US support for war 急に上がるs after Saddam 逮捕(する)

Support の中で the American public for the war on Iraq today 発射 支援する to levels not seen since the 突発/発生 of war.

に引き続いて the 逮捕(する) of Saddam Hussein, people in the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs were also ますます 確信して that Osama 貯蔵所 Laden would be caught.

And many believed 武器s of 集まり 破壊

would be 設立する in Iraq, によれば a 投票 for CNN and USA Today.

Of those 投票d, 62% said it was 価値(がある) going to war.

Such support has not been seen since August, when it reached a high of 63%.

More than half of those 投票d - 54% - said they were "very 確信して" or "somewhat 確信して" that 化学製品 and 生物学の 武器s would now be 設立する.

The level of general 信用/信任 about the war was 84% - the highest since the end of March, 10 days after the war broke out.

Some 664 American adults were 調査するd by Gallup.

Sixty-eight パーセント said they were "very" or "somewhat" 確信して that 貯蔵所 Laden would also be 逮捕(する)d.

He is believed to be hiding in the mountains between Afghanistan and north-east Pakistan.

Nearly seven in 10 (67%) said they were 確信して that Iraq would become a 僕主主義, although that 人物/姿/数字 is still below the late March 人物/姿/数字 of 75%.

Six in 10 were 確信して that attacks by 謀反のs in Iraq would be stopped.

More than eight in 10 - 82% - believed Saddam's 逮捕(する) was a "major 業績/成就".

Opinion on where Saddam should be tried was mixed. Nearly half (48%) believe Saddam should be tried in an international 法廷,裁判所, rather than an Iraqi or US 軍の 法廷,裁判所.

The 打開 is 存在 seen by political 観察者/傍聴者s as a major 上げる for 大統領 George Bush's re-選挙 chances next year.

His main 対抗者, Howard Dean, who is 主要な the Democratic race to challenge him, has attacked the 決定/判定勝ち(する) to go to war.

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