Blair arrives in US for 危機 会談

Last updated at 16:49 16 April 2004

総理大臣 Tony Blair said today he was 捜し出すing a new UN 決意/決議 to 運動 今後 the 過程 of transferring 主権,独立 支援する to the people of Iraq.

Speaking ahead of 会談 with 大統領 George W Bush, Mr Blair said it was important that the UN had a greater 役割 in 器具/実施するing the 移行 before the June 30 最終期限.

He also 否定するd repeated (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that there was a transatlantic 不和 over how to を取り引きする the growing 危機 in Iraq.

He 主張するd that Britain and the US "株 the ありふれた 目的(とする) and 目的" of 回復するing 安定 to the war-torn country.

…を伴ってd by UN 長官-General Kofi Annan after the two held 会談 in New York, the 総理大臣 said: "To find the 権利 political way 今後 that the circumstances will 許す us, at some point in the 近づく 未来 we need to have a new UN 安全 会議 決意/決議 that will 許す us to 計画(する) the way 今後 for the political 移行 in Iraq."

未来 安全

Mr Blair said that the best 保証(人) of 未来 安全 for the world would only come if "we 後継する in Iraq".

一方/合間, he 解任するd calls, believed to be from Osama 貯蔵所 Laden in a taped message, for Europe to abandon the US-led war on terror.

"I do not think we need Osama 貯蔵所 Laden to start telling us how to 扱う our political 事件/事情/状勢s."

Mr Blair will 持つ/拘留する 危機 会談 with Mr Bush in Washington later today まっただ中に a growing number of attacks on 連合 軍隊/機動隊s, by 謀反のs in Iraq, and a 洪水/多発 of kidnappings of foreigners.

にもかかわらず past 不一致s within the international community over the 侵略 of Iraq, Mr Blair 主張するd that all countries now 株d the same goal.

"That is a stable and 繁栄する and democratic Iraq 治める/統治するd by Iraqi people," he said.

"How we get there is 明白に the difficult 問題/発行する, 特に with 安全 at the moment, but our 決意 to get there... remains undimmed. We have to stand 会社/堅い."

Washington 分裂(する)

He was asked about 最近の 報告(する)/憶測s that London and Washington were 分裂(する) over 軍の 策略 in Iraq and the 過程 of political 移行.

He said: "We have got a ありふれた 目的(とする) and 目的. The ありふれた 目的(とする) and 目的 is 決定的な."

Mr Blair went on: "Whatever 不一致s there have been about the 知恵 of our 活動/戦闘 in Iraq - I happen to believe it is 権利 for the 推論する/理由s that I have given - it is in everyone's 利益/興味s now to see Iraq become a stable and democratic 明言する/公表する.

"On the one 味方する you have got ourselves, the 国際連合, all the other countries 伴う/関わるd and the 広大な 大多数 of Iraqi people.

"On the other 味方する you have groups of fanatics or テロリストs or people who want to return Iraq to the old ways."

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