How Rolling 石/投石する's 強姦 story became 'its worst nightmare': Newly-解放(する)d emails and 公式文書,認めるs 明らかにする/漏らす the gaping 穴を開けるs in 悪名高い University of Virginia 強姦 story

  • Rolling 石/投石する published 'A 強姦 on Campus' in November 2014
  • It 詳細(に述べる)d the supposed ギャング(団)-強姦 of a 女性(の) student by seven men
  • But after 出版(物) the magazine discovered it was all a 嘘(をつく)
  • University dean?Nicole Eramo is 告訴するing for '存在 portrayed as a villain'
  • She has 解放(する)d 文書s and emails 暴露するd in her 訴訟?
  • They show how 新聞記者/雑誌記者?Sabrina Erdely realized things had gone wrong

A Rolling 石/投石する article 述べるing the 残虐な ギャング(団)-強姦 of a University of Virginia (UVA) student was dubbed 'our worst nightmare' by staff as they slowly realized it was built on a 創立/基礎 of lies, newly 解放(する)d 文書s show.

'We're going to have to run a retraction,' wrote Sabrina Rubin Erdely, author of 'A 強姦 on Campus,' the now-discredited November 2014 story that 最終的に saw the magazine 直面するing multi-million-dollar 訴訟s.

The email - 肩書を与えるd 'our worst nightmare' - can be 設立する の中で hundreds of pages of 公式文書,認めるs, correspondence and other (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) 解放(する)d Friday that shed light on the piece's construction, 歓迎会 - and 崩壊(する).

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'Nightmare': Rolling Stone's November 2014 story 'A Rape on Campus', which detailed the gang-rape of a girl at the University of Virginia (UVA) started protests and a national conversation - but none of it was true

'Nightmare': Rolling 石/投石する's November 2014 story 'A 強姦 on Campus', which 詳細(に述べる)d the ギャング(団)-強姦 of a girl at the University of Virginia (UVA) started 抗議するs and a 国家の conversation - but 非,不,無 of it was true

UVA associate dean Nicole Eramo
The article's author, Sabrina Erdely

訴訟: UVA associate dean Nicole Eramo (left) says she was portrayed as a 'villain' who tried to silence the supposed 犠牲者. She is 告訴するing Rolling 石/投石する and the article's author, Sabrina Erdely (権利) for $7.5million


'There was a 激しい person on 最高の,を越す of her, spreading open her thighs, and another person ひさまづくing on her hair, 手渡すs pinning 負かす/撃墜する her 武器, sharp shards digging into her 支援する, and excited male 発言する/表明するs rising all around her.

'When yet another 手渡す clamped over her mouth, Jackie bit it, and the 手渡す became a 握りこぶし that punched her in the 直面する. The men surrounding her began to laugh.'

述べるing the moment she 恐らく passed out from 苦痛, it continued: 'Someone 手渡すd her classmate a beer 瓶/封じ込める. Jackie 星/主役にするd at the young man, silently begging him not to go through with it.

'And as he 押すd the 瓶/封じ込める into her, Jackie fell into a stupor, mentally untethering from the 残虐な tableau, her mind leaving behind the bleeding 団体/死体 under 強襲,強姦 on the 床に打ち倒す.'?

From Rolling 石/投石する's 'A 強姦 on Campus'?


The 9,000-word story recounted the supposed 強姦 of a girl known only as 'Jackie' at the 手渡すs of seven 誓約(する)s at UVA's?Phi Kappa Psi fraternity in September 2012.

によれば the article, Jackie - not her real 指名する - went to a fraternity party with 'Drew', a junior at the university who led her to a darkened bedroom where he and six other 誓約(する)s 冷淡な-bloodedly (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 and 強姦d her for three hours.

Later, the article (人命などを)奪う,主張するd, Jackie went to?Nicole Eramo, an associate dean of students at the university.?

Eramo, the article said, 申し込む/申し出d her three 選択s: とじ込み/提出する a (民事の)告訴 with police, 参加する an 内部の 裁判,公判 with the 性の 不品行/姦通 Board and a dean as a 裁判官, or 直接/まっすぐに 直面する her 攻撃者s.

The article (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that Eramo did not 強調する any particular choice - and 引用するd a spokesperson from the 強姦 生存者 advocacy group SurvJustice as 説: 'This is an alarming 傾向 that I'm seeing on campuses.

'Schools are 割り当てるing people to 犠牲者s who are pretending, or even thinking, they're on the 犠牲者's 味方する, when they're 現実に discouraging and silencing them.??

'支持するs who 生存者s love are part of the system that is failing to 演説(する)/住所 性の 暴力/激しさ.'

The article led to 抗議するs on campus, graffiti on the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house, and 国家の discussions about 強姦 culture on US campuses.

But an 調査 by Charlottesville police 設立する no 証拠 to 支援する up Jackie's (人命などを)奪う,主張するs and 詳細(に述べる)s in the 非常に長い narrative did not 停止する under scrutiny by other マスコミ organizations.?

Rolling 石/投石する and Erdely both わびるd and the article was pulled from online.?

Now Eramo - who 告訴するd Erdely and Rolling 石/投石する for $7.5million, 説 the article cast her as the '長,指導者 villain' of the story - has made emails and other Rolling 石/投石する 文書s 明らかにするd in her 控訴 利用できる to the public.??

Documents: Eramo has revealed documents and emails gleaned during her suit that show how the article collapsed after its publication. Pictured: the Phi Kappa Psi house in which the rape allegedly took place

文書s: Eramo has 明らかにする/漏らすd 文書s and emails gleaned during her 控訴 that show how the article 崩壊(する)d after its 出版(物). Pictured: the Phi Kappa Psi house in which the 強姦 恐らく took place

The 文書s 明らかにする/漏らす in consistencies with Jackie's story, whose last 指名する is redacted in 法廷,裁判所 文書s, and missteps by Erdely, who said she 設立する no 推論する/理由 to believe Jackie wasn't 信頼できる throughout her 報告(する)/憶測ing.

For example, によれば a transcript of her deposition, Erdely said she was aware that Jackie had 最初 told her roommate she was attacked by five men, but later said it was 現実に seven men.

Erdely also 公式文書,認めるd at one point that Jackie's mother's profile on Facebook said she herself went to Providence College, even though Jackie said her mom went to Brown.?

When asked in her deposition whether that raised any red 旗s about Jackie's 信用性, Erdely said 'it didn't seem to be all that important.'

Jackie said she had scars on her 支援する from the attack, but her boyfriend said he had never seen them, Erdely's 公式文書,認めるs say.?

Erdely said in her deposition that she made a mental 公式文書,認める to bring it up with Jackie's mother, but ended up never speaking to her.

The 新聞記者/雑誌記者 went 支援する to Jackie after other reporters started raising questions about the 正確 of the story, によれば the 文書s.

She talked to Jackie 早期に on the morning of December 5, and when she asked for help in finding her 攻撃者s, 'it spiraled into 混乱,' Erdely's 公式文書,認めるs say.

Protests: The publication of the article led to protests on campus, including this one during a Board of Visitors meeting about sexual assault at the university

抗議するs: The 出版(物) of the article led to 抗議するs on campus, 含むing this one during a Board of 訪問者s 会合 about 性の 強襲,強姦 at the university

'By the time we ended our conversation, I felt nearly 確かな that she was not 存在 truthful,' the writer said in her 公式文書,認めるs.

'Then I called her friend Alex, who has been a 価値のある 資源; and I 設立する out that over the past day, Alex has also come to the 結論 that Jackie has probably been lying.'

In her deposition, Erdely called it the 'most 破滅的な moment' of her career.

Libby Locke, an 弁護士/代理人/検事 for Eramo, said in an email Sunday that Erdely knew Jackie's story changed materially over time and published the '誤った and defamatory article にもかかわらず serious red 旗s and without any real 予定 diligence.'

弁護士/代理人/検事s for Jackie and Erdely didn't すぐに 答える/応じる to messages 捜し出すing comment on Sunday.

'(I) discovered, in the 早期に morning hours, that the person who I had 絶対 believed and 信用d had, for whatever 推論する/理由, turned out not to be 信頼できる,' Erdely said in her deposition.

'And I didn't know whether what we had published was truthful or not.'

Graffiti: The fallout from the article also resulted in the frat house having graffiti sprayed onto it. This piece says 'Suspend us!' underneath the fraternity's insignia
Anger: Another piece of graffiti reads 'UVA Center for Rape Studies'

Graffi ti: The fallout from the article also resulted in the frat house having graffiti sprayed の上に it