Teen gets life for birthday boy's 殺人

Last updated at 13:59 06 March 2007

A 19-year old has been 刑務所,拘置所d for life for the 殺人 of a boy who was celebrating his 16th birthday.

物陰/風下 Firman stabbed Glen Corner after the 16-year old 介入するd to save his friend who was 存在 脅すd with a knife.

失業 Firman, who was drunk and had been smoking cannabis, turned on the 十代の少年少女 and stabbed him once in the chest with one of the two knives he was carrying.

The 被告 thought he had been shown up by another friend of Glen and was looking for him ーするために "save 直面する", Newcastle 栄冠を与える 法廷,裁判所 was told.

Knowing her son was 武装した with two knives and was "going mental", Firman's mother jumped into her car to 警告する others of the 差し迫った danger.

However, Firman arrived in East Avenue, South 保護物,者s, South Tyneside, and put a knife to the throat of Glen's friend and 需要・要求するd to know where his 競争相手 was.

It was when Glen 介入するd that he was fatally stabbed in the chest on August 25 last year - the night of his birthday.

As the 十代の少年少女's friends tried to save his life, Firman climbed on to a nearby shed and shouted: "I've stabbed the b******. I killed him.

"Let him die, let him die, let him die."

Brian Forster QC, 起訴するing, read from a 声明 from one of the 証言,証人/目撃するs.

"He kept repeating this over and over. In fact, he appeared not to be bothered, as if he was proud of what he was done," the 証言,証人/目撃する said.

Mr Forster 追加するd: "He is a young man who 訴える手段/行楽地s to arming himself with a 武器 and to 暴力/激しさ."

Firman was 逮捕(する)d almost すぐに and later told police that he had not ーするつもりであるd to 傷つける Glen and that he must have fallen on the knife.

Paul Sloan QC, defending, said Firman had 苦しむd from 早期に childhood low self-esteem and on the night of Glen's death he had been humiliated by a 競争相手.

"He always had to 証明する he was toughest ーするために mask his inadequacies," Mr Sloan said.

"His behaviour at the scene, as he 自由に 認めるs, wa s utterly reprehensible, His 活動/戦闘s are in keeping with him keeping up 外見s of 存在 a hard man."

The 法廷,裁判所 heard that at the age of 14 Firman had 脅すd a fellow school pupil with pair of scissors and had 有罪の判決s for 脅すing behaviour and 殴打/砲列.

A year before he committed the 殺人 he had tried to join the Army but had been turned 負かす/撃墜する and 訴える手段/行楽地d to binge-drinking to を取り引きする the 拒絶.

Firman pleaded 有罪の to 殺人 on the basis that he had not ーするつもりであるd to kill, but meant to 原因(となる) serious 害(を与える).

The 被告, of Thornholme Avenue, South 保護物,者s, had 以前 否定するd 殺人 but changed his 嘆願 to 有罪の last month.

Glen's family and friends were in 法廷,裁判所 today to see the 裁判官 pass 宣告,判決.

"As one would 推定する/予想する they are 荒廃させるd by the loss of their loved one," Mr Forster said.

刑務所,拘置所ing Firman for life, 裁判官 David Hodson, the Recorder of Newcastle, said the 19-year old would serve at least 16 years' 監禁,拘置 before he could be considered for 仮釈放(する).

"The 宣告,判決 can never be an 試みる/企てる to value the life that has been lost. No 宣告,判決 can do that.

"No 宣告,判決 can ever bring the 犠牲者 支援する. No 宣告,判決 will ever be enough for a grieving family 荒廃させるd beyond words from the death of such a 約束ing young man."

The 裁判官 追加するd: "This 事例/患者 is another example, if one were ever needed, of the dangers of knives and the dangers of people who carry them in the street."

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