'ユダヤ人の 祈り box' 誘発するs 爆弾 脅す on U.S. 計画(する)

A Jewish man wears the Phylacteries

祈り 装置: A ユダヤ人の man wears the Phylacteries, two small 黒人/ボイコット boxes strapped around the arm and 長,率いる (提起する/ポーズをとるd by model)

A U.S. 航空路s 計画(する) has been コースを変えるd to Philadelphia after a 祈り 装置 worn by a ユダヤ人の 十代の少年少女 onboard a flight was mistaken as a 爆弾.

The man had strapped the Phylacteries - two small 黒人/ボイコット leather boxes with 黒人/ボイコット ひもで縛るs - around his 武器 and 長,率いる after take-off ? 原因(となる)ing alarm to other 乗客s who 報告(する)/憶測d him to the 乗組員.

The 計画(する), which was 長,率いるing for Louisville, Kentucky, from New York’s La Guardia airport, landed at around 2pm (GMT) today.

At least 12 緊急 乗り物s, 含むing the Philadelphia 爆弾 squad, 急ぐd to the airport and the man was taken for 尋問.

No 逮捕(する)s have been made, によれば officers.

乗客s onboard the 50-seater 地域の jet ? USAir Flight 3079 run by Chautequa 空気/公表する - were led to safety.

Phylacteries, called tefillin in Hebrew, are used by observant ユダヤ人の men - they are 要求するd to place one box on their 長,率いる and tie the other one on their arm each weekday morning.

‘Someone on the 計画(する) construed it as some 肉親,親類d of 装置,’ Christine O'Brien, a 広報担当者 for Philadelphia police, said.

U.S. airports are on high 警報 after a Nigerian man was held over an 申し立てられた/疑わしい 爆弾 陰謀(を企てる) on a 計画(する) on Christmas Day last year.

His 装置 恐らく 機能不全d and he was quickly overpowered by 乗客s and 乗組員 on the flight from Amsterdam to Detroit

Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, is を待つing 裁判,公判 after 否定するing trying to 爆発する the transatlantic jet.

US Airways

爆弾 脅す: The U.S 航空路s flight was en 大勝する to Kentucky when it コースを変えるd

Phylacteries 含む/封じ込める four passages from the Scriptures and there are strict 法律s 治める/統治するing the 製造(する) and wearing of the boxes.

The practice of wearing them at 明言する/公表するd moments is still regarded as a sacred 宗教的な 義務 by observant 正統派の Jews.

The ユダヤ人の Encyclopaedia says: 'As long as the tefillin are on the 長,率いる and on the arm of a man, he is modest and God-恐れるing and will not be attracted by hilarity or idle talk, and will have no evil thoughts, but will 充てる all his thoughts to truth and righteousness.'

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