Australia's $130B Jobkeeper 一括 is APPROVED: Biggest 経済的な lifeline in the country's history passes 議会 - find out here if you're one of six million Aussies to 利益

  • 適格の 労働者s will soon get $1500 fortnightly 支払い(額)s for six months
  • All 十分な-time and part-time 労働者s will be covered, along with some casuals
  • 単独の 仲買人s and New Zealanders on 444 working ビザs are also 含むd?
  • The 目印 決定/判定勝ち(する) 示すs largest 選び出す/独身 spend in the nation's history
  • Learn more about how to help people 衝撃d by COVID

適格の 労働者s will soon get $1,500 fortnightly 支払い(額)s for six months after the 連邦の 政府's $130billion 行う 補助金 計画/陰謀 passed 議会.?

The 上院 gave 法案s to 設立する the JobKeeper program 是認 on Wednesday night, 覆うing the way for up to six million 従業員s to receive the cash.??

商売/仕事s will be given the money to pass on to 労働者s as the 政府 猛烈に tries to save millions of 職業s during the coronavirus pandemic.

総理大臣 Scott Morrison said the 計画/陰謀 was the biggest 経済的な lifeline in the nation's history.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison reacts with Treasurer Josh Frydenberg after the coronavirus Economic Response Bill was presented in the House of Representatives

総理大臣 Scott Morrison 反応するs with Treasurer Josh Frydenberg after the coronavirus 経済的な 返答 法案 was 現在のd in the 衆議院

'Today is about defending and 保護するing Australia's 国家の 主権,独立,' he told 議会.

More than 730,000 商売/仕事s have 登録(する)d for the program since it was 発表するd last week.??

All 十分な-time and part-time 労働者s will be covered, along with casuals that have at least one-year link to their company.

単独の 仲買人s and New Zealanders on 444 working ビザs are also 含むd.??

Labor and the Greens argued for changes to the 計画/陰謀 to 含む more casuals and migrants on 一時的な work ビザs, arguing more than one million people in each cohort would be 除外するd.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison (pictured in parliament on Wednesday) said the scheme was the biggest economic lifeline in the nation's history

総理大臣 Scott Morrison (pictured in 議会 on Wednesday) said the 計画/陰謀 was the biggest 経済的な lifeline in the nation's history

'Many 貧困の Australians will 行方不明になる out,' 対立 Leader Anthony Albanese told the lower house.

But the 政府 拒絶するd the 押し進める, 主張するing a line had to be drawn somewhere.

Labor's lower house 改正s failed, with the coalitio n 持つ/拘留するing 会社/堅い against broadening JobKeeper.

Many who are not 適格の for JobKeeper can 潜在的に 接近 $1100 a fortnight in 施し物 支払い(額)s, which have been 一時的に 二塁打d during the 危機.

Jobkeeper 一括 passes 議会: What you need to know?


- 商売/仕事s will receive $1500 every fortnight for all 従業員s over six months.

- 雇用者s will be 合法的に obligated to pass the money on to their 労働者s.

- The 税金 office will 治める the 支払い(額)s, which are 価値(がある) $130 billion.

- The 計画/陰謀 is designed to 持続する links between bosses and 労働者s during the coronavirus pandemic.

- An 概算の six million 職業s could be saved.

- Changes to the Fair Work 行為/法令/行動する will 許す 雇用者s to 減ずる people's 支払う/賃金 to $1500 a fortnight, 供給するd hours are adjusted accordingly.

- The Fair Work (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 will be able to 解決する 論争s.


- All 十分な-time and part-time 従業員s, along with casuals with a one-year link to their 雇用者.

- 単独の 仲買人s and New Zealanders on 444 working ビザs are also 含むd.

- 商売/仕事s with at least a 30 per cent 攻撃する,衝突する to turnover because of coronavirus.

- If a company's turnover is more than $1 billion, a 50 per cent 下降 is 要求するd.

- Charities with a 15 per cent 減少(する) in turnover will be 含むd.

- 労働者s who 普通は earn いっそう少なく than $1500 a fortnight will still receive the 十分な 補助金.


- A 規模d-負かす/撃墜する group of MPs and 上院議員s 支援するd the JobKeeper 計画/陰謀, with a 一連の 法案s passing both 議会s of 議会 on Wednesday

- Labor tried to change the 一括 to 含む 一時的な migrant 労働者s and casuals not covered

- But the 改正s failed in the lower house, 誘発するing Labor to 受託する the 法案s as they were 現在のd

- Greens and Centre 同盟 centre tried to make changes to help charities, migrants and casuals but Labor 投票(する)d against them after 約束ing not to create a 行き詰まる


大蔵大臣 Mathias Cormann said the 政府's 経済的な 対策 were 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の in 規模 and size.

'The JobKeeper 一括 is one piece of the 橋(渡しをする) we are building together to the other 味方する of this 危機,' he told 上院議員s.????

Labor 勧めるd Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and Social Services 大臣 Anne Ruston to use their 力/強力にするs to adjust 行う 補助金 and 福利事業 支払い(額)s to help migrants and casuals.

'With the 一打/打撃 of a pen, treasurer Frydenberg can 直す/買収する,八百長をする 問題/発行するs with JobKeeper, and 大臣 Ruston can 直す/買収する,八百長をする 問題/発行するs with JobSeeker,' 対立 上院 leader Penny Wong said.

The 政府 also rebuffed calls to 含む 会議 労働者s in the 行う 補助金s, arguing they were a 明言する/公表する 責任/義務.

Under late changes to the 法案 agreed between unions and the 政府, 労働者s who have their hours 削減(する) will be able to request time to work a second 職業.

The Fair Work (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 will be able 支配する on 労働者 論争s with 雇用者 behaviour 含むing stand-負かす/撃墜する periods and changes to people's work 場所 or 義務s.

労働者s can agree to change their days, while bosses could also ask for 年次の leave to be taken, 供給するd 従業員s have two weeks left over.

People are seen lining up at Centrelink in Flemington on March 23, as thousands of Australians struggle to pay the bills during the coronavirus pandemic

People are seen lining up at Centrelink in Flemington on March 23, as thousands of Australians struggle to 支払う/賃金 the 法案s during the coronavirus pandemic

Tape is seen cordoning off the dining section of a chicken shop in Sydney after it closed down due to coronavirus social distancing policies

Tape is seen 非常線,警戒線ing off the dining section of a chicken shop in Sydney after it の近くにd 負かす/撃墜する 予定 to coronavirus social distancing 政策s

Companies across Australia, even those doing 比較して 井戸/弁護士席 and not 適格の for JobKeeper, can also request their staff take 支払う/賃金 削減(する)s.


Under changes to the Fair Work 行為/法令/行動する, 商売/仕事s which are 適格の for JobKeeper can make a number of changes to 労働者s' 職業s:

  • Hours can be 削除するd 負かす/撃墜する so that you only earn $1,500-a-fortnight
  • Rostas can be changed
  • 場所s of work can be moved - but to a 'reasonable' 場所
  • You can be asked to do different 役割s and 仕事s - 供給するd they are '安全な and suitable'?
  • You can take a second 職業 to tide you over if you lose money
  • Bosses can ask you take 年次の leave
  • Your 転換 patterns and days of work can also be changed

While the 法律制定 供給するs $1,500 for each 従業員 a fortnight, which must be passed on to staff, this is still いっそう少なく than some staff will usually earn.

Changes to the 支配するs mean that if 商売/仕事s 苦しむ a loss of 収入s, they are 許すd to 減ずる staff hours so they earn only the $1,500 a fortnight.?

But they are not 許すd to 減ずる their 正規の/正選手 率 of hourly 支払う/賃金 - meaning no one will be working their usual 職業 but for いっそう少なく money.?

It 許すs always 雇用者s to 交渉する changes to work 場所s of staff within 'reasonable' perimeters.

This means that if a person 作品 in Sydney, their boss cannot move their 職業 to Brisbane, but could move it どこかよそで in the harbour city.?

広範囲にわたる changes to the 現在の fair working 支配するs also leave 従業員s unable to 辞退する changes to their normal days of work.

They are also unable to 辞退する requests to take 年次の leave during the 危機, though they are 許すd to keep a 最小限 of two weeks.?

As for changes of 職業 役割s, the new work has to be suitable for the staff member's 技術s.?

For example, a restaurant owner could ask a waiter to help with 配達/演説/出産 runs if they are able to 運動, but could not ask them to go and work on a farm.??

によれば an Australian Bureau of 統計(学) 報告(する)/憶測, half of 3,000 商売/仕事s 調査するd said they had made changes to their workplace because of COVID-19.

The 上院 gave 法案s to 設立する the JobKeeper program 是認 on Wednesday night, 覆うing the way for up to six million 従業員s to receive the cash.

Sydney's CBD has been a ghost town since the nation effectively went in to lockdown in March

Sydney's CBD has been a ghost town since the nation 効果的に went in to lockdown in March

商売/仕事s will be given the money to pass on to 労働者s as the 政府 猛烈に tries to save millions of 職業s during the coronavirus pandemic.

総理大臣 Scott Morrison said the 計画/陰謀 was the biggest 経済的な lifeline in the nation's history.

'Today is about defending and 保護するing Australia's 国家の 主権,独立,' he told 議会.

More than 730,000 商売/仕事s have 登録(する)d for the program since it was 発表するd last week.

会社/堅いs will be 適格の if they can 論証する a 30 per cent ウイルス-関係のある turnover 攻撃する,衝突する, with the threshold 始める,決める at 50 per cent for companies turning over $1 billion.?????

MPs WON'T take a 支払う/賃金 削減(する) while millions of Australians are made redundant or have their salaries 削除するd - 'because they're working really hard'?

By Stephen Johnson

?大蔵大臣 Mathias Cormann has 主張するd Australia's 227 連邦の MPs won't be taking a 支払う/賃金 削減(する) as millions of Australians lost their 職業s.

Members of 議会 already receive a base salary of $211,250, before travel and 選挙民 entitlements are factored in.

総理大臣 Scott Morrison is paid $549,250 while Treasurer Josh Frydenberg gets $396,094 to を取り引きする coronavirus?- the worst health and 経済的な 危機 to 攻撃する,衝突する the world in 100 years.

私的な 部門 労働者s across Australia are 存在 stood 負かす/撃墜する as pubs, clubs, dine-in restaurants, gyms and cinemas are の近くにd 負かす/撃墜する in a 企て,努力,提案 to 取り組む the spread of COVID-19.?

Others who have kept their 職業s are 存在 asked to take a 支払う/賃金 削減(する) as 経済学者s worry about 失業 殺到するing to levels unheard of in Australia since the 1930s 広大な/多数の/重要な 不景気.

にもかかわらず that 上院議員 Cormann, who earns $396,094 a year as a 自由主義の 閣僚 大臣 and Leader of the 政府 in the 上院, 主張するd 連邦の MPs would not be asked to 受託する a 行う 削減.

'権利 now 政治家,政治屋s are probably working harder than they ever have,' he told ABC 無線で通信する today.

'This is the most 激しい period in my working life that I am going through, and I think it's the same for most if not all of my 同僚s.'

上院議員 Cormann has asked the Remuneration 法廷, which 始める,決めるs the salaries of MPs and 裁判官s, to instead 凍結する the salaries of 連邦の 政治家,政治屋s.

In March 2019, the 49-year-old ベルギー-born 閣僚 大臣 示唆するd 不振の 給料 growth was a good thing, even though Australian 支払う/賃金 levels had been subdued for more than five years.?

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann (pictured with wife Hayley) has insisted Australia's 227 federal MPs won't be taking a pay cut as millions of Australians lose their jobs. Members of Parliament already receive a base salary of $211,250, before travel and electorate entitlements are factored in. He is paid $396,094 a year

大蔵大臣 Mathias Cormann (pictured with wife Hayley) has 主張するd Australia's 227 連邦の MPs won't be taking a 支払う/賃金 削減(する) as millions of Australians lose their 職業s. Members of 議会 already receive a base salary of $211,250, before travel and 選挙民 entitlements are factored in. He is paid $396,094 a year

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