億万長者 投資家 Joe 'The Boxer' 吊りくさび 直面するing losses of $1bn in 耐える Stearns 危機


Last updated at 11:21 18 March 2008

億万長者 投資家 Joe 吊りくさび is 直面するing $1bn losses after 耐える Stearns 引き継ぎ/買収. The Bahamas-based British 投資家 is one of the world's richest men

He is stupendously rich, lives a life of 高級な in the Bahamas and has made a 指名する for himself 投資するing in risky bets, which almost invariably 逮捕する him a fortune.

But last night, the 億万長者 投資家 Joe 吊りくさび, who 支配(する)/統制するs Tottenham Hotspur football club and is one of the world's richest men, was left 直面するing losses of の近くに to $1bn after taking a terrific 攻撃する,衝突する in the 最近の credit 危機.

愛称d 'the Boxer', both for his no-nonsense approach and in honour of the world heavyweight 支持する/優勝者 of the same 指名する, 吊りくさび bought a 9.6 per cent 火刑/賭ける in struggling bank 耐える Stearns last year.

Believing at the time that he was getting the 株 on the cheap and that the sub-prime 危機 had 底(に届く)d out it now looks as though the famous 投資家's luck has finally run out.

If rumours that he sold his 火刑/賭ける in the 病んでいる bank on Friday turn out to be 誤った 吊りくさび will have seen his 株 急落する in value from $88.80 per 株 to $3.67 yesterday after the bank was bought by JP Morgan in a $2-a-株 申し込む/申し出.

吊りくさび has lost $981m (£490m) as a result of his 9.36 per cent 火刑/賭ける in the bank.

He is now 試みる/企てるing to 封鎖する the JP Morgan 引き継ぎ/買収 and will 試みる/企てる to てこ入れ/借入資本 support の中で other major 株主s, によれば the Daily Telegraph.

吊りくさび made his fortune と一緒に fellow 投資家 George Soros betting on 英貨の/純銀の's 出口 from the European 交流-率 機械装置 on 黒人/ボイコット Wednesday in 1992.

吊りくさび, who dropped out of school 老年の 15 to work in his father's pub in London's East End, is an 熱心な golfer and a 株主 in London サッカー club Tottenham Hotspur.

He counts gol f professionals Ernie Els and Tiger 支持を得ようと努めるd as 商売/仕事 partners and Sean Connery is a friend and 隣人 in his Bahamas 訴える手段/行楽地.

Forbes magazine last year 概算の that 吊りくさび is the 369th wealthiest person in the world.

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