Haunting message 地位,任命するd by Sharon Graham before she killed her ex and tried to 行う/開催する/段階 it as a woodchipper 事故

Sharon Graham's 悪意のある web of sex and deception ended in the 血まみれの 殺人 of her ex-partner Bruce Saunders.

First responders 設立する his shredded 四肢s sticking out of a woodchipper which was 行う/開催する/段階d as an 事故 before Graham was to 相続する the contents of his will and a lucrative life 保険 政策 価値(がある) $750,000.

Months after 存在 sent to 刑務所,拘置所 for the 残り/休憩(する) of her life, two Facebook profiles paint a grim picture of the architect.

Dozens of pictures, some dating 支援する years, 逮捕(する) her smiling, laughing, drinking at the pub and 提起する/ポーズをとるing in Christmas 衣装.

Her introduction on one profile reads: 'I'm a carring (sic) loving happy person. Love life.'

But the introductions on both profiles 株 a 選び出す/独身, cryptic message.

'Those who hesitate have lost.'

Sharon Graham? (pictured) was sentenced to life behind bars for the horrific murder of her ex-partner?Bruce Saunders

Sharon Graham? (pictured) was 宣告,判決d to life behind 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s for the horrific 殺人 of her ex-partner?Bruce Saunders

The message becomes 公正に/かなり ironic in the circumstances Graham now finds herself in and after a 裁判官 said she 陳列する,発揮するd '深い-seated psychopathy'.

She was 刑務所,拘置所d for life in October for 殺人ing her ex-partner Mr Saunders, a Nambour butcher, after arranging for him to be fed to an 産業の woodchipper.

The 複雑にするd 関係s?

In a 新たな展開d 陳列する,発揮する of cruelty, she hatched a 計画(する) to take it all from Mr Saunders and cover up every インチ of her 関与. It would be the perfect 罪,犯罪: nothing left behind, everything to 伸び(る).

But she didn't have the guts to do any of it.

Instead, she drew in the work of her two cronies - Peter Koenig and Gregory Roser - to bring her horrifying 計画(する) into reality.

Graham had started a 関係 with Mr Saunders after 会合 online in 2016. She followed him to Toowoomba, then Bli Bli on the 日光 Coast, and finally Nambour where they settled in a home bought on Wentworth 法廷,裁判所.

In 2017, after breaking up with Mr Saunders, she started a 関係 wi th Roser.

She left Mr Saunders' house for a while, but returned, staying in a separate bedroom. Roser lived in a caravan park out of Deception Bay.

Koenig had also been 以前 intimate with Graham. He had even taken nude pictures of her - but this had been 減ずるd to a '拷問d' friendship.

The former トラックで運ぶ driver said the pair had met while Graham lived in South Australia with another ex-partner.

Graham (pictured right) planed to kill Bruce Saunders (pictured left) in a bid to inherit his will and lucrative life insurance policy

Graham (pictured 権利) 計画(する)d to kill Bruce Saunders (pictured left) in a 企て,努力,提案 to 相続する his will and lucrative life 保険 政策

Graham (pictured) hatched the plan to have Mr Saunders placed into a woodchippers with emergency crews finding the man's shredded limbs sticking out of the machine

Graham (pictured) hatched the 計画(する) to have Mr Saunders placed into a woodchippers with 緊急 乗組員s finding the man's shredded 四肢s sticking out of the machine

Sharon Graham's heinous 計画(する)s

Graham's methods of carrying out the 殺人 変化させるd.

At first, she 手配中の,お尋ね者 Roser to shoot Mr Saunders in his home, while he slept.

She then 改訂するd the 計画(する), ordering her boyfriend to shoot Mr Saunders in the car park behind his work.

A その後の police search of Roser's caravan 設立する handwritten 文書s 述べるing Mr Saunders' 転換 times at IGA 蓄える/店s in Noosa Junction and Yandina, his usual car park 位置/汚点/見つけ出す, 同様に as his car model and number plate.

One 公式文書,認める read: '3.30-4am HAS TO BE THERE BEFORE HE WAKES UP'. It also 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d Mr Saunders' Wentworth 法廷,裁判所 演説(する)/住所, directions to the master bedroom he slept in and 詳細(に述べる)s of an alarm in the hou se.

Another read: 'dates to be done ... 14-23 July.'

Those 明確な/細部 dates were when Graham flew 負かす/撃墜する to Adelaide and returned home for a holiday.

Instead, she settled on a more remote 決定/判定勝ち(する).

Sharon Beighton, a friend of Graham's, needed help (疑いを)晴らすing her 所有物/資産/財産 in Goomboorian, 近づく Gympie, so she could sell it.

Graham enlisted the help of Mr Saunders, Roser and Koenig to (疑いを)晴らす trees over several 週末s in November 2017.

Mr Saunders used his own money to 支払う/賃金 for an 産業の woodchipper for the 職業.

It would be the very machine he would be killed in - all part of Graham's 計画(する).

At her 殺人 裁判,公判, Koenig himself gave 証拠 he saw Roser 配達する the 致命的な blow to Mr Saunders with a metal 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業.

After feeling the 54-year-old '小衝突' past his arm he saw Mr Saunders on the ground, before Roser struck him in the 長,率いる again.

'He (Roser) asked me to give him a 手渡す to bring him 負かす/撃墜する to the woodchipper,' Koenig said in his 証拠.

'I had his 脚s, Greg had his 武器.'

The pair then fed Mr Saunders into the machine, 長,率いる first.

Peter Koenig (pictured)
 confessed to aiding to put the victim's body through the woodchipper as part of Graham's plan to kill Mr Saunders

Peter Koenig (pictured) 自白するd to 補佐官ing to put the 犠牲者's 団体/死体 through the woodchipper as part of Graham's 計画(する) to kill Mr Saunders

Gregory Roser (pictured) hit Mr Saunders with a metal bar twice before he and Koenig put Mr Saunders through the woodchipper head first

Gregory Roser (pictured) 攻撃する,衝突する Mr Saunders with a metal 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 twice before he and Koenig put Mr Saunders through the woodchipper 長,率いる first

All that remained were his 脚s, from the 最高の,を越す of his thighs to his feet.

Koenig, who was 最初 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with Mr Saunders' 殺人, pleaded 有罪の to a 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of 従犯者 after the fact to 殺人 in July 2022.

In 交流 for his 解放(する) after some four years in pre-宣告,判決 保護/拘留, he gave 証拠 against Roser and Graham at their 各々の 殺人 裁判,公判s.

Roser was 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of Mr Saunders' 殺人 in 2022 and 宣告,判決d to life in 刑務所,拘置所.

Graham was also 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of 殺人 in late October.

Throughout her 裁判,公判, the 栄冠を与える 競うd she procured Roser to 殺人 Mr Saunders with Koenig's help.

He was 価値(がある) 'more dead than alive' to her; she would 伸び(る) more than $800,000 in 資産s upon his death, 含むing the lucrative aforementioned life 保険 政策.

The 栄冠を与える pointed to covert recordings taken at Mr Saunders' home に引き続いて his death, 逮捕(する)ing the worried whispers of the trio getting their 'story straight'.

They relied on 探偵,刑事s pointing out inaccuracies in Koenig and Roser's accounts of Mr Saunders' death, 含むing strange bloodstains 近づく the woodchipper which (機の)カム from a vertical source.

They relied on Koenig, who said he helped carry out the shocking 行為 and became caught up in the horrific 陰謀(を企てる) to cover up what happened.

Graham had pleaded not 有罪の, 主張するing she thought Mr Saunders' death was an 事故.

But a 陪審/陪審員団 was not swayed, finding her 有罪の on the count.

Bruce Saunders (pictured) died in?in November 2017 after he along with Peter Koenig and Gregory Roser were enlisted by Graham to clear trees at one of her friend's property before Mr Saunders was savagely killed

?Bruce Saunders (pictured) died in?in November 2017 after he along with Peter Koenig and Gregory Roser were enlisted by Graham to (疑いを)晴らす trees at one of her friend's 所有物/資産/財産 before Mr Saunders was savagely killed

Graham (right) pleaded not guilty at her trial and claimed Mr Saunders' death was an accident but the jury convicted her over the man's death

Graham (権利) pleaded not 有罪の at her 裁判,公判 and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Mr Saunders' death was an 事故 but the 陪審/陪審員団 罪人/有罪を宣告するd her over the man's death

Peter Koenig (pictured) gave evidence against Graham and Roser in exchange for his release after four years in pre-sentence custody

Peter Koenig (pictured) gave 証拠 against Graham and Roser in 交流 for his 解放(する) after four years in pre-宣告,判決 保護/拘留?

最高裁判所 司法(官) ツバメ 燃やすs, who had also 統括するd over the pre-裁判,公判 審理,公聴会s and Roser's 宣告,判決ing, summed up the 肉親,親類d of person Graham was in his 宣告,判決:

'By my 観察s you have 陳列する,発揮するd the hallmarks of 深い-seated psychopathy,' 司法(官) 燃やすs said.

'If at any point the 当局 本気で consider your 解放(する), I ask they keep that 観察 堅固に in mind.'

You are a despicable human?

No one has felt the 苦痛 of losing Mr Saunders more than his son, Blake Saunders.

Upon Graham's 有罪の 判決 存在 returned, he and others 叫び声をあげるd with joy, breaking into 涙/ほころびs while she sat motionless and unmoving in the 最高裁判所 ドッキングする/減らす/ドックに入れる.

It brings an end to the six-year nightmare that has 疫病/悩ますd his life.

In his 犠牲者 衝撃 声明, Blake spoke of his father 存在 a 'loving, gentle, funny, 肉親,親類d, hardworking and 信用ing man'.

'After losing my Mum, Dad was strong and helped me 対処する and come to 条件 with losing my Mum,' Blake's 犠牲者 衝撃 声明 read.

'いつかs, I wonder if Dad prioritised my needs so much that he didn't 捜し出す the help he needed to 対処する with our loss.

'Mum and Dad had a wonderful 22 years of marriage and a very 深い love for each other.'

Blake's 声明 明らかにする/漏らすs the horrifying 新たな展開 Graham pulled に引き続いて his father's death.

On the day of Bruce Saunders' funeral, Graham turned up, sitting beside Blake in the 前線 列/漕ぐ/騒動, between his family members.

'You pretended to cry in a pathetic way, trying to look upset, trying to cover up the 犯罪 of a 殺人 you meticulously planned,' Blake said in his 声明.

'Then I 申し込む/申し出d my arm to you in an 行為/法令/行動する of support.

Gregory Roser (pictured right) was found guilty of Mr Saunders' murder in 2022 and was also sentenced to life behind bars

Gregory Roser (pictured 権利) was 設立する 有罪の of Mr Saunders' 殺人 in 2022 and was also 宣告,判決d to life behind 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s

'Little did I know then, that you planned, orchestrated and covered up my father's shocking 殺人.

'Consoling you at that 苦しめるing time will haunt me for the 残り/休憩(する) of my life.'

In another despicable 行為/法令/行動する, Graham then requested Bruce's ashes be 分裂(する), so she could keep half.

'This, all part of your evil 計画(する) to make it look like you were a grieving girlfriend, but really it was you trying to hide your 犯罪 and cover up his 殺人,' Blake's 声明 said.

He spoke of the six years he lay awake at night with thoughts of his father's death, how his health had 拒絶する/低下するd and his 不景気 始める,決める in.

'You took his life - for an 保険 政策,' Blake's 声明 said.

'You are a despicable human.

Graham (pictured left) broke up with Mr Saunders (pictured right) before she plotted to kill her ex-partner

Graham (pictured left) broke up with Mr Saunders (pictured 権利) before she plotted to kill her ex-partner

Mr Saunders' son Blake (pictured) described Graham as a?a 'despicable human' in his victim impact statement

Mr Saunders' son Blake (pictured) 述べるd Graham as a?a 'despicable human' in his 犠牲者 衝撃 声明

'Those that knew and loved my dad will remember him as the wonderful, 肉親,親類d, selfless, compassionate, decent man that he was. Traits and 特徴 that you do not 所有する and probably cannot comprehend.

'I cannot put into words the 怒り/怒る and 憤慨 I have for you, for taking my dad from me.'

Where are your friends now Sharon??

Sharon Beighton, the woman whose 所有物/資産/財産 was the scene of the shocking 罪,犯罪, did not 持つ/拘留する 支援する on Graham either.

She spoke of how her husband Andrew and herself thought of Graham as family. How they 信用d her, went on holidays together and 株d meals, even Christmas.

Ms Beighton 扱う/治療するd Graham like a sister.

'I defended you when everyone said that you were 伴う/関わるd in Bruce's death, I kept thinking: 'No way, I know her. She's a Christian, she wouldn't take someone's life like that',' Ms Beighton's 犠牲者 衝撃 声明 said.

'It is hard to believe that you would arrange to do such a thing.

'When I sit and think about things, Bruce was more of a friend to us than you could ever be, as no true friend would do what you have done, and on our 所有物/資産/財産.'

Mr Saunders was murdered at the rural property (pictured) in?Goomboorian, near Gympie in south-east Queensland

Mr Saunders was 殺人d at the 田舎の 所有物/資産/財産 (pictured) in?Goomboorian, 近づく Gympie in south-east Queensland

Graham's (pictured) friend?Sharon Beighton who's property was the scene of the murder said said in a victim impact statement that she was left in disbelief over the crime Graham committed

Graham's (pictured) friend?Sharon Beighton who's 所有物/資産/財産 was the scene of the 殺人 said said in a 犠牲者 衝撃 声明 that she was left in 不信 over the 罪,犯罪 Graham committed?

Ms Beighton 明らかにする/漏らすd she had a 完全にする 決裂/故障. She couldn't 信用 anyone, she never left the bedroom of her daughter's home. She confided only in her dog, Hope.

'She (Hope) shows compassion and 無条件の love, which you 欠如(する). You show no empathy, no emotion, no compassion for o thers,' Ms Beighton said of Graham.

'You stole my sense of 信用 in humanity, that I could not put myself into a position of 開始 up to others.

'I wished I had never met you.

'Where are your friends now Sharon? They have all gone.'

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