Blair 会合,会うs Afghan leader for 会談

Last updated at 08:22 29 June 2004

総理大臣 Tony Blair is today 会合 Afghanistan 大統領 Hamed Karzai for 会談 at the Nato 首脳会議 in Istanbul.

On the の近くにing day of the two day 集会 of 26 同盟 leaders, Mr Blair was said to want to hear "a 戦略の overview of the next two to three years" from Mr Karzai.

The Nato leaders yesterday agreed to 拡大する their 役割 in Afghanistan outside the 資本/首都 Kabul with more so called 地方の 再建 Teams, かもしれない 含むing an 増加するd 役割 for British 軍隊/機動隊s.

The 目的(とする) is to support and stabilise Mr Karzai's 政府 in the run up to 選挙s later this year. Nato 軍隊/機動隊s are also helping with a 投票者 登録 programme.

The leaders' 公式発表 明言する/公表するd yesterday: "The successful 行為/行う of 全国的な 選挙s will be a 決定的な milestone in the democratic 開発 and 平和的な 進化 of Afghanistan."

Mr Blair told reporters yesterday that four million 投票者s had already 登録(する)d and 警告するd of Taliban elements and "テロリストs" who 手配中の,お尋ね者 to "turn the country backwards".

He 追加するd: "That's why it's 権利 for Nato to step up to the 示す."

The Nato 会談 will end at lunchtime today with no more 重要な 結論s 推定する/予想するd.

Mr Blair was 予定 to 飛行機で行く on this afternoon to Brussels for a special European 首脳会議 hosted by Irish 総理大臣 Bertie Ahern to 確認する Portuguese 首相 Jose Durao Barosso as the new European (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 大統領.

The 首相 will then return to London.

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