否定するd it occurred.

The 仕事 軍隊 was formed in January 2022 and 問題/発行するd a 報告(する)/憶測 last month 確認するing 主張s that the school had admissions 割当s for ユダヤ人の students, Stanford 大統領 Marc Tessier-Lavigne said in a letter sent Wednesday to the Stanford community.

'This ugly 構成要素 of Stanford's history, 確認するd by this new 報告(する)/憶測, is saddening and 深く,強烈に troubling,' Tessier-Lavigne said in October.

The 仕事 軍隊 特記する/引用するd a 覚え書き from February 1953 in which the-then director of admissions discusses his 関心s about the number of ユダヤ人の students 入会させるing at Stanford.

その上の embracement was also 原因(となる)d to the university when it was also 軍隊d to わびる to a?Trump-任命するd 裁判官 who?直面するd an embarrassing 抗議する by a student 暴徒 - joined by the school's dean of '公正,普通株主権' - after he was 招待するd to speak at the college's 法律 School.?

裁判官 Kyle Duncan, from the fifth 回路・連盟 of 控訴,上告s, was 待ち伏せ/迎撃するd by associate dean of 公正,普通株主権, 多様制 and 傾向 Tirien Steinbach during a discussion Thursday night.?

'If we accept a few Jewish applicants from these schools, the following year we get a flood of Jewish applications,' stated a 1950s memo from a then-Stanford staff member

'If we 受託する a few ユダヤ人の applicants from these schools, the に引き続いて year we get a flood of ユダヤ人の 使用/適用s,' 明言する/公表するd a 1950s 覚え書き from a then-Stanford staff member

Steinbach - a former ACLU lawyer who 以前 defended 解放する/自由な speech - 最初 (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Duncan had a 権利 to 表明する his 見解(をとる)s.?But she then 開始する,打ち上げるd into an 情熱的な six minute speech - which she had written 負かす/撃墜する - 非難するing his life's work.

大統領 Marc Tessier-Lavigne and dean of Stanford 法律 Jenny Martinez wrote an 陳謝 letter to Duncan, 時代遅れの Saturday. Martinez had written a 類似の letter to students on Friday.

'We 令状 to わびる for the disruption of your 最近の speech at Stanford 法律 School. As has already been communicated to our community, what happened was inconsistent with our 政策s on 解放する/自由な speech, and we are very sorry about the experience you had while visiting our campus.'

The letter says that students had a 権利 to '抗議する but not 混乱に陥れる/中断させる' and that staff members like Steinbach 'failed' to 施行する university 政策.?

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