EXCLUSIVE: 'The girls couldn't be 黒人/ボイコット.' Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell ordered 犠牲者 Virginia Giuffre to 新採用する young, white girls and if they weren't 'they had to be exotically beautiful,' unsealed docs 明らかにする/漏らす

  • A trove of 法廷,裁判所 文書s were unsealed Thursday and 含む?a transcript of a three-way call between Virginia Giuffre and her lawyers?
  • In the call she 詳細(に述べる)d that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell 特に told her to 新採用する young girl for sex but they 'couldn't be 黒人/ボイコット'?
  • '[The girls] couldn't be 黒人/ボイコット,' Giuffre said. 'If they were any other 降下/家系 other than white, they had to be exotically beautiful. That was just about it'?
  • She said that both Maxwell and Epstein gave the orders and said 'Jeffrey asked most girls to bring a friend and make extra money'?
  • Giuffre went on to 述べる the 乱すing 詳細(に述べる) of her first 性の 遭遇(する) with Epstein and Maxwell at his Florida mansion
  • A 判決,裁定 by the US 法廷,裁判所 of 控訴,上告s last year led to the 解放(する) of over 2,000 以前 調印(する)d 文書s in Giuffre's defamation 訴訟 against Maxwell?

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell told one of their 犠牲者s that the girls they 手配中の,お尋ね者 for sex 'couldn't be 黒人/ボイコット', newly 解放(する)d 法廷,裁判所 文書s (人命などを)奪う,主張する.

The late 億万長者 pedophile and his 申し立てられた/疑わしい madam told Virginia Giuffre they didn't want 黒人/ボイコット girls for their sex massages, によれば a 2011 taped conversation between Giuffre and her lawyers.

A transcript of the three-way phone call was 解放(する)d last night まっただ中に a slew of newly-unsealed 法廷,裁判所 文書s from Giuffre's 2015 訴訟 against Maxwell ? after a failed 'eleventh hour' 試みる/企てる by the 申し立てられた/疑わしい madam to keep the とじ込み/提出するs secret.

The transcript shows Giuffre speaking to her lawyer Brad Edwards and a third 弁護士/代理人/検事 Jack Scarola, 詳細(に述べる)ing her 主張s of how Maxwell and Epstein had her 新採用する other girls to pimp out to rich and powerful men.

'What 指示/教授/教育s were you given about what to look for?' Scarola asked Giuffre in the 2011 conversation. 'Young, pretty, you know, a fun personality. They couldn't be 黒人/ボイコット,' Giuffre replied. 'If they were any other 降下/家系 other than white, they had to be exotically beautiful. That was just about it.'

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell told victim Virginia Giuffre that the girls they wanted for sex 'couldn't be black', newly released court documents claim

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell told 犠牲者 Virginia Giuffre that the girls they 手配中の,お尋ね者 for sex 'couldn't be 黒人/ボイコット', newly 解放(する)d 法廷,裁判所 文書s (人命などを)奪う,主張する

The women will be able to put in their claim for a stake in his fortune on June 15 when the program is set up

The trove of 法廷,裁判所 文書s were unsealed Thursday and 含む a transcript of a three-way call between Virginia Roberts and her lawyers?

When asked who gave her those 基準, the 申し立てられた/疑わしい former sex slave said 'They both g ave us the 指示/教授/教育s, and it wasn't just me, Jeffrey asked most girls to bring a friend and make extra money.'

Though many of the 文書s 解放(する)d Thursday night 含む/封じ込める (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that have already been 報告(する)/憶測d in the shocking, years-long 事例/患者, the 2011 transcript has never been published before.

Giuffre 述べるd to her 弁護士/代理人/検事 Edwards and Scarola, who has been 伴う/関わるd in the 事例/患者s of seven 申し立てられた/疑わしい 犠牲者s of the 億万長者 pedophile, the 乱すing 詳細(に述べる) of her first 性の 遭遇(する) with Epstein and Maxwell at his Florida mansion, after the 申し立てられた/疑わしい madam 新採用するd her while she worked at Donald Trump's 損なう-a-Lago club nearby.

'I was introduced to Jeffrey, he was laying naked on 最高の,を越す of the massage (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, and 明白に for one, I'm a 15 year old girl and seeing him on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する was weird but, also learning about anatomy and massage, I thought this would be part of it,' Giuffre (人命などを)奪う,主張するd in the phone call.

She said that after 40 minutes Epstein rolled over exposing himself, and Maxwell 教えるd her to take off her 損なう-a-Lago uniform.

'I was there with just my undies on, and she was 完全に 明らかにする, and made some 肉親,親類d of little flake about the underwear that I was wearing,' Giuffre told the 弁護士/代理人/検事s.

'I was 推定する/予想するd to lick his nipples, 教えるd on how to do so by J.E. and give him oral sex while he 手配中の,お尋ね者 to fondle me, and then at the end, I was told by Ghislaine to get on 最高の,を越す and またがる Jeffrey sexually.'

Giuffre told the lawyers that she was pimped out to at least eight of Epstein's male friends. Though she 辞退するd to 指名する them in the 2011 phone call, she famously later (人命などを)奪う,主張するd they 含むd the Queen's son Prince Andrew, Next 最高の,を越す Model scout ジーンズ-Luc Brunel, and Epstein's lawyer, Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz.

All the men have 否定するd any sex 乱用 or 悪事を働くこと.?

Annie Farmer spoke for both sisters on Tuesday
Sarah Ransome, a South African native who says she was abused by Epstein in her early 20s

Epstein 犠牲者s who appeared in 法廷,裁判所 last August all appear to be white. Sarah 身代金 (権利) a South African native who says she was 乱用d by Epstein in her 早期に 20s, and Annie 農業者 (left) could get million's from the late pedophile's 広い地所

Jennifer Araoz (pictured) says Epstein's recruiters lured her when she was a teenager by approaching her outside her school

Jennifer Araoz (pictured) says Epstein's recruiters 誘惑するd her when she was a 十代の少年少女 by approaching her outside her school

The women will be able to put in their claim for a stake in his fortune on June 15 when the program is set up

Chauntae Davies is another one of Epstein's 犠牲者s, who fits in with Epstein and Maxwell's? 基準 申し立てられた/疑わしい by Virginia Roberts?

Giuffre did however 指名する several celebrities in the phone call who she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd traveled on Epstein's 私的な jet, 含むing former 大統領,/社長 法案 Clinton and 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 Al 血の塊/突き刺す, models Naomi Campbell and Heidi Klum, Simpsons 風刺漫画 creator Matt Groening and the granddaughter of documentarian and explorer Jack Cousteau.?

In the 文書s, Giuffre made six 言及/関連s to Clinton, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing he also visited Epstein's 私的な Caribbean island ? an 主張 that Clinton has 以前 否定するd.

'You know, I remember asking Jeffrey what's 法案 Clinton doing here 肉親,親類d of thing, and he laughed it off and said 井戸/弁護士席 he 借りがあるs me a 好意. He never told me what 好意s they were. I never knew. I didn't know if he was serious. It was just a joke,' she said.

'He told me a long time ago that everyone 借りがあるs him 好意s. They're all in each other's pockets.'

When asked where Clinton was, Giuffre told the 弁護士/代理人/検事s: 'On the island.'

She (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that Maxwell and two 'young girls' from New York were also on the island when Clinton visited with Epstein.

When lawyers asked if all of them were staying on the island '含むing 法案 Clinton', Giuffre replied: 'That's 訂正する. He had about 4 or 5 different 郊外住宅s on his island separate from the main house and we all stayed in the 郊外住宅s.'?

Also among the victims is Maria Farmer who alleges that Epstein sexually assaulted her in 1996 at his ranch in Ohio

Also の中で the 犠牲者s is Maria 農業者 who 主張するs that Epstein sexually 強襲,強姦d her in 1996 at his ranch in Ohio

In the documents, Giuffre made six references to Clinton, claiming he also visited Epstein's private Caribbean island ? an allegation that Clinton has previously denied

In the 文書s, Giuffre made six 言及/関連s to Clinton, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing he also visited Epstein's 私的な Caribbean island ? an 主張 that Clinton has 以前 否定するd?

The former 大統領,/社長 has 繰り返して 否定するd ever visiting Epstein's island in the?Caribbean. He has also always 持続するd he knew nothing of Epstein's 乱用 of young girls.?His 広報担当者 said on Friday that Clinton has 'never been to Little St. James Island'. He 追加するd: 'He'd not spoken to Epstein in 井戸/弁護士席 over a 10年間. 井戸/弁護士席 before his terrible 罪,犯罪s (機の)カム to light. ???

Roberts said 性の orgies were a 正規の/正選手 occurrence on the island at Epstein's house.?

In 新規加入 to Clinton, Roberts (人命などを)奪う,主張するd in the unsealed 証言 that she also 解任するd seeing former 副大統領 Al 血の塊/突き刺す, Naomi Campbell and Heidi Klum on Epstein's 私的な jet 指名するd 'Lolita 表明する'.? ?

'Just about anybody would 飛行機で行く on his 計画(する). There was never any 始める,決める 決まりきった仕事 who would come and would go. It was an influx of people on Jeffrey's airplane,' she said.

Roberts (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that orgies were a 'constant' feature of life on the pedophile's island and they also took place on the 計画(する).

'There would be 性の 行為/行う, there would be foreplay, there was a bed in there, so we could 基本的に reenact 正確に/まさに what was happening in the house,' she said.?

'It would start off with massaging or we would start off with foreplay, いつかs it would lead to, you know, orgies.'

A former 従業員 on Epstein's island told a Netflix 文書の earlier this year that he also saw Clinton around during trips with the pedophile.??

Clinton has 否定するd ever visiting Epstein's Caribbean island but has 認める 飛行機で行くing in Epstein's 私的な jet on four occasions.?

Steve Scully, a 70-year-old former 労働者 on the island, (人命などを)奪う,主張するs he saw Clinton sitting with the pedophile in the porch of the island's 郊外住宅.??

'This was a 嘘(をつく) the first time it w as told, and it isn't true today, no 事柄 how many times it's repeated,' Clinton's 広報担当者 said at the time.??

に引き続いて Epstein's 逮捕(する) in 2019, the 広報担当者 also said the former 大統領,/社長 had only taken four trips on the jet.?

'He's not spoken to Epstein in 井戸/弁護士席 over a 10年間, and has never been to Little St. James Island, Epstein's ranch in New Mexico, or his 住居 in Florida,' the 広報担当者 said.?

Also 含む/封じ込めるd within the 文書s is a deposition that Roberts gave to 捜査官/調査官s in which she (刑事)被告 Maxwell of having orgies with 15-year-old girls.?

Roberts told 捜査官/調査官s that girls were routinely flown in 経由で 私的な jet to 参加する in sex 開会/開廷/会期s that happened all over the island.?

Bill Clinton and Ghislaine Maxwell were once pictured together on billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's private plane back in the early 2000s.?The former president has repeatedly denied ever visiting Epstein's island in the Caribbean

法案 Clinton and Ghislaine Maxwell were once pictured together on 億万長者 pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's 私的な 計画(する) 支援する in the 早期に 2000s.?The former 大統領,/社長 has 繰り返して 否定するd ever visiting Epstein's island in the Caribbean

Asked to 述べる women she 本人自身で saw Maxwell have 性の 接触する with, she 答える/応じるd: 'There's so many, I don't know where you want me to start.'???

'There were blondes, there were brunettes, there were redheads. They were all beautiful girls. I would say the ages 範囲d between 15 and 21,' she 追加するd.

She 申し立てられた/疑わしい she saw Maxwell 参加するing in sex 開会/開廷/会期s with them by a pool, 近づく the beachfront, in small huts and in Epstein's cabana.??

At one point, Roberts was asked to 述べる a 明確な/細部 time she saw Maxwell engage in sex 行為/法令/行動するs, or orgies, with girls by the pool.?

'There was やめる a few girls and it was, excuse me if I'm 説 this in an in explicit way, but I don't know how else to say it... girl on girl 活動/戦闘. So there was a lot of - what's the word for it? Licking, licking vaginas, breasts. Fingers 存在 used. She was 伴う/関わるd with that.?

'I remember 特に... I had to go 負かす/撃墜する on Ghislaine. Jeffrey was there 同様に. We're still by the pool with lots of girls.'?

She said the girls, who she 述べるd as?'beautiful, tall, some were blonde, some were sandy brown', did not speak English and spoke?in a European language that Roberts guessed was ロシアの or Czech.?

Roberts also 述べるd one occasion that she said 'stands out' in which?'models were - I think they were models - were flown in. There were orgies held outside by the pool.'???

It is not (疑いを)晴らす if this is a separate time to when she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have 成し遂げるd a sex ac t on Maxwell.??

Maxwell's lawyers have long fought to keep the 文書s under 調印(する), (人命などを)奪う,主張するing they could 害(を与える) the 評判s of high-profile people.

The 調印(する) was 部分的に/不公平に 解除するd by a 裁判官 on Thursday に引き続いて Maxwell's 逮捕(する) on sex 罪,犯罪s 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s and 偽証 earlier this month.

A 判決,裁定 by the US 法廷,裁判所 of 控訴,上告s last year led to the 解放(する) of over 2,000 以前 調印(する)d 文書s in Giuffre's defamation 訴訟 against Maxwell.

A New York 連邦の 裁判官 is now deciding which その上の 文書s to 解放(する) in the 事例/患者, まっただ中に bitter 対立 from Maxwell and her 合法的な team.

に引き続いて the (武器などの)隠匿場所 published Thursday night, a 2016 deposition of the British former socialite is also 予定 to be 解放(する)d on Monday ? and is believed to 含む/封じ込める new, sordid 詳細(に述べる)s of the 申し立てられた/疑わしい madam's sex life.

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