Blair and Straw should '絶対' be quizzed over British complicity in 拷問, says former home 長官 Alan Johnson

  • Former PM and Foreign 長官 直面する 議会の 取調べ/厳しく尋問するing over 拷問
  • Comes after US 報告(する)/憶測 明らかにする/漏らすd 規模 of '高めるd 尋問' by 中央情報局
  • But the 報告(する)/憶測 redacted all 証拠 of British complicity with the 中央情報局
  • It has led to calls for a 十分な judicial 調査 into what the 政府 knew
  • A 議会の 委員会 has 開始する,打ち上げるd a 調査(する) of British complicity
  • Its chairman Sir Malcolm Rifkind said he would call former 大臣s?

主要な 労働 人物/姿/数字s yesterday 需要・要求するd that Tony Blair 直面する a 取調べ/厳しく尋問するing over 拷問.

As the clamour for a 裁判官-led 調査 grew, Alan Johnson and Yvette Cooper called for the former 首相 to be quizzed on Britain’s 役割 in the 野蛮な 治療 of 囚人s by the US.

It comes as the Daily Mail publishes a letter from more than 40 目だつ 人物/姿/数字s, 含むing 政治家,政治屋s and authors, calling for David Cameron to 安全な・保証する the 解放(する) of a British father of four held for 13 years without 裁判,公判 in Guantanamo Bay.

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Former Prime Minister Tony Blair and the then Foreign Secretary Jack Straw are facing questions over what they knew about CIA torture

Former 総理大臣 Tony Blair and the then Foreign 長官 Jack Straw are 直面するing questions over what they knew about 中央情報局 拷問

影をつくる/尾行する home 長官 行方不明になる Cooper also broke 階級s to say she believed an 調査 by a 裁判官 might be needed to get to the truth about 拷問.

Her 介入 means the 労働 前線 (法廷の)裁判 is on the 瀬戸際 of supporting an 調査 that could be hugely embarrassing for both Mr Blair and David Miliband ? the brother of the party’s 現在の leader.

MPs said former foreign 長官 Jack Straw ? who has been interviewed Jack Straw ? who has been interviewed as a ‘証言,証人/目撃する’ by 探偵,刑事s 調査/捜査するing the rendition of two Libyan 反体制者s ? must also be held to account.

Last night, former Tory 司法長官 Dominic Grieve 支援するd the calls for a 裁判官-led 調査 once the police 調査s are over, 説 it was needed to 供給する ‘finality’.

And former 影をつくる/尾行する home 長官 David Davis told Sky News a 裁判官 must take 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金. He said: ‘One must understand the sheer 負わせる of 圧力 that comes from the 設立 to try and stop this sort of stuff coming out, so I think this needs to be a judicial 調査.’

At Westminster, the 週末 was 支配するd by the continued fallout from last week’s 上院 知能 委員会 報告(する)/憶測, which 詳細(に述べる)d how 抑留者s had been 支配するd to 拷問 such as waterboarding.

Mr Cameron continues to 粘着する to the position that an 調査 by 議会’s 知能 and 安全 委員会 is the best way of finding out the level of Britain’s 関与.

In a publicity blitz, ISC chairman Sir Malcolm Rifkind yesterday said he had asked the 上院 委員会 to 明らかにする/漏らす the redactions, requested by British 安全 公式の/役人s, which led to all について言及する of MI5 and MI6 存在 除去するd from the 499-page 報告(する)/憶測.

Sir Malcolm Rifkind told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show this morning that he would seek to question former ministers over Britain's role or complicity in torture

Sir Malcolm Rifkind told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show this morning that he would 捜し出す to question former 大臣s over Britain's 役割 or complicity in 拷問

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Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said her 'instinct' was to call for a full judicial inquiry into UK torture

影をつくる/尾行する home 長官 Yvette Cooper said her 'instinct' was to call for a 十分な judicial 調査 into UK 拷問


Former foreign 長官 Jack Straw was 取調べ/厳しく尋問するd by police 調査/捜査するing the 誘拐s of two Libyan 反体制者s who (人命などを)奪う,主張する they were 手渡すd to 陸軍大佐 Muammar Gadaffi and 拷問d by his 政権.

Mr Straw was interviewed as a '証言,証人/目撃する' by Scotland Yard まっただ中に (人命などを)奪う,主張するs the British 政府 was complicit in the 'rendition' of the two men and their families.?

The 反体制者s, Abdel Hakim Belhadj and Sami al-Saadi, have (刑事)被告 Mr Straw of 調印 off on the 操作/手術s in 2004.

A 決定/判定勝ち(する) on whether to lay any 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s could be made in the new year.?

He also said his 委員会 would ask any former or serving 大臣 with a 出資/貢献 to make to give 証拠 ? putting the スポットライト 堅固に on Mr Blair, Mr Straw and Mr Miliband.

Sir Malcolm 追加するd: ‘If they 辞退する to do so, that in itself would 暗示する they have something to hide. If there is 証拠 they knew or were 伴う/関わるd then of course they would be 優先 人物/姿/数字s for our 調査.

‘If people deserve to be embarrassed it’s our 職業 to embarrass them. We have a statutory 義務 to carry out this 仕事 without 恐れる or favour.’

However, he 認める that he had no way of 説得力のある the Americans to を引き渡す an uncensored copy of the 報告(する)/憶測. He also 譲歩するd he could not say he was ‘確信して’ of success .

Home 長官 Theresa May will be 取調べ/厳しく尋問するd today by the Home 事件/事情/状勢s Select 委員会 on the extent of her 接触する with the 上院 委員会 and whether she 本人自身で ロビーd for any redactions.

ISC member George Howarth said it was 権利 to 捜し出す 詳細(に述べる)s of redacted 構成要素 but questioned why it should come from the US. He said the 優先 should be to 捜し出す answers 直接/まっすぐに from the 政府 and 知能 機関s. The 労働 MP 追加するd: ‘It could take months and what we are asking for already 存在するs in London.’

行方不明になる Cooper said she 疑問d the ISC ‘have the capacity and the 範囲’ to carry out an 調査, 追加するing that her ‘instinct’ was that a 裁判官-led 過程 would still be 要求するd to 確実にする 信用/信任.?

She told the BBC that Mr Blair and other former 大臣s had ‘always said that they would co-operate with all 調査s and have said that they would be very keen to do so’.

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair met the former Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi at his desert base outside Sirte south of Tripoli in 2007

Former 総理大臣 Tony Blair met the former Libyan leader 陸軍大佐 Gaddafi at his 砂漠 base outside Sirte south of Tripoli in 2007


A 議会の 委員会 has called on the US 政府 to を引き渡す any 証拠 of British complicity in 拷問.

Last week a US 上院 報告(する)/憶測 exposed the "残虐な" 治療 of al-Qaeda terror 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs in the wake of 9/11.

負かす/撃墜するing Street has 認める that some 構成要素 was 除去するd from the 報告(する)/憶測 at the UK's request, for 国家の 安全 推論する/理由s.

But it said no redactions 関係のある to British 関与 in the 虐待 of 囚人s.

The House of ありふれたs 知能 and 安全 委員会 is 行為/行うing an 調査 into the 治療 of 抑留者s by British 知能 機関s in the 10年間 に引き続いて 9/11.

Sir Malcolm Rifkind, who 長,率いるs the 知能 委員会, told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show it would request to see redacted 構成要素 in the 上院's public 報告(する)/憶測 if it 言及/関連d the UK.

He said that if British 知能 公式の/役人s were 現在の when people were 存在 拷問d then they were complicit in that 拷問.

"That would be やめる against all the 基準s of this country, it would be something that せねばならない be brought into the public domain," Sir Malcolm 追加するd.

行方不明になる Cooper 追加するd that it was important to get to the truth to make sure there was no ‘影をつくる/尾行する of innuendo or 主張s cast over the 決定的な work that the [安全] 機関s rightly do to keep us all 安全な every day of the week’.

Former home 長官 Mr Johnson said Mr Straw and Mr Blair should go before the 委員会.

Asked on the Andrew Marr show if they should give 証拠, he said: ‘Yes, 絶対, yes.’

Former 副 首相 Lord Prescott also called for a judicial 調査. He wrote in his Sunday Mirror column: ‘We must have a transparent system that 反映するs our values of fair play and 司法(官), not one that turns a blind 注目する,もくろむ and deaf ear to (人命などを)奪う,主張するs of the 誘拐 and 拷問 of innocent people.’

Tory Defence 長官 Michael Fallon called for Mr Straw and Mr Blair to 明らかにする/漏らす what they knew about the 中央情報局’s 拷問 and rendition programme when they were in office.

He said: ‘明白に it’s for them, it’s for former 大臣s to account for the 関係 then. I hope they will co-operate with any 議会の 調査.’

Civil liberties groups and (選挙などの)運動をするing MPs 告発する/非難する Britain of 繰り返して turning a blind 注目する,もくろむ to 拷問 during Mr Blair’s ‘war on terror’ ? when he worked 手渡す in glove with the Bush administr ation.

There are 主張s that British スパイ/執行官s were 現在の when 拷問 took place and that the UK helped with rendition flights. Yesterday, one of the two psychologists who were paid to run the 尋問 programme by the 中央情報局 主張するd UK スパイ/執行官s were at 拷問 場所/位置s. Dr James Mitchell, who 工夫するd the 残虐な ‘高めるd 尋問’ programmes, said: ‘I’d see their special 操作/手術s people at the 場所/位置s I would visit.’

Lib Dem 商売/仕事 長官 Vince Cable said the ISC and police 調査s into the Libyan renditions should be 許すd to ‘run their course’.

He 追加するd: ‘If at the end of it, it doesn’t appear that the truth is 現れるing, that people imagine there is some 肉親,親類d of cover-up, then of course a 裁判官-led 調査 is the 権利 way to proceed.’

Isabella Sankey of human 権利s group Liberty said: ‘Until our 政府 始める,決めるs up a transparent, judicial 調査, cover-up and 公式の/役人 impunity will 固執する.’