British 軍隊/機動隊s could be pulled out of Afghanistan within four years, says Liam Fox

Killed in an explosion: Marine Crookes

Killed in an 爆発: 海洋 Crookes

British 軍隊/機動隊s could be out of 前線-line 戦闘 in Afghanistan 井戸/弁護士席 before David Cameron's 最終期限 of 2015, the Defence 長官 hinted yesterday.

As the 省 of Defence 確認するd four 兵士s were killed in Afghanistan on Friday, Liam Fox said an 出口 around the time of the next 選挙 was a '保守的な' 見積(る)? -? 示唆するing the 政府 is considering an even earlier handover to Afghan 軍隊s.

Britain is to 上げる its £500million 援助(する) 予算 for Afghanistan by 40 per cent? -? paid for by cutting 支払い(額)s to more 繁栄する countries such as India and Russia.

The extra cash is designed to help 再構築する the Afghan economy and 組織/基盤/下部構造 to 速度(を上げる) up the 撤退 of British 軍隊/機動隊s, but critics 恐れる new 橋(渡しをする)s, roads, schools and hospitals will be destroyed by Taliban 謀反のs, as they were during the previous big 再建 成果/努力 in 2005.

The 政府 was put on the 位置/汚点/見つけ出す yesterday by a 漏れるd 文書 mapping out a 詳細な計画 for an '出口 戦略' from Afghanistan. It 示唆するd British 軍隊/機動隊s would pull out by 2014.

It 示唆するd 大統領 Hamid Karzai is to 発表する a 時刻表/予定表 for the 撤退 of Nato 軍隊s beginning within months, with the Afghan 国家の 安全 軍隊s taking 支配(する)/統制する of 軍の 操作/手術s by the end of 2014.

The goal is 推定する/予想するd to be 明かすd at an international 首脳会議 on Afghanistan in Kabul tomorrow. Foreign 長官

William Hague will …に出席する the 会議/協議会, と一緒に U.S. 国務長官 Hillary Clinton, UN 長官-General 禁止(する) Ki-moon and 外務大臣s fro m more than 70 countries.

Tragic: Gunner Griffiths
Killed: Sergeant Monkhouse

最新の 死傷者s: Gunner Griffiths and Sergeant Monkhouse were the 最新の 兵士s to be killed in Afghanistan

A 漏れるd 草案 公式発表 for the 首脳会議 says the Afghan 政府 wants to 発表する that the '過程 of 移行' is under way by the end of this year.

Dr Fox said: 'It has always been our 目的(とする) to be successful in the 使節団 and the 使節団 has always said that the Afghan 国家の 安全 軍隊s would be able to を取り引きする their own 安全 by 2014.

We recognise that there will be その上の work to do ーに関して/ーの点でs of training and 改善するing the 質 of those 軍隊s beyond that, which is why we have said training 軍隊s may be 利用できる after that date.

'But we have made it very (疑いを)晴らす that that will not be 戦闘 軍隊s.'

< div class="thinCenter"> Defence Secretary Liam Fox

Defence 長官 Liam Fox says 軍隊/機動隊s could be out of frontline 戦闘 in Afghanistan by 2014

He 述べるd Mr Cameron's 目的(とする) to have most 軍隊/機動隊s out by 2015 as 'やめる 保守的な'.

Mr Fox's comments (機の)カム as the MoD 確認するd that four British servicemen were killed on Friday. A 海洋, an 飛行士 and two 兵士s died in four separate 出来事/事件s, bringing the number of British service 職員/兵員 killed last week to eight.

A total of 322 British 兵士s have died since the start of the (選挙などの)運動をする in 2001.

The dead 海洋 was 26-year-old 予備役兵 Jonathan Crookes from Halesowen in the West Midlands. He was caught in an 爆発 while on foot patrol 近づく Sangin in Helmand 州. It was his third 小旅行する of 義務 in Afghanistan.

British troops come home

Coming home: The 本体,大部分/ばら積みの of Britian's (軍隊などの)展開,配備 in Afghanistan will come home by the end of 2014, によれば a 漏れるd 文書 sent to foreign diploma ts

Sombre: The Duke salutes at a memorial to the fallen

Sombre: The Duke salutes at a 記念の to the fallen

Yesterday, 海洋 Crookes' mother 告訴する 述べるd her son as 'caring, thoughtful and 十分な of life'.

Fiancee Danielle Davis said: 'He was the love of my life.'

王室の Dragoon Guard Sergeant David Monkhouse, 35, from 田舎の Cumbria, died in an 爆発 in Nahr-e Saraj in Helmand. He leaves behind his partner Fiona and daughter, Daisy-Twinkle.

The 飛行士 who died was 指名するd as Kinikki Griffiths, a 20-year-old gunner in the RAF 連隊. He was killed in a road 事故.

A 王室の 兵たん業務 軍団 兵士 who died on a 使節団 to diffuse 爆弾s has not been 指名するd.

Duke of Kent on surprise trip to frontline 軍隊/機動隊s

The Duke of Kent spent two days with the Scots Guards on the frontline in Afghanistan, it was 明らかにする/漏らすd today.

He 小旅行するd (軍の)野営地,陣営 Bastion, visited Lashkar Gah and 検査/視察するd a remote check point in the war-torn 地域, the 省 of Defence said.

The Duke is the 陸軍大佐 of the 連隊. 中尉/大尉/警部補 陸軍大佐 Lincoln Jopp, said: 'It was tremendous that His 王室の Highness could make it out to see us.

'He is such a 抱擁する 支持者 of the 連隊 and has recently visited our families 支援する in Catterick and our 死傷者s in Selly Oak, so to get him out here to see the Guardsmen is fantastic. Nothing was going to stand in his way of seeing his men on 操作/手術s.'

Surprise: The Duke of Kent with Lance Sergeant Moreton during his visit to the 1st Battalion, The Scots Guards Battlegroup

Surprise: The Duke of Kent with Lance Sergeant Moreton during his visit to the 1st 大隊, The Scots Guards Battlegroup

Sombre: The Duke salutes at a memorial to the fallen

Sombre: The Duke salutes at a 記念の to the fallen