It's April 29 and you are all 招待するd! Millions to celebrate 'People's 王室の Wedding' with holiday that could last 11 days

  • Street parties, pop concert and days of holiday planned in Britain
  • Kate's parents 与える/捧げる five-人物/姿/数字 sum に向かって the wedding
  • It's a long way off but 予測(する) 示唆するs it could be 乾燥した,日照りの and sunny
  • 長,率いるs of 明言する/公表する 'not at the 最高の,を越す of the guest 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)'... so will the Obamas …に出席する?
Open invite: Prince William hopes to invoke memories of his mother by inviting children and volunteers to his wedding to Kate Middleton

Open 招待する: Prince William hopes to invoke memories of his mother by 招待するing children and volunteers to his wedding to Kate Middleton

Prince William 計画(する)s to pack Westminster Abbey with children, volunteers and the homeless in a unique ‘People’s 王室の Wedding’.

招待s will be sent to 得点する/非難する/20s of ordinary 国民s as William 試みる/企てるs to evoke the memory of his mother - famously dubbed 'The People's Princess' - by making his marriage to Kate Middleton on April 29 next year a 祝賀 for the whole nation.

There will be street parties, a concert by Britain’s 最高の,を越す pop 星/主役にするs, and a bank holiday the 週末 after 復活祭. For many this could mean a break stretching to 11 days if they take time off between the 連続する four-day bank holiday 週末s.

The 計画(する)s are sure to 誘発する hopes that there will be 類似の 祝賀s in America.

When Diana’s funeral was held at the Abbey 13 years ago, hundreds of charity 労働者s were there to 祝う/追悼する her life. Now courtiers have told the Daily Mail that her eldest son wants a sea of 類似の 直面するs when he walks 負かす/撃墜する the aisle with his new bride.

After a week of 憶測 に引き続いて the 告示 of the couple’s 約束/交戦 last Tuesday, it 現れるd that:

  • Kate’s ‘極端に generous’ parents have agreed to 支払う/賃金 a five-人物/姿/数字 sum に向かって the £12million cost of the big day, the 残り/休憩(する) of which will be 基金d by the Queen and Prince Charles.
  • William won a 戦う/戦い for a spring wedding with 上級の courtiers, some of whom had argued for a later date for better 天候.
  • He chose the Abbey because of its poignant link to his mother, contrasting its ‘staggering beauty’ with the ‘feeling of a parish church’.

Yesterday St James’s Palace 指名するd the day and 発生地 ? 確認するing the Ma il’s 発覚 last week that the wedding will take place at the 2,000-capacity Abbey.

長,率いるs of 明言する/公表する will be 招待するd but a courtier 公表する/暴露するd last night they will not be ‘最高の,を越す of the couple’s 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)’, 明らかにする/漏らすing that William is far more enthusiastic about making sure いっそう少なく recognised friends were there.

Poignant: William chose Westminster Abbey because of the link with his mother and that its 'staggering beauty' contrasted with a parish church feel

Poignant: William chose Westminster Abbey because of the link with his mother and that its 'staggering beauty' contrasted with a parish church feel

The insider said: ‘There will be 確かな people there who you would be very happy to see but wouldn’t やむを得ず be at the 最高の,を越す of your 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる).’

U.S. 大統領 Barack Obama and wife Michelle are said to be eager to …に出席する - but with William 決定するd to honour his mother and 計画(する) the wedding in his own way, they will have to wait and see if they make the 削減(する).

Those likely to receive an 招待 could 含む destitute 十代の少年少女s from the homeless charity Centrepoint. The prince spent a night sleeping rough on the streets of London in support of their 苦境 last year.

The Palace 明らかにする/漏らすd yesterday that William wants a ‘spectacle’ on a grand 規模. Street parties around London on the big day and a 軍の 飛行機で行く-over are 推定する/予想するd in a ‘classic example of what Britain does best’.

Spectacle: William wants the wedding to be an illustration of what Britain does best and while world leaders will be in attendance, he also hopes to invite homeless teenagers and chari
ty volunteers

Spectacle: William wants the wedding to be an illustration of what Britain does best and while world leaders will be in 出席, he also hopes to 招待する homeless 十代の少年少女s and charity volunteers

But Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, William’s 私的な 長官, 追加するd that RAF ヘリコプター co-操縦する William was keen to 避ける roping in 同僚s from the 武装した 軍隊s who are 伴う/関わるd in the war 成果/努力 in Afghanistan.

He said: ‘The couple are very mindful of the 現在の 状況/情勢, and for example Prince William has already 表明するd a (疑いを)晴らす wish that any 関与 by the 武装した 軍隊s should rely in 広大な/多数の/重要な part on those servicemen and women already committed to public and 儀式の 義務s.’

The couple have still to decide, however, on which 上級の church 人物/姿/数字 will celebrate the wedding.

The date ? 確認するd as a bank holiday by 負かす/撃墜するing Street ? means millions of 労働者s and schoolchildren will have two four-day 週末s in a 列/漕ぐ/騒動.


Phillipa Lepley is the favourite to design Kate's dress

Kate Middleton has 公約するd to keep her wedding dress a secret from William, sources said yesterday.

But the bride-to-be is almost 確かな to choose a British designer.

Sarah Haywood, a wedding planner and writer, said 行方不明になる Middleton has a 責任/義務 to 是認する ?British fashion talent ? and ?示唆するd the dress is likely to cost anything from £40,000 to £200,000.

‘Kate has just got to go British,’ she said. ‘The world is watching this wedding and it’s our chance to show off who we are and what we do.

'The iconic bride is Princess Grace of Monaco, who married more than 50 years ago. It’s time to 倒れる her off the pedestal.’

Designer Phillipa Lepley, pictured above, is the 調書をとる/予約する?製造者s’ favourite to design the 王室の wedding dress. Bruce Oldfield and Vivienne Westwood are other 候補者s.

Sources said that while Kate will soon 発表する the 指名する of the designer she chooses, the design will remain 最高の,を越す secret.


The 王室の couple are 静める and remarkably unruffled. But April, the month they have chosen for their wedding, is far more 予測できない.

The month can bring glo rious 日光 and 気温s in the 30s ? or 氷点の 条件s and 豪雪.?

But if the last two 10年間s are anything to go by, the omens are good for a 乾燥した,日照りの, sunny day.

April typically gets around 190 hours of 日光 ? 60 more sunny days than March ? and にもかかわらず its showery 評判, only 1.5 to two インチs of rain.

Over the past 20 years, the 普通の/平均(する) daytime 最大限 気温 for April 29 was around 17c (63f) によれば the Met Office. But that 人物/姿/数字 disguises a 抱擁する variation in the 天候.

In 1994, the 気温 on William and Kate’s wedding date reached a sizzling 23.5c. (74.3f) Yet ten years later, it struggled to get above a chilly 7.8c (46f).

A 広報担当者 for the Met Office said: ‘It’s impossible to 予報する the 天候 on a 選び出す/独身 day in April so far ahead.

But based on 気候 見積(る)s there is a one in 30 chance of getting 10mm of rain on April 29 ? and a one in three chance of getting some rain.

However, this covers a 24-hour period so the 雨の確率 during the wedding itself would be かなり いっそう少なく than this.’

労働者s will have to use just three days’ leave to enjoy a break 継続している 11 days, from the Friday before 復活祭 ? April 15 ? until the May Day bank holiday on May 2.

ABTA, the travel 協会 which 代表するs more than 5,000 travel スパイ/執行官s, 述べるd the news as a ‘unique holiday 大当り’, while it was 予報するd that wedding fever will 上げる the economy.

訪問者 numbers to London will rise over 復活祭 and people will buy celebratory drinks and meals and wedding souvenirs f rom 襲う,襲って強奪するs to replica 約束/交戦 (犯罪の)一味s and dresses.

Footing the bill: The Queen and Prince Charles will pay for most of multi-million wedding, although Kate's parents will make a small contribution

地盤 the 法案: The Queen and Prince Charles will 支払う/賃金 for most of multi-million wedding, although Kate's parents will make a small 出資/貢献

While foreign tourists flood the country to join in the 王室の ‘street party’, some Britons will use the break as an excuse to take an 延長するd holiday ? rising はっきりと from the two million who 普通は go abroad over 復活祭.

上級の courtiers said William and Kate had been ‘fully aware’ that the country would 利益 from a holiday akin to a ‘second Christmas’.

Prince Charles and the Queen will foot most of the 法案 for the multi-million-続けざまに猛撃する 祝賀 but the wedding ? 含むing the service, music, flowers, decorations, 歓迎会 and honeymoon ? will be partly 分裂(する) with Michael and Carole Middleton.

The taxpayer will 選ぶ up the 法案 for 安全 costs, thought to approach £20million thanks to anti-terror 対策 and bank holiday overtime 支払い(額)s.

The Middletons’ 出資/貢献 will be ‘something 明確な/細部’, 補佐官s said last night, まっただ中に suggestions they may 支払う/賃金 for a multi-tiered cake as part o f one of two 推定する/予想するd 歓迎会s.

A formal 歓迎会 is likely to be hosted by the Queen at Buckingham Palace for guests 含むing 長,率いるs of 明言する/公表する and ordinary people who have met William through his charity links, while a second 歓迎会 could be at St James’s Palace.

William the 征服者/勝利者! How young prince won 戦う/戦い with palace to have wedding his way


Taking control: Prince William is doing things his way when it comes to the wedding and feels that it should show two people in love rather than be a state occasion

Taking 支配(する)/統制する: Prince William is doing things his way when it comes to the wedding and feels that it should show two people in love rather than be a 明言する/公表する occasion

He chose the moment to 発表する his 約束/交戦, and now he’s chosen the date of the wedding.

If the grimaces on the 直面するs of some of the Queen’s courtiers are anything to go by, Prince William is getting married his way, not their way.

There may be 急に上がるing 国家s and 長,率いるs of 明言する/公表する, gilded carriages and ecstatic (人が)群がるs, but William is emphatic that his wedding to Kate Middleton must feel like a marriage of two people in love, rather than a 明言する/公表する occasion where the pomp はるかに引き離すs the romance.

‘Nothing troubles him more than the thought of the Middletons feeling 圧倒するd by the occasion,’ says one of his circle.

‘To him, the joy of Kate’s family on her wedding day is more important than his own family’s.’

Thus far, everything has gone によれば 計画(する) ? William’s 計画(する). In particular, he 辞退するd to listen to 公式の/役人 ? and family ? 発言する/表明するs 勧めるing him to have a glorious summer wedding. He was 決定するd to get married as soon as possible, and if that meant running the 危険 of April にわか雨s, so be it.

His 推論する/理由s were simple and (疑いを)晴らす: he and Kate have been together for so many years it would have been ‘absurd’ to have a long 約束/交戦.

There can be no clearer 指示,表示する物 of what is in the 未来 king’s mind: if he doesn’t 始める,決める a precedent of doing things his way now, he’ll never be able to do so in the 未来.

In palace 回廊(地帯)s they are waspishly 述べるing William’s uncompromising manner over the wedding 手はず/準備 as a ‘衝突/不一致 of Wills’.

?But there is much 賞賛 for the 肯定的な way he has taken 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of the big 決定/判定勝ち(する)s since he and Kate became engaged, even 負かす/撃墜する to 詳細(に述べる)s such as 本人自身で selecting ITN’s political editor Tom Bradby, a friend, to 行為/行う the 約束/交戦 interview for television.????

On one point only has he 支援するd 負かす/撃墜する. It was his first instinct to be married in the charming St George’s Chapel at Windsor 城, where Prince Charles and the former Mrs Camilla Parker Bowles received a blessing from the 大司教 of Canterbury after their Guildhall 登録(する) office wedding in 2005.

‘If it’s good enough for my father, it’s good enough for me,’ was William’s 見解(をとる). Many will find his 推論する/理由 for abandoning that idea surprisingly poignant: he felt it would upstage his father, whose marriage to Camilla was a modest 事件/事情/状勢.

Back at work: Prince William steps down from a Sea King helicopter at RAF Valley on the Isle of Anglesey yesterday as plans for his wedding kicked into high gear

支援する at work: Prince William steps 負かす/撃墜する from a Sea King ヘリコプター at RAF Valley on the 小島 of Anglesey yesterday as 計画(する)s for his wedding kicked into high gear

St George's Chapel: William had originally wanted to hold the wedding there, having the view that if 'it's good enough for my father, it's good enough for me'

St George's Chapel: William had 初めは 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 持つ/拘留する the wedding there, having the 見解(をとる) that if 'it's good enough for my father, it's good enough for me'

For a while there was 狼狽 in 公式の/役人 4半期/4分の1s that William’s renowned stubbornness might 勝利,勝つ the day.

In palace circles, they say that the only people he listens to are his grandparents, the Queen and Prince Philip.

And it seems he was 説得するd to agree to Westminster Abbey when he learned how delighted they would be if he and Kate were to marry in the place where they 交流d their own 公約するs 63 years ago, on November 20, 1947. He arranged for Kate to look at the Abbey, and she loved it.

The Queen’s 影響(力) may even have been a factor in William giving Kate his mother’s iconic sapphire and diamond 約束/交戦 (犯罪の)一味.

Fears: William abandoned his idea to use the Windsor Chapel for the wedding as he did not want to upstage his father, who married Camilla there in 2005

恐れるs: William abandoned his idea to use the Windsor Chapel for the wedding as he did not want to upstage his father, who married Camilla there in 2005

Fo r it wasn’t Charles or Diana who chose that (犯罪の)一味 支援する in 1981 but the Queen, 内密に selecting it from a tray of (犯罪の)一味s brought to the palace by the former 栄冠を与える Jeweller David Thomas, pretending he was showing her signet (犯罪の)一味s to 示す Prince Andrew’s 21st birthday.

Already it is (疑いを)晴らす from the 急いでing events of the past week that Prince William does things his way.

明確に, this is setting 負かす/撃墜する a marker for the 肉親,親類d of king he will be one day. Since his teenage years, William’s 選び出す/独身-mindedness has kept him on course, even during those 危険な days when he might have been 説得するd to 落ちる in with roistering friends and do foolish things ? 麻薬s, for example ? which characterised the growing-up years of his brother Harry.

William has always had 巨大な self-支配(する)/統制する and 保証/確信.

‘No one knows better than the Queen how much stronger William is than his father,’ says a palace 人物/姿/数字. ‘He’s much more 肯定的な than Charles, who is always wringing his 手渡すs about this or that. He makes up his mind about something, and then he does it.’

William’s empathy with his grandmother is at the root of 計画(する)s on which palace 補佐官s are working, and which will give a surprising 新たな展開 to the way Kate is perceived.

With that (犯罪の)一味 on her finger, it has been 広範囲にわたって assumed she would be the ‘new Diana’.

But, 奮起させるd by William’s preferred understated style, Kate is to be 現在のd as the ‘new Elizabeth’, more in the manner of the young Queen in the 堅い 戦後の period than the glittering fairy princess Diana.

This will be a difficult trick, 十分な of subtlety and 強調 on practicality and even economy.

It is no coincidence that the couple will more or いっそう少なく copy the life that Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip led after their marriage.

Elizabeth, then 23, went with 海軍の officer Philip to live in Malta where the フリゲート艦 Magpie, which he 命令(する)d, was 駅/配置するd in the Grand Harbour. They were in married 4半期/4分の1s there for two years, and a picture of the young couple still hangs in the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 of Valetta’s Phoenicia hotel where they used to 減少(する) in for a drink.

The new Elizabeth: William wants Kate is follow in his grandmother's footsteps and it is no conincidence that the couple's home in North Wales bears similarities with the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh's life in Malta in the 1950s

The new Elizabeth: William wants Kate is follow in his grandmother's footsteps and it is no conincidence that the couple's home in North むちの跡s 耐えるs similarities with the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh's life in Malta in the 1950s

William and Kate will 類似して put 負かす/撃墜する roots in North むちの跡s where the prince, a search-and-救助(する) ヘリコプター 操縦する, is 駅/配置するd at RAF Valley. They, too, could be there for two years, and かもしれない more.

Typical of William’s 王室の st yle, the cottage where they live has no 国内の staff and they 株 the shopping and the chores.

At the same time, although the Queen is 支払う/賃金ing for the wedding 歓迎会 ? 推定する/予想するd to be at Buckingham Palace ? 同様に as the Abbey service, the music, the flowers and the honeymoon, William 主張するd that his own staff lead the planning.

One 推論する/理由 for this was to 確実にする that Kate’s parents, Michael and Carole Middleton, were not 除外するd from the wedding 計画(する)s. On the contrary, thanks to him they will be kept in touch throughout.

William also understood his 未来 father-in-法律’s 願望(する) to make a 財政上の 出資/貢献 to the wedding, and this is likely to 伴う/関わる Kate’s wedding dress.

They say when you marry you should start as you mean to go on. William is doing just that.

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