著作権侵害者 could serve 34 years for attack on U.S. ship 近づく Africa

U.S. 連邦の 検察官,検事s have asked a 裁判官 in New York City to 宣告,判決 a Somali 著作権侵害者 to nearly 34 years in 刑務所,拘置所 for an attack on a US-flagged ship off the coast of Africa.

検察官,検事s said in a 法廷,裁判所 とじ込み/提出するing that Abdiwali Abdigadir Muse led a ttacks on ships in the Indian Ocean for more than a month in 2009.

Sole survivor: Abdiwali Abdigadir Muse is accused of hijacking the Maersk Alabama and taking its captain Richard Phillips hostage. Prosecutors have asked for a 34-year jail term

単独の 生存者: Abdiwali Abdigadir Muse is (刑事)被告 of ハイジャック the Maersk Alabama and taking its captain Richard Phillips 人質. 検察官,検事s have asked for a 34-year 刑務所,拘置所 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語

They say he 脅すd to chop up one 船員 and terrorised others 銃をつきつけて.

Muse was 逮捕(する)d in the failed ハイジャック of the Maersk Alabama. He was の中で the 著作権侵害者s who held captain Richard Phillips 人質 for days before 海軍 sharpshooters killed his 共犯者s.

Under attack: The 17,000-ton container ship Maersk Alabama was hijacked by Somalia pirates while sailing from Salalah in Oman to the Kenyan port of Mombassa via Djibouti

Under attack: The 17,000-トン コンテナ ship Maersk Alabama was ハイジャック(する)d by Somalia 著作権侵害者s while sailing from Salalah in Oman to the Kenyan port of Mombassa 経由で Djibouti

Muse's lawyers have asked the 裁判官 to be lenient. They say he never ーするつもりであるd to 傷つける anyone.

宣告,判決ing is scheduled for next week.

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