Saddam to 直面する Iraqi 司法(官)

Saddam Hussein is to 直面する 司法(官) at the 手渡すs of his own people, after it was 発表するd that the US 軍の is transferring the former 独裁者 to Iraqi 合法的な 保護/拘留. Saddam will appear in 法廷,裁判所 と一緒に 11 other 最高の,を越す Baathist 公式の/役人s 含むing '化学製品 Ali'.

暫定的な 総理大臣 Iyad Allawi said that Saddam, with up to 11 other 最高の,を越す Baathist 公式の/役人s, will appear before Iraqi 裁判官s to be 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d on Thursday, a day after the 合法的な 移転.

"This 政府 has 正式に requested the 移転 of the most 悪名高い and high profile 抑留者s," he told a news 会議/協議会.

"These people... will 直面する 司法(官) before the special Iraqi 法廷,裁判所 created in January to try members of the former 政権 for 罪,犯罪s against humanity, 集団殺戮 and war 罪,犯罪s."

Saddam, (刑事)被告 by Iraqis of ordering the 殺人,大当り and 拷問ing of thousands of their compatriots during 35 years of Baathist 支配する, has been held as a 囚人 of war since US 軍隊s 設立する him hiding in a 穴を開ける 近づく Tikrit in December.

Within hours, Iraqi 当局 発表するd 逮捕(する) 令状s for Saddam and the 11 others, 含むing former 副 総理大臣 Tareq Aziz.

The 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) also 含むs Ali Hassan al-Majid, also known as '化学製品 Ali', former 副大統領 Taha Yassin Ramadan, and two of Saddam's half-brothers.

Allawi said the US-led 多国籍の 軍隊 would keep physical 保護/拘留 of Saddam and the other 11 until Iraq's nascent police 軍隊 was 有能な of 拘留するing them securely.

He 勧めるd the Iraqi people to be 患者. He 定評のある that more than 1 million Iraqis are 行方不明の as a result of events that occurred during the former 政権 - and that many Iraqis want 司法(官) done.

But he 主張するd that Saddam must receive a "just 裁判,公判, a fair 裁判,公判".

Once Saddam is in Iraqi 合法的な 保護/拘留, he will 中止する to be a PoW. The formal end of US-led 占領/職業 on Monday also 示すd the end of 国際紛争 in Iraq. At that point international 法律 says PoWs must be 解放(する)d or 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d.

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