Doctor 'unable to see what she was operating on' during bungled 外科 which resulted in mother-of-three's death

A Spanish doctor who (打撃,刑罰などを)与えるd 致命的な 傷害s on a mother-of-three during 決まりきった仕事 外科 had been unable to see what she was operating on, the General 医療の 会議 (GMC) has 宣言するd today.

Dr Maria Moyano Ontiveros was 設立する 有罪の of 危険ing her 患者's life 同様に as 事実上の/代理 in an irresponsible and 不適切な manner.

Nurse Elizabeth Rourke, 49, was adm itted to Jersey General Hospital where she worked, for a simple diagnostic 手続き to discover why she had 不規律な periods.

However during 外科, Dr Moyano tried to 除去する a polyp with an electric 器具 when she could not 明確に see the area and sliced though a major vein.

Ms Rouke 苦しむd 大規模な haemorrhaging and died within hours of the 操作/手術 on October 17 2006.

Dr Moyano Ontiveros (pictured) perforated Elizabeth Rourke's uterus while carrying out a procedure without supervision or adequate experience

Dr Moyano Ontiveros (pictured) perforated Elizabeth Rourke's uterus while carrying out a 手続き without 監督 or 適する experience

Dr Moyano, a locum registrar in obstetrics and gynaecology, was 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 過失致死 but (疑いを)晴らすd by a 陪審/陪審員団 in 2009.

The GMC 確認するd on Wednesday the Spanish-trained doctor had perforated Ms Rourke's uterus during the 操作/手術 and 損失d the ありふれた iliac vein using the diathermy technique.

She had been 補助装置ing 外科医 Dr John Day on the day but he left the hospital before Mrs Rourke, who was the last 患者 on the 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる), had been seen.??

During 治療, Dr Moyano 知らせるd Dr Day that she had discovered a polyp on Ms Rourke's uterus and he 教えるd her over the telephone to 除去する it.

The locum doctor admi tted that she had 試みる/企てるd to 除去する the polyp, using diathermy - in which an electric wire controlled with a foot pedal is used to 'vaporise' flesh.

The 審理,公聴会 was told the 道具 is 高度に 効果的な but 潜在的に lethal in the 手渡すs of inexperienced 外科医s.

Within minutes of 存在 taken to the 回復 room, に引き続いて Dr Moyano’s 成果/努力s, Mrs Rourke's 条件 began to 悪化する 'noticeably and 速く'.

外科医s then had to 取って代わる all the 血 in her 団体/死体 as they fought to の近くに the 厳しいd iliac vein.

Dr Moyano 認める that she had no 最近の experience with 電気の cutting 道具, and should have known that she was not competent to carry out the 操作/手術 unsupervised.

The パネル盤 拒絶するd the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 that she was unfamiliar with the 器具/備品, but Chairman Dr Surendra Kuma said: 'The パネル盤 agreed with your own admission that you had insufficient experience.

General Hospital St Helier Jersey Channel Islands

Elizabeth Rourke was 認める to Jersey General Hospital (pictured) where she worked for a simple diagnostic 手続き to discover why she had 不規律な periods

'The パネル盤 considered there to be a distinction between 存在 familiar with 器具/備品 and having 十分な experience to use it 適切に.'

A 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 that Dr Moyano 活動させる/戦時編成するd the electric 現在の on the cutting 道具, when she could not see the 場所/位置 was also, however, w as 証明するd.

Dr Kumar said: 'The パネル盤 has inferred that you could not have had (疑いを)晴らす visibility either of the end of the hysteroscope or the 操作/手術 場所/位置 when you operated the diathermy 現在の.'

He 追加するd: 'You have 認める that you made an error in 裁判/判断 in 訴訟/進行, even on Mr Day's advice, to 除去する the polyp without any 最近の experience in using diathermy.

'It follows that such 活動/戦闘 was 不適切な, irresponsible and a 危険 to 患者 safety.

'The 傷害s that resulted from the 手続き are 悪化させるing features.'

外科医s who 戦う/戦いd to save Mrs Rouke's life also told the 会議 how they had struggle to stop the bleeding from the 致命的な 傷害s.

Neil MacLachlan, a 顧問, said: 'I have never seen as much 血 as I [saw] that day.'

He said they tried to stitch the 穴を開ける but there ‘just appeared to be more bleeding when 試みる/企てるs were made to do that’.

'Stitches were put in the 穴を開ける and the 血 漏れるd through though stitches' 穴を開けるs and there appeared to be 血 coming from behind the vein,’ he 追加するd.

Mrs Rourke 苦しむd two 大規模な heart attack and doctors were not able to bring her around the second time.

Dr Moyano (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she had not realised Mr Day had left the day 外科 when she began diagnostic 外科 on Mrs Rourke, and felt under 圧力 to 除去する the polyp at his request.

She said she did not know why she had not stopped the 操作/手術 after finding it difficult to move the surgical 器具s.

'Because I took that wrong 決定/判定勝ち(する) and she was in my 手渡すs, I was really 責任がある her death,' she told the 審理,公聴会.

When she took the locum 地位,任命する in Jersey, she had not practised gynaecology or gynaecological 外科 for four years, since her training at the 自治権のある University of Barcelona in 2002.

A number of doctors will give testimonials in support of the doctor tomorrow, followed by submissions on whether the doctor is 有罪の of 不品行/姦通 on Friday morning.

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