PM bats and 封鎖するs with the aplomb of a ボイコット(する): QUENTIN LETTS yesterday in 議会

Andrew Tyrie, pictured, was cross about Cabinet leaks on Brexit in Parliament, writes Quentin Letts

Andrew Tyrie, pictured, was cross about 閣僚 漏れるs on Brexit in 議会, 令状s Quentin Letts

Andrew Tyrie (反対/詐欺, Chichester) について言及するd 閣僚 漏れるs on Brexit.?

It was delicious to see the reaction of さまざまな 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs on the 政府 (法廷の)裁判.?

位置/汚点/見つけ出す the hosepipe pronger. 位置/汚点/見つけ出す the 有罪の leaker.

Mr Tyrie, who was a 悲観的な Remainer during the 国民投票 and has since appeared rather grumpy about the result, spoke in his usual トン of controlled exasperation.

He would be a credit to any 怒り/怒る 管理/経営 course.?

You could flatten his new Hillman Imp with a steam roller and he would only ask you, politely, what you hoped to 達成する by your 活動/戦闘.

Shade s of Wellington at Waterloo who looked 負かす/撃墜する to see Lord Uxbridge’s 脚 had just gone whizzing across the 戦場 and 単に murmured his surprise to the poor fellow.

In his own mournful way, old Tyrie was cross about the 漏れるs. He complained that the May 政府’s 政策 of not 公表する/暴露するing 詳細(に述べる)s of its Brexit 交渉s was ‘unsustainable’, not least because it created a vacuum and that vacuum was 存在 filled by ‘漏れるs from the 閣僚 Brexit 委員会’.

On the 前線 (法廷の)裁判, like those three monkeys of fable, sat Brexiteers Boris Johnson, David Davis and Liam Fox.

Just up from them ? separated, as was probably only wise, for relations have been tricky ? perched the (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 of the 国庫, that vain snoot Philip Hammond.

He had been smoothing 負かす/撃墜する his fringe, patting its 辛勝する/優位s carefully with his 権利 手渡す.

Hammond is the one who has contrived, by design or 事故, to 現れる from 最近の weeks as the 閣僚’s main ブレーキ on Brexit.

As Mr Tyrie について言及するd those 漏れるs, Mr Davis blushed ? to the colour of a call-girl’s undies.

Theresa May, pictured, 'has discovered that saying nothing is a big part of being Prime Minister'

Theresa May, pictured, 'has discovered that sayin g nothing is a big part of 存在 総理大臣'

Boris started to laugh, fruiting his lips. Dr Fox was motionless, an iguana hoping it has not been spotted.

Mr Hammond? Sitting with one 膝 crossed over the other, he, too, barely moved; but wait, was that perhaps a tiny twitch of one ankle as it dangled in the 空気/公表する? As the seconds passed, Boris’s levity continued.

He was soon gossiping with Davis and Fox. Not 存在 a lip-reader, I cannot tell you what they were 説 but they were pretty 明確に 株ing some lively 軽蔑(する).

I 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う the 的 of their 軽蔑(する) may have been Mr Tyrie, whom they may regard as a dusty nitpicker.

Did I について言及する that Mr Tyrie, who so fancies himself an all-knowing seer, once wrote a 調書をとる/予約する about us joining the euro 選び出す/独身 通貨.?

It was called ‘Never Say Never’. Ha! I think we can probably now say ‘never’ with a 確かな 信用/信任.

It is also possible that Boris, as he chortled, was looking at Dr Fox and 説 something along the lines of ‘they’re on to you, Liam!’?

Or were the Brexiteers making exuberant noise to rile Hammond?

Mr Hammond must have been able to hear their jollity. The more they ガス/無駄話d away, laughing and snorting, the more the (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 strove to keep a straight 直面する.?

His 決意 to wipe all reaction from his 直面する may only have served to 高くする,増す 疑惑s that he is the source of these 漏れるs.

Theresa May, who was on her feet for a good 90 minutes, made no obvious slips.?

But Jeremy Corbyn, pictured, was 'feeble by his own standards' despite wearing a 'smart new suit'

But Jeremy Corbyn, pictured, was 'feeble by his own 基準s' にもかかわらず wearing a 'smart new 控訴'

She has been 総理大臣 little more than three months but already she 封鎖するs and bats away and leaves balls with the aplomb of a Geoffrey ボイコット(する).

She has discovered that 説 nothing is a big part of 存在 総理大臣.?

Having managed to say not very much as Home 長官 for six years, she is to the manner born.

Jeremy Corbyn, にもかかわらず wearing a smart new 控訴 (示すs & 誘発するs?) was feeble, even by his own low 基準s.

He became pompous at one point and said that he, too, had been at Brussels at the 週末 ? yes, at a 討論会 of 左派の(人)s! ? and he ha d jolly 井戸/弁護士席 been given a better 歓迎会 than Mrs May had received from EU leaders.

Mrs May, 乾燥した,日照りの as a stale raisin: ‘It’s good to know someone is listening to him.’

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