最高の,を越す Afghan MP の中で 23 killed by 自殺 爆撃機 who blew himself up at wedding of 政治家,政治屋's daughter

Sayed Ahman Khan Samangani was killed when the suicide bomber blew himself up at a wedding

Sayed Ahman 旅宿泊所 Samangani was killed when the 自殺 爆撃機 blew himself up at a wedding

A 自殺 爆撃機 blew himself up Saturday in a wedding hall in northern Afghanistan, 殺人,大当り at least 23 people 含むing a 目だつ 将軍-turned-政治家,政治屋 and three Afghan 安全 軍隊 公式の/役人s, in an attack that 取引,協定s a 後退 to 成果/努力s to 統一する the nation's 民族の 派閥s, Afghan 公式の/役人s said.

Ahmad 旅宿泊所 Samangani, an 民族の Uzbek and anti-Soviet ゲリラ兵 leader in the 1980s who later became a member of 議会, was welcoming guests to his daughter's wedding when the 爆発 occurred in Aybak, the 資本/首都 of Samangan 州.

大統領 Hamid Karzai said 23 people were killed and about 60, 含むing 政府 公式の/役人s, were 負傷させるd in the attack, which he 非難するd and said was 'carried out by the enemies of Afghanistan.'

He ordered a team from Kabul to 飛行機で行く to the northern 州 to 調査/捜査する the 爆破.

No one has yet (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 責任/義務 for the 爆破. But in 発表するing their spring 不快な/攻撃 on May 2, the Taliban said they would continue to 的 those who 支援する the Karzai 政府 and the U.S.-led international 軍の 連合.

Karzai needs the 少数,小数派 groups - loosely known as the Northern 同盟 - to bac k his 成果/努力s to reconcile with the Taliban.

But 少数,小数派s already worry that Karzai, a Pashtun, will make too many 譲歩s to their Taliban enemies to 達成する a peace 取引,協定 to end the war. Whatever support for peace 会談 that Karzai has won from 少数,小数派 groups is likely to erode if 交戦的なs continue to 選ぶ off their leaders one by one.

It was the most 最近の in a month-long string of deadly attacks around the country.

On June 22, ひどく 武装した Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s attacked a lakeside hotel north of Kabul and killed 18 people during a 12-hour 引き分け with 安全 軍隊s.

Two days earlier, a 自殺 爆撃機 killed 21 people, 含むing three U.S. 兵士s, at a 検問所 in a (人が)群がるd market in the eastern city of Khost.

The 暴力/激しさ 脅すs to 土台を崩す international hopes of an 整然とした handover to Afghan 軍隊s by the end of 2014.

分かれて, 北大西洋条約機構 said two of its service members were killed Saturday in eastern Afghanistan - one in an 謀反の attack and the other as a result of a 非,不,無-戦う/戦い 関係のある 傷害. No other 詳細(に述べる)s were 供給するd. So far this year, 235 北大西洋条約機構 service members have died in Afghanistan.

A man surveys the scene of a suicide bomb attack targeting the wedding ceremony of the daughter of Samangani

A man 調査するs the scene of a 自殺 爆弾 attack 的ing the wedding 儀式 of the daughter of Samangani

In western Afghanistan, Abdul Salam Rahimi, the 市長 of Shindand 地区 in Herat 州, was assassinated Friday evening by two gunmen on a motorbike, authori 関係 said. A 非軍事の, who was 負傷させるd in the 狙撃, later died at a hospital.

Mohammad Nawab Sherzai, 犯罪の 調査s director in Aybak who was helping 供給する 安全 for the wedding, said most of the 地元の guests had already gathered on the second and third 床に打ち倒すs of the three-story wedding hall when the morning 爆発 occurred.

Samangani and other 親族s and 年上のs had moved to the first 床に打ち倒す to welcome 付加 guests arriving from Mazar-i-Sharif, the 資本/首都 of 隣接地の Balkh 州.

'Suddenly, the 攻撃者, who was の中で the guests from Mazar-i-Sharif, got very の近くに to Samangani. He 爆発させるd his 自殺 vest,' Sherzai said. 'It was a big 爆発. There were 血まみれの 団体/死体s all around the first 床に打ち倒す. The 爆発 was so strong. There were people even on the third 床に打ち倒す who were 負傷させるd.'

'Everybody was running in different directions. For about 10 minutes, nobody knew what was happening,' he said. 'There was dark smoke all around. After about 10 minutes, the people were able to see the 団体/死体s and start helping with the 負傷させるd.'

The three Afghan 安全 軍隊 公式の/役人s killed were Afghan 国家の Police Gen. Sayed Ahmad Sameh, the 指揮官 for the western 地域 and a 親族 of Samangani; Gen. Mohammad 旅宿泊所, the 知能 長,指導者 in the 州; and Mohammadullah, an Afghan 国家の Army 分割 指揮官 who uses only one 指名する, which is ありふれた in Afghanistan.

President Hamid Karzai said 23 people were killed and about 60, including government officials, were wounded
 in the attack

大統領 Hamid Karzai said 23 people were killed and about 60, 含むing 政府 公式の/役人s, were 負傷させるd in the attack

The 負傷させるd 含むd a 国会議員 from Balkh 州 and a former 知事 of Sar-e-Pul 州.

After the 爆破, 粉々にするd glass, 血 and other 破片 and covered the 場所/位置 and the 負傷させるd were helped from the scene. Afghan Army ヘリコプターs and 救急車s フェリー(で運ぶ)d some of the 負傷させるd from rudimentary 医療の 施設s in Aybak to Mazar-i-Sharif, which has larger hospitals.

Dead 団体/死体s were piled into the 支援する of Afghan 安全 軍隊 乗り物s and taken from the wedding hall, which has a facade of 中心存在s painted a festive light green and pink. The wedding never occurred.

Samangani became famous during Afghanistan's fight against the Soviets, who left the country in 1989 after a 10-year 占領/職業. He became a member of 議会 last year and was considered a 重要な leader in Samangan and northern Afghanistan.

He was a former 軍の 指揮官 under Northern 同盟 general Abdul Rashid Dostum, a powerful Uzbek 将軍. Samangan, a 州 with about 350,000 people, has in the past been 政治上 分裂(する) between 民族の Tajik and Uzbek leaders.

The 撤退 of most foreign 軍隊/機動隊s by the end of 2014 has spawned 恐れるs the country will descend into civil war when foreign 軍隊/機動隊s leave.

A man who was injured in a suicide bomb attack  receives medical treatment at a local hospital in Aibak city

A man who was 負傷させるd in a 自殺 爆弾 attack receives 医療の 治療 at a 地元の hospital in Aibak city

NATO soldiers inspect the wedding hall shortly after the bomb went off

北大西洋条約機構 兵士s 検査/視察する the wedding hall すぐに after the 爆弾 went off

To 妨げる that, Karzai needs the Northern 同盟 to 支援する his 成果/努力s to reconcile with the Taliban. That's because, while Pashtuns (不足などを)補う 42 パーセント of the 全住民, collectively the 少数,小数派 Tajiks, Hazaras, Uzbeks and other smaller groups より数が多い them.

Without 少数,小数派 support, the country 危険s a de facto partition into a Pashtun south and a '少数,小数派' north.

The Talib an have assassinated a number of Northern 同盟 and other 少数,小数派 leaders in 最近の years.

Gen. Daud Daud, an 民族の Tajik, who oversaw police activities in nine northern 州s, was killed in May 2011 when a Taliban 自殺 爆撃機 wearing a police uniform blew himself up inside a ひどく guarded 構内/化合物 as 最高の,を越す Afghan and international 公式の/役人s left a 会合.

Daud had also served as 知事 of Takhar 州 in the north, 副 内部の 大臣 for counternarcotics and was a former 護衛 of Ahmad Shah Massoud, the charismatic Northern 同盟 指揮官 who was himself killed in an al-Qaida 自殺 爆破 two days before the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Other 暗殺s 含む the Takhar 地方の police 長,指導者, Gen. Shah Jahan Noori, who died in the same 爆破 as Daud.

Mohammad Omar, the 知事 of 隣接地の Kunduz 州 in the north, was assassinated in October 2010 inside a イスラム教寺院. Gen. Abdul Rahman Sayedkhili, the 地方の police 長,指導者 of Kunduz 州, was killed by an 謀反の 爆撃機 in March 2011.

A month later, a 自殺 爆撃機 killed Gen. 旅宿泊所 Mohammad Mujahid, who was police 長,指導者 in the Taliban 要塞/本拠地 of Kandahar 州 in the south, but was 提携させるd with the Northern 同盟.


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