No 政府 agreed as Iraq 議会 会合,会うs

Last updated at 16:22 16 March 2005

Iraq's new 議会 has met for the first time more than six weeks after the country's historic 投票s, but 競争相手 圏s failed to agree on a 政府 and Al Qaeda 謀反のs 的d the 会合 with a 迫撃砲 一斉射撃,(質問などの)連発/ダム.

During the 就任の 儀式 that lasted about two hours, 政治家,政治屋s took turns to 誓約(する) 安定 in Iraq, after windows 動揺させるd and lights flickered in the building when 迫撃砲s struck the 防備を堅める/強化するd Green Zone 構内/化合物.

No 損失 or 死傷者s were 報告(する)/憶測d in the attack (人命などを)奪う,主張するd by Al Qaeda's wing in Iraq.

政治家,政治屋s said the 議会 開会/開廷/会期 代表するd a step 今後s にもかかわらず their 失敗 to 任命する a 政府.

But without a 政府 in place, the 議会 cannot yet 取り組む 草案ing 法律制定 to try to bring normality to a country 疫病/悩ますd by relentless 暴力/激しさ.

The Shi'ite Islamist 同盟 that won 140 seats -- just over half of the 275-member 国家の 議会 - and the Kurdish 連合 that (機の)カム second with 75 seats are 行き詰まるd in 交渉s over a 政府 that have dragged on for weeks.

There is 試験的な 協定 that Ibrahim Jaafari of the Shi'ite Dawa party will be 首相 and Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani will be 大統領,/社長, with a Sunni Arab 候補者 probably 存在 申し込む/申し出d the 職業 of 議会 (衆議院の)議長.

But 会談 have 立ち往生させるd over Kurdish 需要・要求するs to 拡大する their northern 自治権のある zone to 含む the 戦略の oil city of Kirkuk and over the 運命/宿命 of the Kurdish peshmerga 民兵s, which Shi'ites want 吸収するd in Iraq's 公式の/役人 安全 軍隊s. The Kurds also want 保証(人)s Iraq will remain 世俗的な.

Jaafari said it could be days before a 取引,協定 was reached.

"Within two weeks you will see the birth of a new 政府," he told reporters after the 議会 会合.

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