Brown won't pull UK 軍隊/機動隊s out of Iraq


Last updated at 14:35 21 May 2007

Washington is 確信して British 首相-in-waiting Gordon Brown will not pull British 軍隊/機動隊s out of Iraq 早期に, a 上級の U.S. 公式の/役人 said today.

Speaking on 条件 of anonymity, the 公式の/役人 told reporters Washington had an "excellent level of discussion and 対話" with the British 政府 on 未来 政策 in Iraq.

大蔵大臣 Brown was 確認するd last week as Britain's next 首相.

総理大臣 Tony Blair's 辞職 after a 10年間 in 力/強力にする was 軍隊d in part by 投票者 怒り/怒る over his support for the U.S.-led war and British マスコミ has been buzzing with talk that Brown may 速度(を上げる) up the 撤退 of British 軍隊/機動隊s from Iraq to assuage the public.

"We have 絶対 no such understanding. We believe there will be 連続 within the UK 政府 over the approach to Iraq and Afghanistan," the 公式の/役人 said.

"No, I would not look at any precipitate, 片側だけの or sudden 出発 here. We do not believe we can afford to leave Iraq," the 公式の/役人 said.

Brown has said there should be greater 強調 on political 仲直り and 経済的な 開発 so Iraqis feel they have more of a 火刑/賭ける in their 未来.

He said he would 協議する the Iraqi 政府 and people in the next few weeks and then 示唆する new ideas.

The U.S. 公式の/役人 said Washington's discussions with members of the Sunni 暴動 had not produced results and that more 圧力 should be brought to 耐える on Iran to stop 基金ing and training members of violent Shi'ite groups.

"Is there something ... in (U.S.) 謀反の reach-out that produces results? The answer is no. To date -- no," the 公式の/役人 said.

"The problem with the many, many discussions ... has been that whenever (the individuals) have been challenged to 論証する their 信任状 by a 重要な, meaningful 削減 in 暴力/激しさ, that 実験(する) has 大部分は or 完全に failed."

The 公式の/役人 said 説得するing Syria to curtail the flow through its 国境s of foreign 自殺 爆撃機s was 重要な, as was resisting Tehran's 試みる/企てるs to spread its 影響(力) in the 地域.

"What Iran is doing in Iraq is not 限定するd to Iraq, in Iran's 戦略の 見解(をとる)," he said, 警告 that Tehran would take a more 積極的な 姿勢 in other 問題/発行するs such as its 追跡 of a 核の programme "until someone 押し進めるs 支援する".

He said support for その上の U.N. 許可/制裁s against Tehran was "ever 増加するing" and that Tehran had lost the support of 中国 and Russia.

Iran has 辞退するd to 屈服する to Western 需要・要求するs and 侮辱する/軽蔑するd two U.N. 決意/決議s calling on it to 停止(させる) 核の 濃縮すること.

Tehran 主張するs its programme 目的(とする)s only to 産する/生じる electricity. The West 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs it of trying to build 核の 武器s.

Tehran 拒絶するs 告訴,告発s of 干渉,妨害 in Iraq. Syria 非難するs the flow of 爆撃機s on the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs, 説 it does not help 支配(する)/統制する the porous 国境.

Mr Bush, who has 20 months left in the White House, has been fighting 試みる/企てるs by his political 競争相手s to 始める,決める a 時刻表/予定表 for U.S. 軍隊/機動隊s to come home.

補佐官s 恐れる a 転換 by Mr Brown could 手渡す the 民主党員s more 弾薬/武器.

Mr Brown was heckled during a speech at Warwick University. A woman 抗議する人 stood up and 叫び声をあげるd 繰り返して: "Gordon Brown, get the 軍隊/機動隊s out now."

Mr Brown appeared unfazed as she was 護衛するd out by stewards. Later, he said the 戦う/戦い had entered a "new 行う/開催する/段階" where it is not just the 安全 軍隊s that are important but winning "hearts and minds" in the 地域.

Asked by a member of the audience when he was going to bring the 軍隊/機動隊s 支援する, Mr Brown did not give a 最終的な answer. But he pointed out that at the start of the 衝突 there were 44,000 British 軍隊/機動隊s in Iraq and that had now 減ずるd to 7,000.

"That number continues to go 負かす/撃墜する," he 追加するd. "I'm going to go out to Iraq, look at the 状況/情勢 on the ground and see what is happening."

He said the 政府 was working with Iraq is to enable them to run their own 安全 but he did not say when British 関与 might end.

?A member of the 1st 大隊 王室の Anglian 連隊 died from 傷害s 苦しむd in an 事故 at the British base at Sangin, Afghanistan. The MoD said: "The death was not the result of enemy 活動/戦闘."

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