College junior, 21, (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域s 共和国の/共和党の, 81, who has served for 20 years in GOP 最初の/主要な: North Carolina student who ran because his 権利s were 'stripped' during COVID says he wants schools to teach more carpentry and mechanics

  • Wyatt Gable decided to run because of his experience during COVID
  • ?The 保守的な 21-year-old junior at East Caroline University 追い出すd a 20 year 現職の in the 最初の/主要な

A 21-year-old North Carolina college student is 長,率いるd to the 総選挙 in November after 追い出すing a 共和国の/共和党の 明言する/公表する 国会議員 who has served 20 years in the 明言する/公表する House.

Wyatt Gable won the 共和国の/共和党の 最初の/主要な against 10-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 現職の George Cleveland in a race for the North Carolina House 地区 14 seat by 95 投票(する)s.

The junior at East Carolina University will now 直面する Democratic 候補者 Carmen Spicer in November.

Gable said he decided to run after his experience during the coronavirus pandemic.

'The biggest thing for me was my first year at ECU you didn’t get vaccinated for COVID, which I did not, you had to get 実験(する)d every week, and if you didn’t get 実験(する)d, they turned off your ID,' he said in an interview with WNCT.

Gable decided to run for office because of his experience during the coronavirus pandemic. He said he reached out to his state representative and never heard back. That representative was the opponent he ousted in the primary

Gable decided to run for office because of his experience during the coronavirus pandemic. He said he reached out to his 明言する/公表する 代表者/国会議員 and never heard 支援する. That 代表者/国会議員 was the 対抗者 he 追い出すd in the 最初の/主要な

'I couldn't get food at the dining hall, things like that, and the real big one like, you know, you have to wear your mask in the bus, class, everywhere you go, but then you can go to the basketball game where there's 4,000 people and you don't have to wear one,' Gable (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.?

Gable beat state Rep. George Cleveland by 95 votes in the GOP primary. Cleveland served 10 terms in the General Assembly

Gable (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 明言する/公表する Rep. George Cleveland by 95 投票(する)s in the GOP 最初の/主要な. Cleveland served 10 条件 in the General 議会

Gable, who 卒業生(する)d high school in 2021, a ctually reached out to Cleveland, but he never got a 返答 to his email.

'I just remember how it felt and I didn't want anyone to feel the same way I felt, you know... 存在 left out, so that's where I got the idea, and here we are now,' he told Fox News.

Gable is 熟考する/考慮するing for a degree in 商売/仕事 管理/経営 with a minor in political science.?

He said he would like to 焦点(を合わせる) on 準備するing students for the real world, like home 経済的なs, shop, 自動車 修理, and carpentry in the school system.

'Because you know a lot of people nowadays say if I don't go to college, I'm not going to 量 to anything, which isn't true,' Gable said. 'I want to be able to give students the 道具s so they can 後継する in life like that.'

He told Fox News he wants to use 切迫した domain to buy 支援する land owned by the Chinese 共産主義者 Party in his 明言する/公表する.

Gable said he wants to focus on education, using imminent domain to get back Chinese Communist Party owned NC land and reining in spending

Gable said he wants to 焦点(を合わせる) on education, using 切迫した domain to get 支援する Chine se 共産主義者 Party owned NC land and reining in spending

Gable, a 一時期/支部 大統領,/社長 of the 保守的な 青年 organization Turning Point USA, also said the 明言する/公表する needs to rein in spending, so they can lower 税金s.

His website also touts prote cting monuments and statues and says he 計画(する)s to introduce 法律制定 to '保護する all forms of our American history.'

On the race, he said he thinks people are ready for a fresh 直面する, and he?was able to 勝利,勝つ with 'a lot of hard work' knocking on doors and making phone calls.?

Now he is looking to bring more young people into the 共和国の/共和党の party.

'I feel that if people my age, and in that age 範囲 can see me, someone who's 21 and younger, be a part of the GOP and the 共和国の/共和党の party, maybe I can help encourage them to feel the same way... hopefully can join the GOP and the 保守的な 味方する,' he told Fox News.

The North Carolina House 地区 14, which 含むs Jacksonville, is pretty 保守的な.?

Gable said he's 'very 確信して' when it comes to the November 選挙, but they will 'put in the work' just like he did in the 最初の/主要な.