海草 may help banish beergut

Last updated at 17:02 11 September 2006

A 海草 used to flavour Japanese food could one day help to banish the beergut.

The brown kelp, Undaria pinnatifida, also known as wakame, is a 重要な 成分 in miso soup.

Animal 実験(する)s showed that pigment in the 海草 called fucoxanthin 促進するs 負わせる loss, おもに from around the gut.

ネズミs and mice given the 構内/化合物, which 行為/行うs 光合成 in the 少しのd, lost between 5% and 10% of their 団体/死体 負わせる. Most of the shed tissue was from around the abdomen.

The scientists hope fucoxanthin can be developed into a slimming 補足(する) or 麻薬 that 的s harmful "gut" fat.

However they 警告するd that 簡単に drinking gallons of miso soup was ありそうもない to be 効果的な.

Fucoxanthin is tightly bound to proteins in the 海草 and not easily 吸収するd in its natural form.

Lead 研究員 Dr Kazuo Miyashita, from Hokkaido University in Japan, said a person would probably have to eat "抱擁する 量s" of wakame 海草 to see any 利益.

It might take another three to five years before a slimming pill based on fucoxanthin is 利用できる to the public, he 追加するd.

The 構内/化合物 is 設立する at high levels in several different types of brown 海草. But it is absent from green and red 海草s, which are also used in Asian cooking.

Dr Miyashita's team 熟考する/考慮するd the 影響s of fucoxanthin on more than 200 ネズミs and mice, and 設立する that it fought flab on two 前線s.

In obese animals, the 構内/化合物 appeared to 刺激する a protein called UCP1 that 原因(となる)s fat oxidation and the 転換 of energy to heat.

The protein is 設立する in white adipose tissue, the type of fat that surrounds 内部の 組織/臓器s and produces "middle-老年の spread".

超過 復部の fat is closely linked to heart 病気 and 糖尿病.

The pigment also 原因(となる)d the 肝臓 to produce a 構内/化合物 called docosahexaenoic 酸性の (DHA), a type of omega-3 fatty 酸性の also 設立する in oily fish.

増加するd 量s of DHA 減ずる levels of "bad" cholestero l, which is known to 与える/捧げる to obesity and heart 病気.

No 逆の 味方する 影響s were seen in the animals used in the 熟考する/考慮する.

Kelp forests grow in 豊富 along the California coast, 示唆するing that the US could be a 主要な 供給者 of fucoxanthin.

Dr Miyashita, who 現在のd his findings today at the American 化学製品 Society's 年次の 会合 in San Francisco, said: "I hope that our 熟考する/考慮する ... helps 減ずる obesity in the US and どこかよそで."

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