The 活動/戦闘 man who killed his own son

Last updated at 12:11 12 December 2005

Andrew Wragg was 述べるd in 法廷,裁判所 as an over-controlled "活動/戦闘 man" who always sought his own 解答s to problems but walked away when the going got 堅い.

殺人,大当り Jacob was, によれば 起訴 psychiatrist Dr Gillian Mezey, his ultimate 解答 to his son's 速く 悪化するing 条件.

His 決定/判定勝ち(する) to end the boy's life appeared to fit a recurring description of the 37-year-old as a 支配(する)/統制する freak, a man who did things his way and rarely relied on others.

The son of a policeman, grey-haired Wragg was 述べるd as polite and intelligent yet reserved and 連隊d.

Only his wife Mary sought to destroy his character as a 充てるd father. Most said he had a の近くに, loving 社債 with both Jacob and the couple's second son George, now seven.

There was little 論争 that the 37-year-old appeared not to 対処する 井戸/弁護士席 with the crises in his life, 含むing not only his son's より悪くするing 条件 but also his failing marriage, and walked away.

Dr Mezey said: "He was not someone who 設立する it 平易な to 表明する his emotions. He likes to feel in 支配(する)/統制する of his life. If there are problems, he has to sort them out rather than rely on others."

衝突/不一致s with doctors

The 法廷,裁判所 heard he 衝突/不一致d with nurses, doctors, carers and social services bosses 伴う/関わるd in Jacob's care, often becoming angry when they "failed to 配達する their 約束s".

最終的に, Wragg 直面するd up to the horrors of Jacob's 終点 illness by 殺人,大当り him.

His only other 前科 was a 警告を与える for kicking the 前線 door of the family home in Henty の近くに, 価値(がある)ing, when his wife 辞退するd to let him see their children.

Hunter's 病気

The couple married in 1992 when Wragg was 25 and Mary was 29. They were given married 4半期/4分の1s in Colchester before Wragg was sent north to Catterick with the 19 Mechanised 旅団.

It was while living in nearby Northallerton that Mary gave birth to Jacob in November 1993, unaware that she was carrying the degenerative 病気 Hunter Syndrome and had passed it on to her baby.

Wragg was doing 井戸/弁護士席 in the 軍隊s. He was made lance corporal before 首尾よく 適用するing to join the エリート SAS 連隊 on attachment.

Training for the SAS meant Wragg and his family moved again, this time to Hereford. There Mary became 妊娠している with another boy, later 指名するd Henry, who tragically was also 診断するd with Hunter Syndrome just days after the couple discovered Jacob was carrying the 手足を不自由にする/(物事を)損なうing 条件.

Wragg and his wife decided to 中止する the baby at eight months, a 猛烈に traumatic experience which Wragg (人命などを)奪う,主張するd in 法廷,裁判所 had a 継続している 影響 on his mental 井戸/弁護士席-存在.

"It was horrific," he said. "It's still very vivid. I try not to think about it."

It was 示唆するd in 法廷,裁判所 that Wragg 設立する it hard to differentiate between Henry's termination and his 殺人,大当り of Jacob.

にもかかわらず the abortion, Wragg returned to his SAS 部隊 but soon 設立する himself in trouble.

Mary (人命などを)奪う,主張するd, while giving her 証拠 in the 裁判,公判, that her husband was disciplined for いじめ(る)ing younger 新採用するs because they had been "winding him up".

Wragg 拒絶するd her (人命などを)奪う,主張するs, 説 he had been disciplined for failing to 調書をとる/予約する in to his 兵舎 on time on two separate occasions.

What was becoming (疑いを)晴らす was that Wragg was starting to feel the 圧力 and 強調する/ストレス of his 状況/情勢 - the father of a terminally ill child whose wife had lost another baby and whose marriage was under 緊張する.

Stripped of badge

Wragg was stripped of his badge and beret but 促進するd after winning 支援する his position. He was given a year off from the SAS when Jacob was 診断するd and 招待するd to reapply for his position by his 上級のs, who said he had an "模範的な 記録,記録的な/記録する" in the Army.

At the same time, he 定評のある that his marriage to Mary was failing and the couple separated.

Mary moved to 価値(がある)ing to be の近くに to her family and Wragg, having l eft the Army, decided to 始める,決める up his own ビデオ 配達/演説/出産 商売/仕事 100 miles away in Wolverhampton, using money 貸付金d to him by his mother-in-法律.

The 被告 started a 関係 with another woman, nurse Shelley Ancell, in 2000 as Mary struggled to 対処する with her two sons alone.

But when his ビデオ 商売/仕事 began to fail, Wragg sold up and by 2003 had started to become closer once more to his wife.

Wragg decided to give it one more go and moved 支援する to the family home in Henty の近くに, but their 関係, which had always been 騒然とした, became unbearably 嵐の.

The 被告, in what was now a familiar pattern, left home. With a second 貸付金 from Mary's mother, he 調印するd up on a 小火器 and の近くに 保護 course before taking a 職業 working as a 護衛 to UN 公式の/役人s in Baghdad.

The 法廷,裁判所 heard he (人命などを)奪う,主張するd his experiences in the Iraqi 資本/首都 left him mentally 粉々にするd. He said he 証言,証人/目撃するd a man 存在 blown up and later that two of his friends were 発射 dead.

Wragg flew home on July 9 last year, having spoken to his wife every day by phone and text message にもかかわらず their 分離.

He appeared not to have changed. On his first night 支援する in the UK, he failed to go home to Mary and his sons but instead went drinking with friends in London. It was also 示唆するd that he spent the night with another woman. She was never called to 法廷,裁判所.

When he did finally go home, he was struck by how much Jacob had 悪化するd. He took Mary and George to 中心 Parcs, leaving Jacob in care.

When they returned, he said he could no longer sit 支援する and watch his son 苦しむ. Believing the boy could no longer recognise him, a problem he had, to a degree, managed to 封鎖する out of his life was now too 大規模な to ignore.

Yet still he was not supportive to Mary. On one occasion in the week before Jacob died, she 申し立てられた/疑わしい he failed to …に出席する a 会合 with social services staff at Henty の近くに but instead lounged in bed watching a porn movie with a kitchen 議長,司会を務める jammed a gainst the bedroom door.

'Abnormality of mind'

Wragg's defence team (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he had an "abnormality of mind" when he held a pillow over Jacob's 直面する as he slept until he was dead.

The 起訴 argued Wragg had been living his normal life. He had been going out with friends, had 調書をとる/予約するd a holiday and planned to return to Iraq, 証拠 that he had not 苦しむd with an abnormality of mind.

The 栄冠を与える 持続するd he killed the child in an 行為/法令/行動する of selfishness while drunk because he could no longer 対処する with seeing the boy 苦しむ and could think of no other way out. It was his final 解答.

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