Piers Morgan 問題/発行するs 最終提案 to Boris Johnson by telling him to 解雇(する) Dominic Cummings TODAY or he will 'みなす lockdown over' and visit his parents for the first time in 12 weeks

  • The Good Morning Britain 星/主役にする 問題/発行するd the 最終提案 to the PM on Twitter?
  • Mr Cummings stands (刑事)被告 of breaking 政府 支配するs by travelling hundreds of miles to his parents home in Durham
  • 負かす/撃墜するing Street has defended the 48-year-old 最高の,を越す 補佐官 and said he didn't break 指導基準s
  • The 声明 said: 'Mr Cummings believes he behaved reasonably and 合法的に'?

Piers Morgan has 問題/発行するd an angry 最終提案?to Boris Johnson over (人命などを)奪う,主張するs his 長,指導者 補佐官?Dominic Cummings?broke lockdown 支配するs by visiting his parents.???

'If Boris doesn’t 解雇する/砲火/射撃 Cummings today, then I will みなす the Lockdown over & 運動 負かす/撃墜する to see my parents (from a 2m distance) for the first time in 12 weeks. I’m not having one 支配する for these clowns & another for the 残り/休憩(する) of us,' The Good Morning Britain 星/主役にする 地位,任命するd on Twitter.?

Mr Cummings stands (刑事)被告 of breaking 政府 支配するs by travelling hundreds of miles to his parents’ home in Durham from his home in London while he and his wife were said to be 孤立するing because of coronavirus?symptoms.?

This morning Mr Cummings told reporters his visit was about 'doing the 権利 thing', after Number 10 said he 行為/法令/行動するd 'reasonably and 合法的に' at the time.

Piers Morgan has issued an angry ultimatum on Twitter to Boris Johnson over claims his chief aide, Dominic Cummings, broke lockdown rules by visiting his parents

Piers Morgan has 問題/発行するd an angry 最終提案 on Twitter to Boris Johnson over (人命などを)奪う,主張するs his 長,指導者 補佐官, Dominic Cummings, broke lockdown 支配するs by visiting his parents

'I?m not having one rule for these clowns & another for the rest of us,' The Good Morning Britain star posted on Twitter

'I’m not having one 支配する for these clowns & another for the 残り/休憩(する) of us,' The Good Morning Britain 星/主役にする 地位,任命するd on Twitter

Mr Morgan's 最終提案 問題/発行するd to Number 10 on Saturday (機の)カム as 負かす/撃墜するing Street defended the 48-year-old spin doctor.??

In a 一連の Tweets, Piers Morgan replied to members of the 政府 who were standing behind Mr Cummings.

'Oh please. Cummings brazenly broke the 支配するs YOUR Govt - advised by HIM - 施行するd on everyone else,' he said in 返答 to a tweet by Michael Gove that read: 'Caring for your wife and child is not a 罪,犯罪.'

Along with support from 閣僚 大臣 Michael Gove, Foreign 長官 Dominic Raab and (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Rishi Sunak also 申し込む/申し出d 支援 to Mr Cummings.

Rabb wrote on Twitter: 'It’s reasonable and fair to ask for an explanation on this. And it has been 供給するd: two parents with Coronavirus, were anxiously taking care of their young child. Those now 捜し出すing to politicise it should take a long hard look in the mirror. '

To which Mr Morgan wrote: 'Sorry? The No10 声明 says Cummings didn't have the ウイルス when he did this, and his wife was only '嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd' of having the ウイルス - in which 事例/患者 she should have stayed at home & self-孤立するd によれば your Govt 支配するs.'??

Dominic Cummings (pictured this morning outside his London home) s
tands accused of breaking Government rules by travelling hundreds of miles to his parents home in Durham

Dominic Cummings (pictured this morning outside his London home) stands (刑事)被告 of breaking 政府 支配するs by travelling hundreds of miles to his parents home in Durham

In a defiant statement this morning, a No. 10 spokesman said he had not broken any guidelines with the 264-mile trip. (Boris Johnson pictured outside Number 10, Downing Street applauding carers in what's known as 'The Clap For Our Carers' on May 21)

In a 反抗的な 声明 this morning, a No. 10 広報担当者 said he had not broken any 指導基準s with the 264-mile trip. (Bo ris Johnson pictured outside Number 10, 負かす/撃墜するing Street applauding carers in what's known as 'The Clap For Our Carers' on May 21)

The 無所属の政治家 No10 長,指導者 travelled with his wife and son from London to his parents' Durham farm in March to self-孤立する with coronavirus symptoms, にもかかわらず the 政府's own 制限s banning 非,不,無-必須の 旅行s.

He was spotted by a 証言,証人/目撃する at the gate of the 所有物/資産/財産, with Abba's Dancing Queen playing loudly.

Timeline of Cummings' lockdown 列/漕ぐ/騒動?

March 23: As the coronavirus 危機 増大するs, the UK is placed into lockdown with strict 制限s on travel.

The 政府 指導基準s 明言する/公表する: 'You should not be visiting family members who do not live in your home.'

Those in a 世帯 with symptoms must 'stay at home and not leave the house' for up to 14 days.?

March 27: Both Boris Johnson and Health 長官 Matt Hancock 実験(する) 肯定的な for coronavirus, while 長,指導者 医療の officer Chris Whitty says he has symptoms of the 病気 and is self-孤立するing.

March 30: 負かす/撃墜するing Street 確認するs Mr Cummings is 苦しむing from coronavirus symptoms and is self-孤立するing.

March 31: Durham police are 'made aware of 報告(する)/憶測s that an individual had travelled from London to Durham and was 現在の at an 演説(する)/住所 in the city'.

The 軍隊 said officers 'made 接触する with the owners of that 演説(する)/住所 who 確認するd that the individual in question was 現在の and was self-孤立するing in part of the house.

'In line with 国家の policing 指導/手引, officers explained to the family the 手はず/準備 around self-孤立/分離 指導基準s and 繰り返し言うd the appropriate advice around 必須の travel.'

April 5: An 無名の 隣人 tells the Mirror and the 後見人 Mr Cummings was seen in his parents' garden .

'I got the shock of my life as I looked over to the gates and saw him,' they said.?

March 30 - April 6: The period Mr Cummings' wife Mary Wakefield 述べるs the family's 戦う/戦い with coronavirus in the April 25 問題/発行する of the 観客.

She makes no について言及する of the trip to Durham and 述べるs the challenges of caring for their son while 苦しむing the symptoms of Covid-19.

She says their small son nursed Mr Cummings with Ribena.?

April 14: Mr Cummings returns to work for the first time since news he was 苦しむing from Coronavirus 現れるd.

Questions are raised about his 固守 to social distancing advice as he is photographed walking 負かす/撃墜する 負かす/撃墜するing Street with fellow 補佐官 Cleo Watson.

May 22: News breaks in the Mirror and the 後見人 of Mr Cummings' trip to Durham.

May 23: 負かす/撃墜するing Street stands by the PM's 長,指導者 補佐官, 説 in a 声明: '借りがあるing to his wife 存在 感染させるd with 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd coronavirus and the high 見込み that he would himself become unwell, it was 必須の for Dominic Cummings to 確実にする his young child could be 適切に cared for. '??


But in a 反抗的な 声明 this morning, a No. 10 広報担当者 said he had not broken any 指導基準s with the 264-mile trip.

'借りがあるing to his wife 存在 感染させるd with 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd Coronavirus and the high 見込み that he would himself become unwell, it was 必須の for Dominic Cummings to 確実にする his young child could be 適切に cared for,' the 広報担当者 said.

'His sister and nieces had volunteered to help so he went to a house 近づく to but separate from his 延長するd family in 事例/患者 their help was needed.

His sister shopped for the family and left everything outside.

Although Durham police has 確認するd the family was given advice on lockdown 支配するs, the 声明 追加するd: 'At no 行う/開催する/段階 was he or his family spoken to by the police about this 事柄, as is 存在 報告(する)/憶測d.?

'His 活動/戦闘s were in line with coronavirus 指導基準s. Mr Cummings believes he behaved reasonably and 合法的に.'?

同盟(する)s pointed to a comment from 副 長,指導者 医療の officer Jenny Harries on March 24, when she was asked what parents should do if both 落ちる ill. 'A small child is 攻撃を受けやすい. If adults cannot look after the child, that is an exceptional circumstance,' Dr Harries said.

However, the 政府 指導/手引 said that those self-孤立するing 'must stay at home and not leave the house', 同様に as 'staying away' from 攻撃を受けやすい 年輩の people.?

In an account of their ordeal published last month, Mr Cummings' 新聞記者/雑誌記者 wife Mary Wakefield also 述べるd how he was nursed by their small son with Ribena - 示唆するing he stayed with them throughout.?

The PM's 公式の/役人 広報担当者 told reporters at the time that Mr Cummings was 孤立するing 'at home'.

The bombshell 発覚s 誘発するd 告訴,告発s of hypocrisy with Mr Cummings' position branded 'untenable', and 調印するs of disquiet の中で Tory MPs.

A 労働 Party 広報担当者 said: 'The lockdown 支配するs were very (疑いを)晴らす: if you or anyone in your 世帯 was 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd of having Covid-19 you must すぐに self-孤立する and not leave the house. However, the 総理大臣's 長,指導者 助言者 appears to believe that it is one 支配する for him and another for the British people.

'This will 原因(となる) 理解できる 怒り/怒る for the millions of people who have sacrificed so much during this 危機.

'We are still 不明瞭な who knew about this 決定/判定勝ち(する) and when, whether this was 許可/制裁d by the 総理大臣 and whether Number 10 is now 尋問 the 有効性,効力 of the 声明 from Durham Police.'

SNP Westminster Leader Ian Blackford told BBC 無線で通信する 4's Today that there seemed to have been a 'cover up' and Mr Cummings 'should have gone by now'.??

But sources の近くに to Mr Cummings (人命などを)奪う,主張するd there is '無 chance' of him 辞職するing.

A の近くに friend of Mr Cummings said 夜通し: 'He isn't remotely bothered by this story, it's more 偽の news from the 後見人.?

High-profile 辞職s of architects of the lockdown who 侮辱する/軽蔑するd 支配するs, such as Prof Neil Fergurson and Scotland 長,指導者 医療の officer Catherine Calderwood, have 覆うd a precedent for Mr Cummings to やめる.

In a series of Tweets, Piers Morgan replied to members of the government who were standing behind Mr Cummings

In a 一連の Tweets, Piers Morgan replied to members of the 政府 who were standing behind Mr Cummings

Mr Morgan also hit back at Dominic Rabb on Twitter who said Cummings and his wife 'were anxiously taking care of their young child'

Mr Morgan also 攻撃する,衝突する 支援する at Dominic Rabb on Twitter who said Cummings and his wife 'were anxiously taking care of their young child'


From 投票(する) Leave to Team Boris: The rise of Dominic Cummings, the political 無所属の政治家 (刑事)被告 of breaking lockdown 支配するs

総理大臣 Boris Johnson's 上級の 補佐官 Dominic Cummings has 恐らく been caught breaking lockdown 支配するs by visiting his parents' home in Durham while he was 回復するing from Covid-19.

Mr Cummings rose to notoriety in politics, first as an 助言者 to Michael Gove and then as (選挙などの)運動をする director at the 公式の/役人 Brexit group 投票(する) Leave.

He was portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch in a Channel 4 演劇 about the Brexit (選挙などの)運動をする, which played up his 役割 in covering a red bus with the 論争d £350 million a week 人物/姿/数字, arguing the cash could be used to 基金 the NHS.

Mr Cummings, a hate 人物/姿/数字 for many プロの/賛成の-EU 政治家,政治屋s, said the £350 million/NHS argument was 'necessary to 勝利,勝つ' the (選挙などの)運動をする.

Mr Johnson appointed Mr Cummings to his top team as senior adviser at Number 10 when he became Prime Minister in the summer of 2019

Mr Johnson 任命するd Mr Cummings to his 最高の,を越す team as 上級の 助言者 at Number 10 when he became 総理大臣 in the summer of 2019

Mr Johnson 任命するd Mr Cummings to his 最高の,を越す team as 上級の 助言者 at Number 10 when he became 総理大臣 in the summer of 2019.

The 任命 of the abrasive former (選挙などの)運動をする director was 議論の的になる, given he was 設立する to be in contempt of 議会 earlier in the year for 辞退するing to give 証拠 to MPs 調査/捜査するing misinformation.

Mr Cummings has built a 評判 as someone who does not play by the 支配するs of 従来の politics.

He was once called a 'career psychopath' by former 首相 David Cameron, によれば 広範囲にわたって 報告(する)/憶測d 発言/述べるs.

But Mr Cummings is no stranger to an 侮辱 either, 述べるing David Davis, then the Brexit 長官, as '厚い as mince, lazy as a toad and vain as Narcissus' in July 2017.

Mr Cummings rose to notoriety in politics, first as an adviser to Michael Gove and then as campaign director at the official Brexit group Vote Leave

Mr Cummings rose to notoriety in politics, first as an 助言者 to Michael Gove and then as (選挙などの)運動をする director at the 公式の/役人 Brexit group 投票(する) Leave?

The December 2019 選挙 victory gave Mr Johnson the political 資本/首都 he needed to take bold 決定/判定勝ち(する)s - and Mr Cummings soon 始める,決める to work on his goal of reshaping Whitehall, 問題/発行するing a 新規採用 call for data scientists, 経済学者s and 'weirdos and misfits with 半端物 技術s' to shake up the Civil Service.

In April, it was 明らかにする/漏らすd Mr Cummings has also been 現在の at 会合s co-ordinating the 返答 to the coronavirus pandemic as part of the 科学の (a)忠告の/(n)警報 Group for 緊急s (下落する).

This raised 関心s over a 欠如(する) of breadth in 専門的知識 of the 会合s and political 干渉,妨害 in science-based advice.

Mr Cummings had 以前 been 観察するd failing to follow the two-metre social distancing 支配するs as he walked along 負かす/撃墜するing Street 側面に位置するd by fellow 補佐官 Cleo Watson on April 14.??

Who are the other high-profile 人物/姿/数字s (刑事)被告 of breaking the lockdown?

Neil Ferguson
Antonia Staats
Dr Catherine Calderwood
Stephen Kinnock

Professor Neil Ferguson (left) やめる SAGE after 会合 his 'lover' Antonia Staats (second left) at his home; Scotland 長,指導者 医療の officer Dr Catherine Calderwood (second from 権利) 辞職するd?after twice breaking lockdown 制限s ーするために visit her second home; 労働 MP Stephen? Kinnock (権利) was 公然と shamed by police after travelling to London to celebrate his father's birthday

Professor Neil Ferguson

The scientist, whose 研究 helped 勧める in the lockdown, 辞職するd from his 役割 as a 重要な 政府 助言者 after admitting that he had 土台を崩すd social distancing 支配するs by 報道によれば 会合 his 'lover' Antonia Staats at his home.

Scotland Yard criticised his behaviour as 'plainly disappointing' but 支配するd out 問題/発行するing a 罰金 because he 'has taken 責任/義務' after 辞職するing as a 重要な 政府 助言者 in the coronavirus 返答.

Dr Catherine Calderwood

Scotland's 長,指導者 医療の officer 辞職するd in April after twice breaking lockdown 制限s ーするために visit her second home, which was 位置を示すd more than an hour away from her main 住居 in Edinburgh.

にもかかわらず Scottish First 大臣 Nicola Sturgeon 支援 Dr Calderwood to remain in her position, she 最終的に decided to 放棄する her 役割 so as not to be a 'distraction' from the 政府's social-distancing message.

Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick

住宅 長官 Robert Jenrick

Robert Jenrick

The 住宅, Communities and 地元の 政府 長官 was 軍隊d to explain himself after travelling more than an hour to visit his parents にもかかわらず 警告 people to remain at home.

Mr Jenrick was also criticised for travelling 150 miles from his London 所有物/資産/財産 to his Herefordshire home from where he travelled to his parents in Shropshire.

However, he defended his 活動/戦闘s, 説 he went to 配達する food and 薬/医学 to his 孤立するing parents.

Stephen Kinnock

The MP for Aberavon in South むちの跡s was 公然と shamed by police after travelling to London to celebrate his father's birthday.

After Mr Kinnock 地位,任命するd a photo on Twitter of himself practising social distancing with his parents outside their home, South むちの跡s Police replied: 'We know celebrating your Dad's birthday is a lovely thing to do, however this is not 必須の travel. We all have our part to play in this, we 勧める you to 従う with (lockdown) 制限s, they are in place to keep us all 安全な. Thank you.'

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