Five times larger than life lobster leaves his mates in the shade

Last updated at 14:10 18 September 2007

It really would be a Hell's Kitchen if you were 現在のd with this lobster for the マリファナ.

Fortunately, however, this 巨大(な) Pink Spiny lobster looks 始める,決める to live out his 退職 in an 水槽 - and perhaps 得点する/非難する/20 a place in the 記録,記録的な/記録する 調書をとる/予約するs.

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指名するd Poseidon for his size and strength, this lobster dwarfs others, 手段ing two feet in length and a whopping nine-and a-4半期/4分の1 続けざまに猛撃するs.

He was accidentally caught by the fishing boat Brittania around 200 miles south west of Newlyn, Cornwall. Spiny lobsters are 現実に a type of crayfish and don't usually occur in British waters.

The 乗組員 were fishing for stony bass on a 難破させる at a depth of 238 metres when they 設立する him, and he is now on 陳列する,発揮する at the Blue 暗礁 水槽 in Newquay.

He is around five times the size of the 普通の/平均(する) lobster as can be seen when he stands next to his mate.

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Staff at the Blue 暗礁 水槽 in Newquay were shocked to see やめる how big he was, 特に when he proudly 陳列する,発揮するd his 抱擁する antennae which reach over the 支援する of 水槽 労働者 Rachel Rigby's 長,率いる.

They make his mate look rather puny and inferior in comparison.

Now 専門家s are now 協議するing 記録,記録的な/記録する 調書をとる/予約するs to see if Poseidon is the biggest one ever landed in Britain.

Blue 暗礁's David Waines said: "He's a real monster. In fact he's so big that it takes two members of staff to 選ぶ him up 安全に.

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"Over the years we have looked after some very big crustaceans indeed 範囲ing from Alaskan king crabs to lobsters but everyone here believes this is the largest 見本/標本 we've ever seen."

The pink spiny lobster is closely 関係のある to the ありふれた crawfish but is usually 設立する off the west coast of Africa and in the Mediterranean.

It grows much bigger than its cousin and can 生き残る at depths of up to 600 metres.

"British 記録,記録的な/記録するs for this particular 種類 are rare and we're still trying to 設立する whether Poseidon is a 記録,記録的な/記録する breaker.

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"However it would appear that he is at least twice the 普通の/平均(する) size for a pink spiny lobster and therefore there's got to be a good chance," 追加するd David.

Poseidon was one of three pink spiny lobsters landed by the Britannia during their 難破させる fishing trip. The other two were sold at the fish market in Newlyn.

"Poseidon's 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の size saved him from the マリファナ and we're now hoping that he'll be able to live out the 残り/休憩(する) of his days in the safety of the 水槽.

"No one's 確かな how long pink spiny lobsters live but to have grown so large one can only assume that he is a real old man of the sea," 追加するd David.

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