Diana needed marriage to Dodi 'like a 無分別な on her 直面する'


Last updated at 22:15 19 December 2007

Diana in blue dress

Princess Diana told a friend a week before her death that she needed marriage "like a 無分別な on my 直面する", the 検死 into her death heard.

Lady Annabel Goldsmith, 73, said Diana was having a "wonderful" time with Dodi 妖精/密着させるd, and had told her that she had never been so spoiled.

But Lady Annabel believed there was no question of an 約束/交戦 - and was 納得させるd the real 推論する/理由 for the 井戸/弁護士席-publicised romance was that the Princess 手配中の,お尋ね者 to make a former lover jealous.

After reading about the 関係 during the summer of 1997 she phoned Diana to 問い合わせ about how serious she was about Dodi.

She told the 検死 at the High 法廷,裁判所 In London: "I said to her laughably (sic) 'You are not going to do anything silly are you?'

"I meant 'you are not going to do anything silly like 急ぐing off and eloping or getting married', and she said 'I would need marriage like a 無分別な on my 直面する'. It was a very Diana 表現.

"I put it to her because I thought, gosh, I'm reading all these lurid 詳細(に述べる)s about her and she is very impulsive and I didn't think she had known him long enough.

"I think I was just trying to find out what was on her mind and she answered in that one short 宣告,判決. End of conversation. Last conversation ever."

A week after the phone call Diana and Dodi died in a car 衝突,墜落 in Paris on August 31, 1997.

Dodi's father,Harrods boss Mohamed Al 妖精/密着させるd, believes the couple were killed by the 設立 because they were planning to marry and she was carrying his baby.

Lady Annabel said that it was "impossible" that her friend could have been 妊娠している, because of something that happened on the last occasion they me t at the end of July.

She did not (a)手の込んだ/(v)詳述する, but Rosa Monckton, the Princess's closest confidante, has 以前 told the 検死 that Diana had her period ten days before the 衝突,墜落.

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Annabel Goldsmith

Lady Annabel also downplayed the significance of touching letters Diana wrote to Dodi which were read to the 検死 last week

In one, she thanked her "Darling Dodi" for "bringing such joy into this chick's life".

She had also given him a pair of 心にいだくd cufflinks which were a gift from her father.

Lady Annabel said: "I always thought that Diana wrote very effusively."

調印 off the last of her four letters to Dodi with the words "fondest love" was typical of her style, she 追加するd.

Lady Annabel said that the Princess was still in love with her ex-boyfriend, heart 外科医 Hasnat 旅宿泊所, and was upset about their break-up 早期に in the summer of 1997.

She said this appeared to explain her high-profile romance with Dodi.

"I think she was trying to make Hasnat 旅宿泊所, someone with whom she had just finished a long 関係, jealous."

Lady Annabel, 未亡人 of the 億万長者 Sir James Goldsmith, was a の近くに confidante to the princess.

Their sons were friends at school and Diana was a 正規の/正選手 guest at her Georgian mansion on the 辛勝する/優位 of Richmond Park in South-West London.

Asked if the Princess had ever 表明するd any 恐れるs for her safety to her, Lady Annabel replied: "never".

She said Diana kept changing her 動きやすい phone number, but she believed this was because she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 避ける 確かな people, and she had never について言及するd 恐れるs that she was 存在 bugged.

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Diana and Dodi

The 検死 also heard that a doctor's letter (人命などを)奪う,主張するing to show Diana was 妊娠している when she died was a 偽造.

It was purportedly written by Professor Pierre Coriat, 長,率いる of anaesthetics at La Pitie Salpetriere Hospital in Paris, where Diana was taken after 1997 衝突,墜落.

The letter was first published in a French 調書をとる/予約する, before 存在 再生するd in British newspapers, 含むing the Daily 表明する.

In a 声明 to the 検死, Professor Coriat said the letter was a "天然のまま 偽造".

"It is not on 長,率いるd paper used by my service. It is (疑いを)晴らす to me that whoever (1)偽造する/(2)徐々に進むd this 文書 was not of French origin. It 含む/封じ込めるs grammatical errors and language I would never use."

The 検死 continues.

探偵,刑事's 妖精/密着させるd 恐れるs

The Scotland Yard 探偵,刑事 in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of liasing with French police over the Paris 衝突,墜落 was 主要な a separate 調査 into Mohamed Al 妖精/密着させるd and five of his staff over 窃盗 主張s.

Retired 探偵,刑事 長,指導者 superintendent Jeff Rees said he 恐れるd a 衝突 of 利益/興味 and wrote to his superiors about his 関心s.

But 指揮官 Niall Mulvihill, 長,率いる of the Yard's Organised 罪,犯罪 Group, wrote 支援する: "There is a (疑いを)晴らす distinction between the two 役割s 存在 undertaken and only the most paranoid of 共謀 理論家s are likely to be drawn に向かって any misinterpretation."

探偵,刑事s from the group were 事実上の/代理 on (人命などを)奪う,主張するs from by Mr Al 妖精/密着させるd's 商売/仕事 競争相手, Tiny Rowland.

He had (刑事)被告 Mr Al 妖精/密着させるd of ordering his deposit box at Harrods to be broken into to retrieve 文書s in an 試みる/企てる to ゆすり,恐喝 him.

Mr Al 妖精/密着させるd was 逮捕(する)d in March 1998 along with Harrods 安全 director John Macna mara and four other 蓄える/店 staff.

He was never 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d, but two years later agreed a £1.4million 解決/入植地 with Mr Rowland's 未亡人, Josephine, admitting the box had been opened and 文書s copied.

However, he 否定するd 扇動するing the 窃盗 陰謀(を企てる).

Mr Rees told the 検死 French police were 毅然とした that the car 衝突,墜落 which killed Princess Diana and Dodi 妖精/密着させるd was a 悲劇の 事故.

He said he asked if there was anything 怪しげな at every 会合 he had with them.

"The answer was always an 明白な No," he said.

During 正規の/正選手 会合s with the French 調査/捜査するing officer, ツバメ Monteil, he was told there was no 推論する/理由 to 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う that the deaths were "anything other than an 事故".

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