PICTURED: Woman, 39, whose 団体/死体 was 捨てるd in a wheelie 貯蔵所 for several weeks as police 逮捕(する) a second man on 疑惑 of 殺人

  • Nicola Stevenson, 39, 設立する in a 貯蔵所 at recreation ground in Lewes, East Sussex
  • Sussex Police have said that two men, 老年の 37 and 41 have been 逮捕(する)d since?
  • 地位,任命する-mortem showed mother-of-two died に引き続いて blunt 軍隊 外傷/ショック to 長,率いる
  • Police said the 貯蔵所 could have been lying in undergrowth for more than fortnight?

The body of 39-year-old Nicola Stevenson (pictured) was found by a dog walker in a green household bin in Lewes, East Sussex

The 団体/死体 of 39-year-old Nicola Stevenson (pictured) was 設立する by a dog walker in a green 世帯 貯蔵所 in Lewes, East Sussex

Police have 指名するd a woman whose 団体/死体 was 設立する 捨てるd in a wheelie 貯蔵所 as they 逮捕(する)d two men on 疑惑 of her 殺人.

The 団体/死体 of 39-year-old Nicola Stevenson was 設立する by a dog walker in a green 世帯 貯蔵所 at the 辛勝する/優位 of a recreation ground in Lewes, East Sussex, at 12.30pm on Wednesday.

A 41-year-old man, of no 直す/買収する,八百長をするd 演説(する)/住所, was 逮捕(する)d on Thursday and a second man, a 37-year-old also of no 演説(する)/住所, was 逮捕(する)d later that day in a car park in Langney Road, Eastbourne.

Sussex Police said the 貯蔵所 could have been lying in undergrowth for more than a fortnight.?

A 地位,任命する-mortem 設立するd the?mother-of-two, believed to be from Edinburgh, died に引き続いて blunt 軍隊 外傷/ショック to the 長,率いる.?

A 広報担当者 for Sussex Police said にもかかわらず no formal 身元確認,身分証明 the y are 満足させるd the 団体/死体 is Ms Stevenson and her next-of-肉親,親類 have been 知らせるd.?

A post-mortem established the mother-of-two, believed to be from Edinburgh, died following blunt force trauma to the head
According to her Facebook page, Ms Stevenson was a recovering cancer patient

A 地位,任命する-mortem 設立するd the mother-of-two, believed to be from Edinburgh, died に引き続いて blunt 軍隊 外傷/ショック to the 長,率いる

He said: 'She had 苦しむd a 重要な 長,率いる 傷害 and a 地位,任命する-mortem has shown that she died as a result of blunt 軍隊 外傷/ショック to her 長,率いる. Her next-of-肉親,親類 have been 知らせるd.'

Following the discovery on Wednesday, police initially treated her death as unexplained

に引き続いて the 発見 on Wednesday, police 最初 扱う/治療するd her death as unexplained

によれば her Facebook page, Ms Stevenson was a 回復するing 癌 患者 who went to Balerno High School 近づく Edinburgh.?

探偵,刑事 長,指導者 視察官 Chris Friday said: 'Our thoughts at this time are with Nicola's family and friends and we are 決定するd to 捜し出す 司法(官) for them.

'Nicola died に引き続いて a 重要な blow to the 長,率いる. Her 団体/死体 had been placed in the wheelie 貯蔵所 and 捨てるd in the undergrowth and we want to 設立する when that happened and when she was last seen alive.

'We know that the 貯蔵所 was probably there on November 1 and we are now trying to 設立する when Nicola was last seen alive.

'I am really 利益/興味d to hear from anyone who saw her after around the first week of October.

'We are very keen to hear from anyone who may be 行方不明の a green wheelie 貯蔵所 or who may have seen it lying in undergrowth at the scene over the last few weeks, but thought no more of it.

Police soon discovered that she had 苦しむd a serious 長,率いる 傷害. Pictured: the police 非常線,警戒線 after the 団体/死体 was 設立する on Wednesday

A spokesman for Sussex Police said despite no formal identification they are satisfied the body is Ms Stevenson and her next-of-kin have been informed.?Pictured: the police cordon after the body was found on Wednesday

A 広報担当者 for Sussex Police said にもかかわらず no formal 身元確認,身分証明 they are 満足させるd the 団体/死体 is Ms Stevenson and her next-of-肉親,親類 have been 知らせるd.?Pictured: the police 非常線,警戒線 after the 団体/死体 was 設立する on Wednesday

'There were a かなりの number of people in the area for one of the Bonfire Night 花火 陳列する,発揮するs and we would 特に like to hear from them if they saw anything.'

に引き続いて the 発見 on Wednesday, police 最初 扱う/治療するd her death as unexplained.

A 殺人 調査 was 開始する,打ち上げるd after a examination showed Ms Stevenson had 苦しむd a serious 長,率いる 傷害.

Police believe the body could have been dumped several weeks ago and are appealing for anyone who saw the bin being wheeled to the park to come forward

Police believe the 団体/死体 could have been 捨てるd several weeks ago and are 控訴,上告ing for anyone who saw the 貯蔵所 存在 wheeled to the park to come 今後

A 隣人 who asked not to be 指名するd said she heard 叫び声をあげるs behind her home late one night several weeks ago 近づく to where a police 非常線,警戒線 was in place.

She said: 'It's been horrendous. We spoke when she first moved here about a year ago.

'I thought she had gone away and we 港/避難所't seen her for four or five weeks.'

The 41-year-old man 逮捕(する)d is believe d to have known the 犠牲者.?

Both men remain in 保護/拘留.

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