Day 21: The highs and lows of the 選挙 追跡する

Last updated at 14:38 25 April 2005

Here are some of the highs and lows as the 選挙運動 進歩s.

? At last - although a little late in the day - a 計画(する) to 失望させる 政治家,政治屋s who, during TV 選挙 interviews, get obstructive, 辞退する to answer questions, or become unbearably tedious and long-winded.

Anyone 有罪の of such an "offence" should receive a yellow card from the interviewer. If the 政治家,政治屋 is so unwise as to err again, he should then be given a second yellow card, the 同等(の) of a red card, and the interview is automatically over.

This splendid idea is 申し込む/申し出d by Peter Duval, of High Wycombe, Bucks, in a letter to The Daily Telegraph. It should work since, as Baroness Thatcher said years ago, there is nothing a political agitator 恐れるs more than to be 奪うd of the oxygen of publicity.

? More than 160 政治上 独立した・無所属 候補者s will be running for 選挙 on May 5, the largest number since 1885, かもしれない ever, によれば the 独立した・無所属 網状組織, a new 協会 that supports such 候補者s.

A 広報担当者 said: "We believe this 増加する 論証するs the 選挙民's 不満 with party politics."

? Will we soon not be able to see those famous kitten heels for dust? Theresa May, 影をつくる/尾行する families 大臣, may be struggling to 持つ/拘留する her Maidenhead seat where she is defending a 大多数 of only 3,284.

And although Sky Bet make Mrs May the favourite (1/2) to 持つ/拘留する on to the 選挙区/有権者, they にもかかわらず 報告(する)/憶測 激しい 支援 for the 自由主義の 民主党員 候補者 Kathryn Newbound (6/4).

Worrying days for Mrs M...

? The Green Party is struggling to find an audience. At a news 会議/協議会 in central London today, the audience 構成するd two television cameras, one reporter, and 列/漕ぐ/騒動s of empty green 議長,司会を務めるs. Two other reporters wandered in when the 訴訟/進行s were all but over.

? Why bother to have a 総選挙 at all when the people who really run the country sit in the European Union headquarter s? This is the 見解(をとる) of political commentator Peter Hitchens, who took part in today's Sky News/Five News If I Were 総理大臣 feature.

He said: "Leaving Brussels is the starting point for a 復活 of proper British politics."

And he 警告するd that if the EU 憲法 went through, British 政治家,政治屋s would 結局最後にはーなる with the 責任/義務s of parish 議員s and the 支払う/賃金 of 大統領,/社長s. "No wonder they love it."

? The 総理大臣 and Michael Howard may have all sorts of 複雑にするd 計画(する)s to を取り引きする the 移民,移住(する) problem. Not so Damien Fleck, standing in the City of York under the 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道する of the Death Dungeons and 税金s Party.

His manifesto, covering one 味方する of a scroll, says that 移民,移住(する)s will be repelled with boiling oil and longbows at all ports and airports, によれば the York Evening 圧力(をかける).

? 地元の 議員 Paul West's 出資/貢献 to the 保守的な 原因(となる) in Derby has been to give 解放する/自由な haircuts to the two Tory 候補者s in the city, Richard Aitken-Davies (Derby North) and David Brackenbury (Derby South).

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