ウクライナ共和国 審議s 論争d 選挙

Last updated at 16:28 27 November 2004

ウクライナ共和国's 議会 has opened an 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の 開会/開廷/会期 to 審議 a 論争d 大統領の 選挙 a day after Western 調停者s trying to end 騒動 in major cities 説得するd two 競争相手s to start 会談.

With more than 100,000 詠唱するing 支持者s of 自由主義の 挑戦者 Viktor Yushchenko outside 需要・要求するing a rerun of the 投票 he says was stolen from him, 議会 was to discuss the disruption 原因(となる)d by 集まり 抗議するs over the 選挙 結果.

The 延期 of his 競争相手 総理大臣 Viktor Yanukovich's 就任(式)/開始 に引き続いて a 最高裁判所 判決,裁定 was also to be discussed.

With 428 of 450 副s 登録(する)d, a 定足数 was easily 構成するd, にもかかわらず the absence of Yanukovich's Party of the 地域s.

That means the 議会 can 修正する 法律s 治める/統治するing 大統領の 選挙s -- a 重要な 問題/発行する raised by Yushchenko's team.

議会 has no 力/強力にする to overturn last Sunday's 投票 after the Central 選挙 (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 宣言するd Yanukovich the 勝利者.

But it could criticise the (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 and its 査定/評価 could carry political 負わせる two days ahead of a 最高裁判所 事例/患者 診察するing Yushchenko's (民事の)告訴s of 投票 不正行為s.

On the streets outside 議会, passions remained high.

注意するing Yushchenko's call to stay in the streets until they 安全な・保証するd victory, thousands of 支持者s wearing scarves, hats and 略章s in his (選挙などの)運動をする's orange colours 勇敢に立ち向かうd snow and 勝利,勝つd to man 封鎖s around 政府 buildings.

Music blared from (衆議院の)議長s and metal バーレル/樽s used for 解雇する/砲火/射撃s 夜通し became 一時しのぎの物,策 派手に宣伝するs to …を伴って the 詠唱する of "Yu-shchen-ko".

In contrast, some of Yanukovich's 支持者s, who had 行う/開催する/段階d 決起大会/結集させるs at Kiev's 鉄道 駅/配置する, were seen 搭乗 trains to return to the Moscow-支援するd 首相's native Donbass in ロシアの-speaking east ウクライナ共和国.

Ukrainian television showed a large 決起大会/結集させる in Donetsk, the 地域's largest city.

The 論争d 選挙 has raised 緊張 between the West and Russia, which 恐れるs losing its 持つ/拘留する over ex-Soviet ウクライナ共和国. It has also exposed a centuries-old faultline dividing the country into east and west.

'Russia must 受託する it

German 外務大臣 Joschka Fischer was 引用するd as 説 Russia has to 受託する the will of the 選挙民 in ウクライナ共和国.

"No one wants to take anything away from Russia.

But when the people in ウクライナ共和国 decide in a 解放する/自由な and fair 選挙 to go in a new direction everyone has to 受託する it," Fischer told Bild am Sonntag newspaper in an interview to appear on Sunday.

"Neither Russia nor anyone else has anything to 恐れる about a 僕主主義 in ウクライナ共和国 based on the 支配する of the 法律."

会談 on Friday between Yushchenko and Yanukovich, bringing together 調停者s from Russia and the European Union, produced little more than an 協定 to 始める,決める up a group to 追求する 会談.

Both 希望に満ちたs also 誓約(する)d to shun 暴力/激しさ and 許す the 政府 to keep 機能(する)/行事ing.

Yushchenko 現れるd to say he had 拒絶するd Yanukovich's 提案 to 服従させる/提出する 11,000 (民事の)告訴s to the 法廷,裁判所s.

"We will only 持つ/拘留する 会談 on 行う/開催する/段階ing a new 投票(する)," he said, 追加するing he sought an 選挙 on Dec. 12.

Yanukovich said nothing as he left the 会合. On Saturday, he 勧めるd Ukrainians to shun 暴力/激しさ 未解決の 決意/決議 of the 危機.

It was 不明瞭な which 味方する 伸び(る)d more. Russia, which had 勧めるd Ukrainians to settle their differences in the 法廷,裁判所s, 申し込む/申し出d no comment.

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