Shannon's mother 存在 調査/捜査するd for '利益 詐欺'

Last updated at 10:36 12 April 2008

手錠d: Karen Matthews is led into 法廷,裁判所

Karen Matthews is under 調査 over (人命などを)奪う,主張するs she was 収入 £400 a week in 利益s while living with partner Craig Meehan.

政府 公式の/役人s are trying to 決定する 正確に/まさに how much money the mother-of-seven was paid while living with partner Craig Meehan who was yesterday 再拘留(者)d in 保護/拘留 over child porn 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s.

The 調査 was 誘発するd after 行方不明になる Matthews, 32 told 公式の/役人s she was looking after four of her seven children on her own.

But sources 明らかにする/漏らすd that she had been living with Mr Meehan, who earns £16,000 a year for the past four years.

It is understood she told 政府 公式の/役人s last January that she was looking after Shannon and three other children on her own and that she received no child support from the fathers of her children.

によれば The Sun newspaper, 行方不明になる Matthews 恐らく bragged: "I earn the money. I put the food on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する."

Department of Work and 年金s and HM 歳入 & Customs were checking their とじ込み/提出するs on 利益 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs but a 広報担当者 追加するd they were not able to comment on individual 事例/患者s.

行方不明になる Matthews is 直面するing 裁判,公判 (刑事)被告 of perverting the course of 司法(官) and child neglect に引き続いて the 24-day 見えなくなる of her daughter Shannon.

Shannon went 行方不明の on February 19 and was discovered hidden in the base of a bed in a flat in Batley Carr, just one mile from her home in Dewsbury after a 24-day search by police.

Meehan's uncle, Michael Donovan, 39, of Lidgate Gardens, Batley Carr, has been 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with Shannon's 誘拐する and 監禁,拘置.

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Shannon's stepfather, Craig Meehan, inside the police 先頭 as he arrives at 法廷,裁判所 yesterday for his second 外見 since 存在 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with child porn offences

His 法廷,裁判所 外見 comes the day after mother Alice, 49, and her daughters Amanda Hyett, 25, and Caroline Meehan, 29, were also 逮捕(する)d on 疑惑 of perverting the course of 司法(官).

The three were questioned for seven hours before 存在 解放(する)d on police 保釈(金) 未解決の その上の 調査s.

Mr Meehan appeared in 法廷,裁判所 yesterday to 直面する 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s of 所有するing child pornography.

Supermarket fishmonger Craig Meehan, 22, is (刑事)被告 of 11 見本/標本 offences of 所有/入手 of indecent images of children.

It is 申し立てられた/疑わしい Meehan 所有するd 140 indecent images of children graded at levels one to four - on a 規模 where one is the least serious and five is the most serious.

They were 恐らく 設立する on two computers at the family home in Dewsbury where he has lived with Karen Matthews for around five years.

Meehan, of Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, was 逮捕(する)d on April 2 by officers 調査/捜査するing the 見えなくなる of Shannon.

He was driven into the 支援する of Dewsbury 治安判事s' 法廷,裁判所 の直前に 9am this morning in a white 刑務所,拘置所 先頭.

側面に位置するd by three 安全 officers, he later appeared in the ドッキングする/減らす/ドックに入れる in 前線 of a packed courtroom.

The father-of-one was wearing a Manchester 部隊d away shirt under a casual waterproof coat.

The (法廷の)裁判 of three 治安判事s heard 合法的な arguments before 延期,休会するing the 事例/患者 until 2.15pm.

Meehan was impassive throughout the two-hour 審理,公聴会 in a packed 法廷,裁判所 room.

An 使用/適用 for 保釈(金) by his solicitor David Orbaum was 最終的に 辞退するd by the (法廷の)裁判, 議長,司会を務めるd by David Haywood.

Shannon Matthews

Shannon was 行方不明の for 24 days before she was 設立する just a mile from her home

Mrs Meehan, 49, and Mrs Hyett, 25, had already been 逮捕(する)d and questioned last Friday about the "誘拐" but returned 任意に to a police 駅/配置する with Caroline, 29, yesterday morning.

A police 広報担当者 said: "探偵,刑事s 調査/捜査するing the 誘拐 of a nine-year-old girl in Dewsbury in February have today rearrested a 25-year-old and a 49-year-old woman.

"A 29-year-old woman has also been 逮捕(する)d. All are 存在 held on 疑惑 of perverting the course of 司法(官) at police 駅/配置するs in West Yorkshire."

Caroline Meehan, a mother-of-two, was 報道によれば astonished by her 逮捕(する) having, moments earlier, 宣言するd she knew nothing about the 事例/患者.

によれば the Sun, she said: "I'm not worried because I've nothing to hide. What would I 伸び(る) from something like this?

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Worried: Shannon's stepfather Craig Meehan with mother Karen Matthews and brothers Tony and Cameron, far 権利

"I didn't even know Shannon was 行方不明の until a day after she disappeared. I was as shocked as everyone."

Karen Matthews, 32, appeared in 法廷,裁判所 on Wednesday 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with child neglect and perverting the course of 司法(官).

The mother of seven was 再拘留(者)d in 保護/拘留 for her own safety and will next appear at 物陰/風下d 栄冠を与える 法廷,裁判所 on April 16.

The house she and Meehan 株d has already been boarded up to 妨げる vigilante attacks and ちらしs 手渡すd out 勧めるing 静める.

Matthews is said to have received death 脅しs after 22-year-old Meehan was 逮捕(する)d on April 2.

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Karen Matthews

Amanda Hyett (far left), seen here outside the 法廷,裁判所 where Karen Matthews was 再拘留(者)d in 保護/拘留, has been 逮捕(する)d on 疑惑 of perverting the course of 司法(官)

Caroline Meehan was the sixth member of the family to be 逮捕(する)d and the 最新の three have 誘発するd fury around the Dewsbury Moor 広い地所 where they live.

Trucker Roy Sheard, 35, told the Sun: "I'll be surprised if that house is still standing by the end of the week. There are a lot of angry people aroun dhere."

Last night, officers met with community leaders and 居住(者)s at a 地元の school to beg 居住(者)s not to 一連の会議、交渉/完成する on Shannon's family.

長,指導者 Supt Barry South said: "Whatever the 怒り/怒る and whatever your are feeling 権利 now, for God's sake put it to one 味方する."

On Wednesday, more than 50 onlookers - many 選び出す/独身 mothers with young children - were 解放する/自由な to 発言する/表明する their fury at the 被告 as she left for 刑務所,拘置所.

At the end of the 13-minute 審理,公聴会, when the 地区 裁判官 拒絶するd Matthews' 使用/適用 for 保釈(金) yesterday there were cries of "yes" from the public gallery.

Only then did the tearful mother look at them.

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karen matthews at court

Boarded up: Her house is 保護するd from vandals

She 繰り返して shook her 長,率いる as if pleading with her friends not to turn against her but it was too late. She had already become public enemy number one.

Matthews is (刑事)被告 of 隠すing Shannon's どの辺に from officers and "abandoning" the nine-year-old in a manner likely to 原因(となる) 苦しむing.

検察官,検事 Malcolm Taylor told the 法廷,裁判所 how Matthews had st arted an "enormous search" by 報告(する)/憶測ing her daughter 行方不明の on February 19.

"If she did not know where her child was, she certainly had a very good idea indeed," he said.

Craig Meehan's uncle, Michael Donovan, in whose flat she was 結局 設立する, has been 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with her 誘拐する and 監禁,拘置. He will 直面する 裁判,公判 later this year.

One woman, who did not want to be 指名するd, said the events of the past seven weeks had "注ぐd shame" on the town.

"There were mothers taking their children to school who were all thinking 'there but for the grace of God, go I'. They have been traumatised by this," she said.

Mrs Hyett was の中で a small group of の近くに friends and family who went to 法廷,裁判所 on Wednesday to show their support for Matthews.

They lined up outside, 持つ/拘留するing 手渡すs, and stood in silence as she was driven away after the 審理,公聴会.

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