Schoolboy, 16, is 逮捕(する)d on 疑惑 of 殺人未遂 after ten-year-old girl is 'violently 強襲,強姦d'

  • Devon and Cornwall Police were called at 5pm on Thursday to a 報告(する)/憶測d attack?
  • The child, 設立する in Brixington, Exmouth, was すぐに 急ぐd to hospital
  • Anyone with (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) or images is 勧めるd to 接触する the police?

A girl 老年の ten was in hospital last night after 存在 設立する dazed in the street に引き続いて an 'extreme' attack.

A boy of 16 was 逮捕(する)d on 疑惑 of 殺人未遂 yesterday after the girl was 設立する in a '苦しめるd 明言する/公表する' by a member of the public, police said.

Officers were called at around 5pm on Thursday to the Brixington area of Exmouth, Devon, and took the girl home before 緊急 services were called.

A 10-year-old girl was found in a distressed state after being attacked near Marley Road, Exmouth (pictured)

A 10-year-old girl was 設立する in a 苦しめるd 明言する/公表する after 存在 attacked 近づく Marley Road, Exmouth (pictured)

She was later taken to hospital, where she remained last night.

Superintendent Matt Lawler said: 'The child has been taken to hospital where she is receiving the 専門家 医療の care and 治療 she needs, supported by specialist officers, and, of course, her family.

'This is 明確に a shocking event given it is so extreme and rare in East Devon, and as you would 推定する/予想する, we are therefore putting signi ficant 資源s into this 調査.'

Superintendent Lawler, the 地元の policing 指揮官 for Exeter, East and 中央の Devon, 追加するd: 'Given the 複雑さ and sensitivity in supporting the child, the 十分な 詳細(に述べる)s of what has happened may take a little while to become (疑いを)晴らす.

'That said, this a very proactive an d 徹底的な 現在進行中の 調査 and will 伴う/関わる searches of the scene and 地元の area, house to house and CCTV 調査s, and その上の 詳細(に述べる)d 法廷の work.

'I would ask everyone to try to remain 静める and 許す the 調査 to take place. For example, it is not helpful to spread rumour or 憶測 on social マスコミ, as this may lead to その上の upset for others, 含むing the family.'

非常線,警戒線s were still in place last night around a wooded area の近くに to where the girl was 設立する after police 法廷の 専門家s had spent the day searching for 証拠.

Police are appealing for anyone with information of dashcam images to contact them?

Police are 控訴,上告ing for anyone with (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) of dashcam images to 接触する them?

Stunned 地元のs last night said the attack was unusual for such a 静かな 居住の area.

One, ツバメ Cox, who has lived in the area for seven years, said: 'It's hard to believe that something like this would happen here, it's a 平和的な area.'

Another 隣人, 夜明け Hines, said: 'I have three children and two grandchildren and it's sickening to think something like this could happen here. It has left an eerie atmosphere in the area and it's s haken the community.'????

Sorry we are not 現在/一般に 受託するing comments on this article.