Sydney's $2.9billion light rail 網状組織 is brought to a 行き詰まり when a car 激突するs into a tram in the heart of the city

  • A tram was derailed after 衝突する/食い違うing with a car in Surry Hills, Sydney on Thursday ?
  • Both drivers 支えるd minor 傷害s and the 前線 of the tram was 損失d
  • 緊急?services and 維持/整備 乗組員s are working to re-rail the tram??

Sydney's $2.9billion light rail 網状組織 was brought to a 行き詰まり after a car slammed into the 前線 of a tram.

The tram was knocked off the 跡をつけるs in South Dowling Street, Surry Hills in Sydney's east about 4.40pm on Sunday.

Both drivers 苦しむd minor 傷害s. No 乗客s were 負傷させるd.

The tram, which was 長,率いるd to Randwick, was 損失d and 緊急 services along with 維持/整備 乗組員s are still working to get it 支援する on the 跡をつけるs.

A tram (pictured) collided with a car in Sydney's Surry Hills on Thursday afternoon

?A tram (pictured) 衝突する/食い違うd with a car in Sydney's Surry Hills on Thursday afternoon?

小道/航路s along South Dowling Street have been 封鎖するd in both directions between Cleveland and Flinders Street and tram services are stopped between Central and Moore Park.?

A spokesperson for ALTRAC, which is 責任がある the light rail 網状組織, said 乗客s were disembarked from the tram.?

乗客s are able to travel from Central to Town Hall and Randwick to Moore Park but are advised to use a bus or train between Central and Circular Quay or Moore Park and Central.

The 原因(となる) of the 衝突,墜落 is unknown and has been referred to police.?

NSW Police said there has been no 報告(する)/憶測s of any 重要な 傷害s and 緊急 services remain at the scene.

The 衝突,墜落 has '衝撃d traffic ひどく around t he area' the spokesperson said.???

運転者s are advised to 避ける the area.?

Both drivers sustained minor injuries and emergency crews were working to re-rail the tram

Both drivers 支えるd minor 傷害s and 緊急 乗組員s were working to re-rail the tram

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