Spain remembers train 爆破 犠牲者s

Last updated at 18:08 11 March 2005

Spain has 示すd the first 周年記念日 of the Madrid train 爆破s which killed 191 people.

Church bells (死傷者)数d across the 資本/首都 at 7.37am (6.37am UK time), the time that the first of a 一連の 爆破s 攻撃する,衝突する 通勤(学)者-packed trains.

The country 観察するd a five-minute silence at midday.

Ten 爆弾s 爆発するd on four trains in the 早期に hours of 11 March 2004.

More than 100 people have been 拘留するd and 22 of them remain in 刑務所,拘置所 を待つing 裁判,公判.

The 政府 最初 非難するd Basque 分離主義者s Eta for the attacks. But the 爆発s (機の)カム three days before a 総選挙, in which the 社会主義者s 追い出すd the 右翼 Popular Party of then-総理大臣 Jose Maria Aznar.

責任/義務 for the attack was later (人命などを)奪う,主張するd by a Moroccan 独房 with links to Al Qaeda, and most of those 逮捕(する)d are Moroccan 国民s.

Spanish 捜査官/調査官s say they have now 明らかにするd 重要な 面s of the attack in an enquiry that has spanned six countries.

The public 検察官,検事 in the 事例/患者 says there is no 疑問 that Islamic 交戦的なs were behind the 爆破s.

The country has also 始める,決める up a centre to co-ordinate anti-テロ行為 activities, bringing together different 安全 軍隊s and 機関s in Spain.

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