Howard signals end to terror 法案 審議

Tory leader Michael Howard tonight signalled an end to the 戦う/戦い over the 政府's anti-terror 法案, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing the sunset 条項 he had been 需要・要求するing had now been 約束d "in all but 指名する".

(人命などを)奪う,主張するing the 政府 had climbed 負かす/撃墜する, Howard said the changes 輪郭(を描く)d this afternoon 効果的に meant they would have something 類似の to the sunset 条項.

"Our 底(に届く) line has always been the sunset 条項," he said. "That is what we have now been given."

His comments (機の)カム as Tony Blair 主張するd the 政府 would not 受託する 保守的な 需要・要求するs for changes to the 重荷(を負わせる) of proof in the anti-terror 法案 or a 'sunset 条項'.

However Blair did 譲歩する that there was "a way through" the 行き詰まり through the 準備/条項 of a review 過程.

The 総理大臣 said that 弱めるing the anti-terror 法案 is 'wrong and irresponsible' as MPs 審議 the 法律制定 for the fifth time.

Peers earlier 反抗するd the 政府 for the fourth time in 24 hours over its 議論の的になる anti-テロ行為 法律制定.

MPs continued to …に反対する the two 改正s when they 投票(する)d on the 予防 of テロ行為 法案 this afternoon.

The 法律制定 has now been bounced 支援する to the Lords for the fifth time. Earlier today they 投票(する)d to raise the 基準 of proof for 拘留,拘置 of テロリスト 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs and also 投票(する)d to 主張する on a 'sunset 条項' to kill the 法律制定 in a year's time.

But a third 障害 to 協定 - a 需要・要求する for the setting up a Privy 会議 委員会 to review the 法律制定 - was dropped by 保守的なs.

Earlier today the Tories 勧めるd the 政府 to 'listen' after it again 辞退するd to 支援する 負かす/撃墜する in its マラソン 戦う/戦い with the Lords over 議論の的になる anti-テロ行為 計画(する)s.

Home 長官 Charles Clarke said "stick-in-the-mud" Tory and 自由主義の 民主党員 peers made "無 movement" に向かって a 妥協 during a rare all-night sitting of both Houses.

The いわゆる game of 議会の 'ping-pong' fol lows an almost 前例のない all-night sitting of both Houses.

MPs 再開するd 審議 in the House of ありふれたs at 8am after peers 投票(する)d for a third time at 5am this morning to 復帰させる a "sunset 条項" into the 予防 of テロ行為 法案 which would see it 満了する/死ぬ after one year.

Climbdown 需要・要求するd

Mr Clarke said the 予防 of テロ行為 法案 was 決定的な for the safety of Britain. And he again 需要・要求するd a climbdown from the unelected peers.

Mr Clarke told MPs: "In 12 hours of 審議 there has been no movement at all in the Lords. Two whole Lords 開会/開廷/会期s with 無 返答.

"It's been a stick-in-the-mud 返答 簡単に trying to put heels in the sand and 妨げる the elected House carrying its 提案s through.

"I argue that the country needs a 法案 which 妨げるs テロ行為 and 保護するs our people. It's time for the 保守的なs and the 自由主義の 民主党員s in the Lords to 尊敬(する)・点 the considered 見解(をとる)s of the elected 議会."

In a 一連の 投票(する)s throughout the night MPs 繰り返して 拒絶するd peers' 需要・要求するs for a sunset 条項 scrapping the 法律制定 in 12 months' time, a Privy 会議 review of its 操作/手術 and a higher 重荷(を負わせる) of proof against 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs.

政府 'needs to listen'

影をつくる/尾行する 弁護士/代理人/検事-General Dominic Grieve said the fault lay with the 政府.

He (刑事)被告 大臣s of a "完全にする 不本意 to engage in real 対話" on finding a 合意 on how to 取り組む the terror 脅し.

"The 政府 (機の)カム up with an idea and 現在のd the 対立 with a fait accompli and said 'Take it or leave it'."

直面するd with 需要・要求するs from 労働 MPs over whether he believed the 見解(をとる) of the ありふれたs should 勝つ/広く一帯に広がる over the Lords, he said: "The 参議院 has put 今後 suggestions for 改善するing the 法律制定. That is 正確に/まさに what it should be doing.

"And what it is now 存在 支配するd to is a 戦う/戦い of attrition by the 政府 to try to whittle 負かす/撃墜する the 圧倒的な 見解(をとる) 表明するd there, not only by 反対/詐欺 servative and 自由主義の 民主党員 peers but by crossbench peers and even some of their own.

"That is the extent of the problem the 政府 直面するs and until it starts to listen it is going to continue to have a problem."

The 審議 激怒(する)d as the eight remaining foreign テロリスト 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs held under the 存在するing anti-terror 法律s - which 満了する/死ぬ on Sunday - were 認めるd 保釈(金) under strict 条件s.

The 保釈(金) 条件s were based on 提案s 手渡すd to the Special 移民/移住 控訴,上告s (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 on に代わって of Home 長官 Charles Clarke.

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