マイク Pence 断言するs in 億万長者 Betsy DeVos hours after his own historic 決定票 to get her 確認するd in 直面する of 共和国の/共和党の 反乱

  • 副大統領 マイク Pence swore in Betsy DeVos on Tuesday after a bitter 確定/確認 戦う/戦い which (機の)カム 負かす/撃墜する to his 投票(する)
  • Earlier, he arrived on (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 Hill and made the tie-breaking 投票(する) to 確認する 大統領 Trump's education 指名された人
  • He said it was 'the easiest 投票(する) I ever cast' as he 賞賛するd DeVos for 'devotion to 改善するing the 質 of education for our children'?
  • The 指名/任命 of DeVos, a 億万長者?共和国の/共和党の fundraiser and school choice 改革運動家, has 直面するd 猛烈な/残忍な 対立?
  • Two 共和国の/共和党のs have decided to 投票(する) against her and 民主党員s held an all-night speech-fest in hopes to get the one more GOP 投票(する) needed to stop her

副大統領 マイク Pence has sworn in Betsy DeVos as education 長官 - at the end of a bitter 確定/確認 過程 which saw 共和国の/共和党のs join the 投票(する) against her.

Pence had made an 前例のない tie-breaking 投票(する) in the U.S. 上院 to 確認する Donald Trump's education 長官 指名された人.

民主党員s pulled an all-nighter on (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 Hill, hoping the 成果/努力s would lead to one more 共和国の/共和党の coming to their 味方する and 投票(する)ing against the 指名/任命 of Education 長官 Betsy DeVos.?

But as noon approached Tuesday it looked like the 24-hour speech-a-thon was all for naught, as Pence arrived on the Hill to cast his 断言するing 投票(する).?


Swearing-in: Mike Pence swore in Betsy DeVos in his White House office hours after voting for her - the first time a casting vote had been needed for in a confirmation. Her husband Dick DeVos held the Bible

断言するing-in: マイク Pence swore in Betsy DeVos in his White House office hours after 投票(する)ing for her - the first time a 決定票 had been needed for in a 確定/確認. Her husband 刑事 DeVos held the Bible

Controversial: Betsy DeVos's confirmation saw a Republican rebellion which tipped the Senate into a 50-50 splot forcing Pence to use his casting vote.

議論の的になる: Betsy DeVos's 確定/確認 saw a 共和国の/共和党の 反乱 which tipped the 上院 into a 50-50 splot 軍隊ing Pence to use his 決定票.

'On this 投票(する) the yeas are 50, the nays are 50, the 上院 存在 平等に divided, the 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 投票(する)s in the affirmative and the 指名/任命 is 確認するd,' Pence said, 議長,司会を務めるing the 開会/開廷/会期. ?

This would 示す the first time in history a 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長's 投票(する) in the 上院 would be needed to get a 閣僚 指名された人 over the line.?

After he swore in DeVos in his White House office, with her husband 刑事 DeVos 持つ/拘留するing the Bible, Pence 是認するd her 堅固に for the 役割.

'I wasn't just 投票(する)ing for you,' he said.

'Having seen your devotion to 改善するing the 質 of education for some of our most 攻撃を受けやすい children across the nation for so many years, I was also casting a 投票(する) for America's children.

'I can tell you, my 投票(する) for Betsy DeVos was the easiest 投票(する) I ever cast.'

大統領 Donald Trump 表明するd support for his 指名された人 経由で Twitter this morning, before she was 投票(する)d in.?

'上院 Dems 抗議する to keep the failed status quo. Betsy DeVos is a 改革者, and she is going to be a 広大な/多数の/重要な Education Sec. for our kids!' Trump tweeted from his @POTUS account.?

Two GOP 上院議員s,?Maine's Susan Collins and Alaska's Lisa Murkowski, already committed to breaking 階級, but the 残り/休憩(する) of the GOP (政党の)幹部会,党集会 looked 均衡を保った to 投票(する) in 好意 for the 議論の的になる 指名された人.?

DeVos, a 最高の,を越す 共和国の/共和党の 寄贈者 from Michigan, has drawn 特に 猛烈な/残忍な 対立.?

Vice President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm President Donald Trump's education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos?

副大統領 マイク Pence cast the tie-breaking 投票(する) to 確認する 大統領 Donald Trump's education 長官 指名された人 Betsy DeVos?

The final vote for Education Secretary Betsy DeVos stood at 51 yeas and 50 nays, as Vice President Mike Pence made the tie-breaking vote?

The final 投票(する) for Education 長官 Betsy DeVos stood at 51 yeas and 50 nays, as 副大統領 マイク Pence made the tie-breaking 投票(する)?

Vice President Mike Pence arrived this morning on Capi
tol Hill to cast a tie-breaking vote in the U.S. Senate over the controversial nomination of Betsy DeVos for education secretary?

副大統領 マイク Pence arrived this morning on (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 Hill to cast a tie-breaking 投票(する) in the U.S. 上院 over the 議論の的になる 指名/任命 of Betsy DeVos for education 長官?

Vice President Mike Pence gives a waves as he walks up the Capitol steps on his way to cast a vote for President Donald Trump's Education Secretary Betsy DeVos?

副大統領 マイク Pence gives a waves as he walks up the (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 steps on his way to cast a 投票(する) for 大統領 Donald Trump's Education 長官 Betsy DeVos?

President Donald Trump's nominee Betsy DeVos testified before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on January 17?

大統領 Donald Trump's 指名された人 Betsy DeVos 証言するd before the 上院 Health, Education, Labor and 年金s 委員会 on January 17?

President Donald Trump used his official POTUS Twitter account this morning to show support for his education secretary nominee, Betsy DeVos?

大統領 Donald Trump used his 公式の/役人 POTUS Twitter account this morning to show support for his education 長官 指名された人, Betsy DeVos?

Sen. Al Franken suggested that Betsy DeVos' Senate committee testimony 'may have been one of the most embarrassing performances in the history of the United States Senate'?

Sen. Al Franken 示唆するd that Betsy DeVos' 上院 委員会 証言 'may have been one of the most embarrassing 業績/成果s in the history of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs 上院'?

An 支持する for school choice, meaning giving taxpayer-基金d 保証人/証拠物件s to students so they can …に出席する 借り切る/憲章 or 私的な schools over their 地元の public schools, her 証言 before the 上院 Health, Education, Labor and 年金s 委員会 委員会 was 広範囲にわたって panned.

Sen. Al Franken, speaking late Monday night, 示唆するd, 'It may have been one of the most embarrassing 業績/成果s in the history of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs 上院.' ??< /span>

証言するing before the HELP 委員会 on January 17, DeVos struggled with education 政策 概念s, such as if teachers should be 手段d on whether students 伸び(る) proficiency or 論証する growth.

She also engaged in a memorable 支援する-and-前へ/外へ with Connecticut 民主党員, Sen. Chris Murphy, who 代表するd the Newtown families in 議会.?

Murphy 手配中の,お尋ね者 to know if DeVos thought guns belonged in schools, as Trump has 提案するd to rid the nation of gun-解放する/自由な school zones. ?

She replied that that 決定/判定勝ち(する) should be left up to 地元の municipalities and 明言する/公表するs to decide.?

'I will 言及する 支援する to Sen. Enzi and the school he was talking about in Wapiti, Wyoming. I think probably there, I would imagine that there is probably a gun in the school to 保護する from 可能性のある grizzlies,' DeVos replied.?

DeVos was also 非難するd for never …に出席するing public school, nor teaching in a public school.?

She also never held public office. Born the daughter of 億万長者 Edgar Prince, she married into the 億万長者 DeVos family, with her husband 刑事 an 相続人 to the Amway fortune.

Her brother Erik Prince 設立するd the 私的な 安全 company Blackwater, which was caught up in 主張s of 非軍事の deaths in Iraq as a result of its 請負業者s' 欠如(する) of 抑制.?

As 民主党員s spent speech after speech calling DeVos unfit to run the education department Monday, 上院 大多数 Leader Mitch McCo nnell shamed them for 持つ/拘留するing Trump's 指名/任命s up.?

'This is the slowest time for a new 閣僚 to be up and running since George Washington,' he 公式文書,認めるd after the DeVos 投票(する) today, which 示すd the seventh 指名された人 of Trump's to get through the 上院.?

Yesterday, the GOP 上院 leader 公式文書,認めるd how by this time in previous 行政, 12 指名/任命s had been given the 上院's 調印(する) of 是認 for 大統領 Barack Obama, all 14 were 確認するd for 大統領 George W. Bush and 大統領 法案 Clinton had 13 of his choices.?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell needled Democrats for dragging their feet on getting President Donald Trump's nominee confirmed?

上院 大多数 Leader Mitch McConnell needled 民主党員s for dragging their feet on getting 大統領 Donald Trump's 指名された人 確認するd?

Democrats - and the occasional Republican ?- spoke on the Senate floor all Monday night into Tuesday, hoping their efforts would convince one more GOP vote to switch sides?

民主党員s - and the 時折の 共和国の/共和党の ?- spoke on the 上院 床に打ち倒す all Monday night into Tuesday, hoping their 成果/努力s would 納得させる one more GOP 投票(する) to switch 味方するs?

'井戸/弁護士席, Mr. 大統領, it seems this gridlock and 対立 has far いっそう少なく to do with the 指名された人s 現実に before us than the man who 指名するd them,' McConnell said, speaking to the 議長,司会を務める.?

He 示唆するd 民主党員s '簡単に cannot ? cannot ? 受託する the results of a democratic 選挙.'?And he tsk-tsked groups on the left who are 圧力ing Democratic 上院議員s to 'continue to resist.'

'民主党員s don't have to like that 決定/判定勝ち(する) but they do have a 責任/義務 to our country,' McConnell said.?

Texas 共和国の/共和党の Sen. John Cornyn echoed McConnell several minutes later when he spoke on the 上院 床に打ち倒す. ?

'This 行為 is really juvenile if you ask me and it can't really 遂行する anything, ' Cornyn said. 'It's a 戦略 in search of a goal.' ?

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth 過密な住居 railed against the 指名/任命 of Betsy DeVos for education 長官 and 示唆するd the likely 去っていく/社交的な Sen. Jeff 開会/開廷/会期s shouldn't get to 投票(する) for her?

But 民主党員s spent hours reading letters from their 選挙権を持つ/選挙人s, trying to 納得させる one more 共和国の/共和党の?? all that would be needed to kill DeVos' chances?? to join them tomorrow.?

Speaking for about 57 minutes on the 床に打ち倒す, Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth 過密な住居 said 'it was difficult to imagine a worse choice' for education 長官.?

'I rise today to call on my 同僚s to 拒絶する the 指名/任命 of Betsy DeVos,' 過密な住居 said on the 上院 床に打ち倒す, によれば The Hill.?

'The 共和国の/共和党のs have mad e it (疑いを)晴らす no 事柄 her experience, no 事柄 her 過激な 見解(をとる)s ... they will 押し通す this 指名/任命 負かす/撃墜する the throats of the American people sideways,'?

過密な住居 didn't believe 開会/開廷/会期s, about to be 確認するd as 弁護士/代理人/検事 general, should be about to 投票(する) for DeVos in the 上院 first, calling it a '大規模な 衝突 of 利益/興味.'?

The 上院 大多数 延期するd cloture on 開会/開廷/会期s' 指名/任命 so he was able to 投票(する) for DeVos on Tuesday. ?

'Now with at least 50 上院議員s ... 公然と …に反対するd to this 指名/任命, the 共和国の/共和党の leadership has rigged the 投票(する) so that Sen. 開会/開廷/会期s can drag her across the finish line just before he is 確認するd as 弁護士/代理人/検事 general,' 過密な住居 said.?

Sen. Debbie Stabenow, 民主党員 from DeVos' home 明言する/公表する of Michigan, talked about how the 共和国の/共和党の fundraiser's 教育の 成果/努力s have 害(を与える)d education in the 明言する/公表する.?

'Her 見通し of education and her 活動/戦闘s have, unfortunately, played a major 役割 in 土台を崩すing our pubic schools,' Stabenow said on the 上院 床に打ち倒す.?

Stabenow (刑事)被告 of not only negatively 衝撃ing public education, but making 借り切る/憲章 schools いっそう少なく accountable and transparent. ?

O f her fellow Michiganders the Democratic 上院議員 said, '圧倒的に they've told me that Betsy DeVos should not be our 長官 of education.'

?'I've gotten more mail, more email, more phone calls on this 指名された人 than any other?? and I've gotten a lot on a lot of 指名された人s?? but there is a board 激しい抗議,' Stabenow said.?

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