殺人, 誘拐する, 監禁,拘置 and 強襲,強姦 all carried out in the 指名する of 'honour'

Last updated at 19:46 11 June 2007

Banaz Mahmod Babakir Agha

Twenty-year-old Banaz Mahmod was garrotted with a shoelace in her London home before her 団体/死体 was stuffed in a スーツケース and buried in the 支援する garden of a house more than 150 miles away.

The 殺人,大当り was ordered and carried out by her father and uncle along with their associates.

Her 罪,犯罪 was 簡単に to have fallen in love with another man after her arranged marriage fell apart because her husband had been violent.

Mahmod's 残虐な 殺人 is one of a growing number of いわゆる "honour 殺人,大当りs", carried out by families or communities who believe girls have brought 不名誉, for example by having an 事件/事情/状勢 or 辞退するing a 軍隊d marriage.

The 国際連合 見積(る) there are 5,000 honour 殺人,大当りs 世界的な every year but the 問題/発行する was almost unheard of in Britain until a 栄冠を与える 起訴 Service (CPS) 会議/協議会 in 2004.

Nazir Afzal, the CPS director who organised that 会議/協議会, said the 状況/情勢 in Britain was worse than they had thought and that a growth in 宗教的な fundamentalism had helped make it worse.

"Even I had no idea やめる 率直に how serious a problem it was, how many communities were 影響する/感情d, how many people were 影響する/感情d," Afzal said.

"殺人 is just the tip of the iceberg. You have a 相当な number of kidnappings, 誤った 監禁,拘置s, serious 強襲,強姦s, which are also carried out in the 指名する of honour."

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The CPS 起訴するs about a dozen "honour" 殺人s a year but Afzal believes the true number of 殺人,大当りs is much higher.

"We have 事例/患者s of 殺人s that take place abroad - people who are taken and killed abroad - so they 明白に don't come into our 人物/姿/数字s," he said.

"And we also have a 相当な number of 行方不明の persons and their 現在進行中の 調査s.

In the wake of the 2004 会議/協議会, police 開始する,打ち上げるd a review of around 120 事例/患者s where women had disappeared or appeared to have committed 自殺. Afzal said around 20 were now 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd of 存在 honour-関係のある 罪,犯罪s.

Startling 人物/姿/数字s also show 自殺 率s の中で Asian women 老年の between 15 and 25 at three times the 国家の 普通の/平均(する) and twice the 普通の/平均(する) for those in the 25 to 35 age group.

"It's stark that we have people who feel ... because of the shame they might bring upon their families or the perception they might 苦しむ 害(を与える), are more likely in many 事例/患者s to kill themselves rather than 簡単に walk away from the 状況/情勢."

Hannana Siddiqui of Southall 黒人/ボイコット Sisters, an organisation experienced in 取引,協定ing with honour 殺人,大当りs and 暴力/激しさ, said there were still no proper 統計(学) on the 問題/発行する.

Mahmod Mahmod

"It's only recently that you get people trying to 認める there is 乱用 in the community, that there are 問題/発行するs like 軍隊d marriage, that honour can often be a 動機, and in the more extreme ends can lead to 殺人," she said.

For a woman, 不名誉ing the family honour can 変化させる from leaving an abusive 関係 to 簡単に talking with a man in the street or wearing the wrong 着せる/賦与するs.

"The honour or 評判 of a family 残り/休憩(する)s on a woman's 性の 行為/行う," Siddiqui said.

"If she's seen to have gone against those 定める/命ずるd 役割s of a good and dutiful wife and daughter and daughter-in-法律, then she's (刑事)被告 of bringing shame or dishonour."

Most 事例/患者s in Britain 伴う/関わる families from south Asian and 中央のd le Eastern communities but Siddiqui said honour 罪,犯罪s could 影響する/感情 nearly all Britain's 民族の 少数,小数派s who clung to 伝統的な values or what they saw as their 伝統的な values.

Britain has been 格闘するing with how to better 統合する 少数,小数派s, 特に those in the イスラム教徒 community, since the July 2005 London attacks by four British Islamist 自殺 爆撃機s that killed 52 people.

Both Siddiqui and Afzal said a rise in 宗教的な 保守主義, 特に amongst young men, that was fuelling militancy had also brought an 増加する in honour 罪,犯罪s.

"Radicalisation and extremism are about 身元," said Afzal, a 主要な British イスラム教徒 lawyer.

"It's about people 粘着するing to outdated customs to give them 身元.

"There is no 宗教的な justification for this. There is nothing in any Koranic texts or any south Asian 宗教 that 正当化するs or excuses this type of 罪,犯罪.

"They will use 宗教, they will use culture, they will use 'this is the way things happen 支援する home', they will use a number of excuses but 最終的に it comes 負かす/撃墜する to simple male 力/強力にする."

Ari Mahmod

The 殺人,大当りs themselves are often 特に 残虐な.

In 2005, Samaira Nazir, 25, was stabbed 18 times in a frenzied attack in 前線 of her two young nieces. She had fallen in love with an Afghan 亡命 探検者 and had 拒絶するd suitors her family had 提案するd.

A year earlier, university student Arash Ghorbani-Zarin was stabbed 46 times by two 十代の少年少女s 事実上の/代理 on the orders of their uncle whose daughter he had got 妊娠している.

The death 宣告,判決s are often agreed by 広告 hoc informal "会議s" made up of community 年上のs and 親族s.

"They will sit 負かす/撃墜する and they say there is no way we can take this," Afzal said. "Our 力/強力にする is 存在 減らすd by the fact she is putting two fingers up to us and therefore we must 施行する our social code that she must do as we say. As she hasn't, she must die."

While honour 罪,犯罪 is becoming better understood and 当局 are いっそう少なく nervous of stepping on 極度の慎重さを要する cultural toes, Afzal 認める it would take a long time for all 前線 line staff to be competent at 取引,協定ing with the 問題/発行する.

Mahmod herself had sought help from the police just a few months before her death, telling them she believed her father was trying to kill her.

"I think there are still problems in making real practical differences on the ground," Siddiqui said.

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