Goodbye Vietnam! Joe Biden 飛行機で行くs out of Hanoi after つまずくing through a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会, touting 法人組織の/企業の 取引,協定s and clinking glasses with 政府 公式の/役人s with a stop to 支払う/賃金 尊敬の印 to John McCain

  • 大統領 Joe Biden held second day of 会合s in Hanoi
  • He met Vietnamese PM who said 'sky's the 限界' on 協調?
  • 共産主義者 Party 長,率いる on Sunday said Biden looked the same as 15 years ago?

大統領 Joe Biden wrapped up his five-day trip to India and Vietnam Monday where 促進するd U.S. 商売/仕事 取引,協定s, had 政府 公式の/役人s toast to his health, and had a 最高の,を越す 補佐官 give his 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 the hook with 麻薬を吸うd in jazz music.

He spent the start of Monday, Sept. 11th 会合 with 最高の,を越す Vietnamese leaders and 商売/仕事 公式の/役人s, touting 取引,協定s to have U.S. 航空機 and tech 製造業者s ship 製品s to the growing southeast Asian economy.

He met a wider swatch of the country's political leadership, a day after 共産主義者 Party?General 長官 Nguy?n Ph? Tr?ng, 79, told 'you look even better' than when the two men met 15 years ago.

It was a day spent touting 増加するd 外交の and political 関係 at a time of Chinese muscle-flexing, and showcased Biden once again practicing the 外交 he savors.

President Biden's trip to Vietnam included an odd press conference where he called on reporters off a list and had to be reminded of the fifth assigned questioner

大統領 Biden's trip to Vietnam 含むd an 半端物 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 where he called on reporters off a 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) and had to be reminded of the fifth 割り当てるd 質問者

But it was before the U.S. マスコミ where Biden once again showed some of the 可能性のある 義務/負債s that have some 民主党員s fretting about his 投票 numbers, まっただ中に 関心s about his age and 業績/成果, with the 大統領,/社長 running at just 39 per cent 是認 in a new CNN 投票.?

It featured a 一連の 半端物 moments, 含むing when Biden called on reporters from 用意が出来ている 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる), had his 圧力(をかける) 長官 Karine ジーンズ-Pierre 削減(する) off the event, then (機の)カム 支援する to 演説(する)/住所 reporters 簡潔に while jazz music was 存在 麻薬を吸うd over a sound system.

He told a long story about John Wayne movie where he spoke about cowboys and 'Indians,' then went 支援する to a tale about the phrase 'lying dog 直面するd pony 兵士s' that he used then and has used 以前.?

In another bizarre moment, Biden made a show of stamina by commenting on his 'around the world in five days' 旅行 ? but then 結論するd his presser by 発表するing, 'I tell you what, I don't know about you, but I'm going to go to bed.'

He wandered around the 行う/開催する/段階 at times, mic in 手渡す, and also rolled out his trademark whisper.

That (機の)カム a day after Trong, 79, the most powerful 人物/姿/数字 in 政府 with younger 人物/姿/数字s waiting in the wings, buttered up Biden in 前線 of a 抱擁する statue of 売春婦 Chi Minh.?

Biden was here in part to try to upgrade and cement relations with a leading trading partner

Biden was here in part to try to 昇格 and 固く結び付ける relations with a 主要な 貿易(する)ing partner

Biden met top officials and business leaders

Biden met 最高の,を越す 公式の/役人s and 商売/仕事 leaders

Vietnamese people lined roads to see his motorcade, and some had their streets blocked

Vietnamese people lined roads to see his motorcade, and some had their streets 封鎖するd

President Joe Biden held a press conference in Hanoi, Vietnam Sunday night after spending two days in India for the G20 Leaders' Summit. At the presser, he talked to reporters about a John Wayne movie that featured the 'Indians' to make a point about climate change

大統領 Joe Biden held a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 in Hanoi, Vietnam Sunday night after spending two days in India for the G20 Leaders' 首脳会議. At the presser, he talked to reporters about a John Wayne movie that featured the 'Indians' to make a point about 気候 change?

President Joe Biden grabbed the hand mic and left the podium at one point to address a reporter who was standing to one side of the room

大統領 Joe Biden grabbed the 手渡す mic and left the podium at one point to 演説(する)/住所 a reporter who was standing to one 味方する of the room?

The visit followed a trip to India hosted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the meeting of the G20

The visit followed a trip to India hosted by 総理大臣 Narendra Modi for the 会合 of the G20

'It's nice to see you again. You have nary 老年の a day and I would say you look even better than before,' Trong said, 製図/抽選 chuckles from the 大統領,/社長.?

'Every feature of you Mr. 大統領 is very much complimentary of your image,' Trong continued, before joking about his own grey hair.

There were somber moments Monday 同様に.

Biden paid 尊敬の印 to John McCain by visiting the monument in Hanoi that 示すs where the late 上院議員's 計画(する) was 発射 負かす/撃墜する before he spent five and a half years in Vietnam as a 囚人 of war.

Biden was joined by former 国務長官 and Sen. John Kerry, who like Biden was one of McCain's 上院 同僚s, but unlike McCain returned from serving in Vietnam to be one of the 直面するs of the U.S. anti-war movement.

The 記念の, 位置を示すd on the bank of Tr?c B?ch Lake, was the final stop of his trip.

'I 行方不明になる him. He was a good friend,' Biden said.

A 花冠 with red, white and blue flowers was already in place in 前線 of the statue, with a 海軍 and a 海洋 officer standing と一緒に it.

Biden himself did not serve during the Vietnam war, having received five student deferments. にもかかわらず criss-crossing the as a 上院議員 and in the White House?? he made 57 trips as 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 alone ? it was Biden's first trip to Vietnam.

Before arriving home, Biden was 始める,決める to 示す the 22nd 周年記念日 of the Sept. 11th attacks. He planned to speak to service members and first responders at a 儀式 on a 軍の base in 船の停泊地, Alaska. It 同時に起こる/一致するs with a 燃料再補給するing stop, with a planned stop of just two hours.??

Earlier Monday,?Vietnamese leaders toasted to Biden's health as he cultivated powerbrokers and 商売/仕事 leaders a day after the country's 共産主義者 Party 長,率いる said he hadn't '老年の a day.'

The toast (機の)カム as Biden met Vietnamese 大統領 Vo 先頭 Thuong at the 大統領の Palace in Hanoi, as part of an 成果/努力 to 固く結び付ける growing political 関係 with the country's leadership, which is 昇格ing its 公式の/役人 外交の status with the U.S.

It (機の)カム on a day when Biden is also 押し進めるing 今後 U.S.-Vietnam 商売/仕事 関係, 含むing a new 取引,協定 for Vietnam Arlines to 購入(する) about 50 航空機 from Chicago-based Boeing for $7.5 billion. Another 取引,協定 will have?Arizona-based Amkor 科学(工学)技術 建設する a $1.6 billion factory in the country's Bac Ninh 州.?

Those 経済的な tie s could be 固く結び付けるd その上の if Vietnam with U.S. 政府 支援 購入(する)s F-16 闘士,戦闘機 航空機 in the coming months. Vietnam is 捜し出すing to diversify its 軍の 金物類/武器類 even as it continues 武器 取引,協定s with Russia, which has been its historic 供給者.

Salud!? Vietnamese leaders toasted President Joe Biden's health, on a day when he met with business leaders and top figures in the government and toured a memorial to his late friend Sen. John McCain

Salud!? Vietnamese leaders toasted 大統領 Joe Biden's health, on a day when he met with 商売/仕事 leaders and 最高の,を越す 人物/姿/数字s in the 政府 and 小旅行するd a 記念の to his late friend Sen. John McCain

Vietnam is the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs' 10th largest 貿易(する)ing partner, with two-way 商業 of about $90 billion, によれば the U.S. 貿易(する) 代表者/国会議員's office.

Biden ? who is on his first-ever trip to Vietnam ? said it was an 栄誉(を受ける) to be there 追加するing that it was a day that 'may have seemed impossible not that long ago.' He also 言及/関連d the 'boundless 可能性s ahead' as the U.S. and Vietnam 強化する 関係, まっただ中に continued flexing by 中国 in the 地域.

Biden, who is a teetotaler, also 引用するd a Vietnamese poet during his own toast and 発言/述べるs.?

He was …を伴ってd by 総理大臣 Phm Minh Ch?nh during his 会議 with 商売/仕事 bosses and said 'the sky is the 限界' on 協調. 国務長官 Antony Blinken was there.

'We need to develop and 運動 our 共同, We need to (1)偽造する/(2)徐々に進む new 共同s,' Biden said.

Companies 代表するd at the 会合 含むd Boeing 全世界の, 半導体 会社/堅い Marvell, and Google. He was also 始める,決める to 会合,会う?Vuong Dinh Hue, Chairman of the 国家の 議会 of Vietnam.

The 全世界の 取引,協定-making (機の)カム just hours after Biden visited the Vietnamese 共産主義者 Party (警察,軍隊などの)本部, which has a 大打撃を与える and sickle 陳列する,発揮する on its exterior.

At that event, Biden got a 信任投票 in his youthful 耐えるing - from the 高齢化 共産主義者 party leader who has amassed 力/強力にする in Hanoi for 10年間s.

General 長官 Nguy?n Ph? Tr?ng of the 共産主義者 Party of Vietnam, 79, 配達するd the compliment while welcoming Biden to Vietnam for a visit where the U.S. will be elevated to a '包括的な 戦略の partner' and the 大統領,/社長 will 栄誉(を受ける) the late Sen. John McCain.??

Tr?ng buttered up Biden, 80, inside 共産主義者 party (警察,軍隊などの)本部, under a large statue of 売春婦 Chi Minh.?

'It's nice to see you again. You have nary 老年の a day and I would say you look even better than before,' Trong said, 製図/抽選 chuckles from the 大統領,/社長.?

'Every feature of you Mr. 大統領 is very much complimentary of your image,' Trong 追加するd.?

Vietnam is the United States' 10th largest trading partner, with two-way commerce of about $90 billion, according to the U.S. Trade Representative's office

Vietnam is the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs' 10th largest 貿易(する)ing partner, with two-way 商業 of about $90 billion, によれば the U.S. 貿易(する) 代表者/国会議員's office

President Joe Biden (left) attends a meeting with?Vietnam's Communist Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (right) at the Communist Party of Vietnam's Headquarters in Hanoi, Vietnam

大統領 Joe Biden (left) …に出席するs a 会合 with?Vietnam's 共産主義者 Party General 長官 Nguyen Phu Trong (権利) at the 共産主義者 Party of Vietnam's (警察,軍隊などの)本部 in Hanoi, Vietnam?

President Joe Biden (left) participates in a welcome ceremony hosted by?Vietnam's Communist Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (right) at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi, Vietnam on Sunday afternoon

大統領 Joe Biden (left) 参加するs in a welcome 儀式 hosted by?Vietnam's 共産主義者 Party General 長官 Nguyen Phu Trong (権利) at the 大統領の Palace in Hanoi, Vietnam on Sunday afternoon?

Trong made the 発言/述べる as the two men were seated at a long (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する to 発表する the U.S.'s 昇格d status.?

'This is Vietnam's highest tier of international 共同,' 副 国家の 安全 助言者 Jon Finer explained to reporters on board 空気/公表する 軍隊 One ahead of the arriavl.??

Biden arrived in Hanoi Sunday afternoon after spending two days in India at the G20 Leaders' 首脳会議.?

He was 素早い行動d to Vietnam's 大統領の Palace where he was 扱う/治療するd to a welcome 儀式 that 含むd a musical 業績/成果 and dozens of schoolchildren waving both countries' 旗s.

With Biden was former 国務長官 and Sen. John Kerry, whose service in the Vietnam War, and その後の 反対 to the 衝突, was a major piece of the 民主党員's 2004 大統領の run.?

The two former 上院 同僚s will 支払う/賃金 尊敬の印 Monday to one of their own - McCain - who was held as a 囚人 of war for five years in Vietnam after his 計画(する) was 発射 負かす/撃墜する on October 26, 1967.?

Kerry, who Biden 任命するd as his 気候 czar, told he was in Vietnam recently working 'on a lot of things' and 確認するd he would be …に出席するing Monday's event 栄誉(を受ける)ing McCain.?

Former Secretary of State John Kerry can be seen standing behind President Joe Biden (left) and?Vietnam's Communist Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (right). Kerry and Biden will pay tribute to Sen. John McCain Monday in Hanoi

Former 国務長官 John Kerry can be seen standing behind 大統領 Joe Biden (left) and?Vietnam's 共産主義者 Party General 長官 Nguyen Phu Trong (権利). Kerry and Biden will 支払う/賃金 尊敬の印 to Sen. John McCain Monday in Hanoi?

Dozens of school children holding up both American and Vietmanese flags participated in the welcome ceremony for President Joe Biden at the Presidential Palace on Sunday

Dozens of school children 持つ/拘留するing up both American and Vietmanese 旗s 参加するd in the welcome 儀式 for 大統領 Joe Biden at the 大統領の Palace on Sunday?

President Joe Biden is welcomed to Vietnam at the Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi, Vietnam on Sunday

大統領 Joe Biden is welcomed to Vietnam at the Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi, Vietnam on Sunday?

President Joe Biden will on Monday visit the memorial marking where the late Sen. John McCain's plane was shot down in October 1967

大統領 Joe Biden will on Monday visit the 記念の 場内取引員/株価 where the late Sen. John McCain's 計画(する) was 発射 負かす/撃墜する in October 1967

There's now a 記念の at the 衝突,墜落 場所/位置.?

'A thruline you will see during our time there is this five-10年間 arc in the U.S.-Vietnam 関係 from 衝突 to 正常化 to the 設立 of a 包括的な 共同 in 2013 and now to this elevated status of 共同, again the highest level in the Vietmanese system,' Finer said.?

The 昇格 is another way the U.S. is trying to 戦闘 中国.?

Still 最高の,を越す Vietnamese 公式の/役人s were also tending to their relations with 中国 before Biden's arrival, a 決定/判定勝ち(する) that 反映するs 中国's powerful sway and long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 かかわり合い, にもかかわらず 長年の 緊張s between the two nations.

Vietnam 'can't be sure that the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs would really come to their 弁護 if 押し進める (機の)カム to 押す with 中国,' John Ciociari, Professor of Public 政策 and Director of the Gerald R. Ford School's Weiser 外交 中心 at the University of Michigan told

'It still is ひどく reliant on 中国 for 貿易(する) and 投資,' he 公式文書,認めるd.

The New York Times 報告(する)/憶測d?Saturday, one day before Biden's arrival, that Vietnam was also 捜し出すing an 武器 を取り引きする Russia, にもかかわらず 深くするing its U.S. 関係 and まっただ中に Russia's 強襲,強姦 on ウクライナ共和国.?

Finer 公式文書,認めるd how the U.S. has discouraged countries from having 軍の 共同s with Russia.?

'It should not be 控訴,上告ing to have a 安全 関係 with a country that is committing war 罪,犯罪s, that is committing 違反s of international 法律,' Finer said.?

But Finer also pointed out that Vietnam and Russia have long had 軍の 関係.?

'Vietnam has had a 10年間s-long 関係 with Russia, and a 10年間s-long 軍の 関係 with Russia. But our strong sense is that there is 増加するing 不快 on the part of the Vietmanese, with that 関係,' Finer said.?

'The value proposition of that 関係 it not what it once was,' he 追加するd, calling disentangling Vietnam from Russia a 'work in 進歩.'?

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