Just hanging around: Cages are 陳列する,発揮するd on 政治家s as part of the 年次の bird-singing contest in Thailand which draws contestants from all over South East Asia


These remarkable pictures show the spectacle of bird singing contests in Thailand, where hundreds of competitors pitch their singing birds against each other for big money prizes.

The birds are kept in ornate bamboo cages draped with (a)手の込んだ/(v)詳述する and colourful cloths but when the 競争 begins the cages are hoisted の上に hooks 一時停止するd around three metres high on the metal grid.

The photos were taken in the Rueso 地区 in Thailand's southern 州 of Narathiwat this 週末. Hundreds of bird owners from Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore took part in the 伝統的な contest held every year.

The 裁判官s award points to the birds' songs based on pitch, melody and 容積/容量 and prize money can be up to one million baht (£18,000).

Songbirds: These incredible images show the splendour of the bird singing contests held in Thailand

Songbirds: These incredible images show the splendour of the bird singing contests held in Thailand

Elaborate: Hundreds of bird owners from Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore took part in the traditional contest held every year

(a)手の込んだ/(v)詳述する: Hundreds of bird owners from Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore took part in the 伝統的な contest held every year

The judges award points to the birds' songs based on pitch, melody and volume and prize money can be up to one million baht (£18,000)

The 裁判官s award points to the birds' songs based on pitch, melody and 容積/容量 and prize money can be up to one million baht (£18,000)

Melody: A contestant displays a bird in an elaborate bamboo cage

Melody: A contestant 陳列する,発揮するs a bird in an (a)手の込んだ/(v)詳述する bamboo cage

The photos were taken in the Rueso district in Thailand's southern province of Narathiwat this weekend
Performance: A contestant attaches a bird cage to a cord so it can be hoisted to the top of a pole to take part in a bird-singing contest

The photos were taken in the Rueso 地区 in Thailand's southern 州 of Narathiwat this 週末

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